Colin Palmer

Steven. Crazy on You

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had the other nipple in his fingers and he gently squeezed it at the same time as he nipped the other and was rewarded with “oh Christ” from her lips, in between moans. He plunged himself into her and began half thrusting, going deeper each time when she suddenly stiffened under him, her legs trying to come back together, impossible now with his body between them of course, and in fact, forcing him deeper again. Steven had been watching himself enter her, and now he looked up and saw her wide-eyed stare. The hand that had been holding her own knickers was now pushing at his hip, and the other that had been behind his head was now pushing his shoulder. Stevens’ rage was immediate and his twisted features frightened Kate so much that revulsion made her act.

      She started hitting him with both hands, around the shoulders at first just trying to snap him out of it but when he kept snarling unintelligible mutterings at her, she began using her nails, and when that was ineffective she went for his neck and face. He seemed to light up in a even greater rage and leaned forward with one fist directly onto her chin. Casual as his reaction appeared, the contact had enough force to make her head spin.

      Her hands dropped to her face and she covered her eyes and prepared to wait for him to finish. And Steven looked as if that was exactly what he was trying to do; he was still inside her and he pistoned into her so hard that she gasped as their bodies connected, the feeling inside her was thankfully numb to his presence. But she was wrong. As soon as she failed to react, Steven punched her again. This time she didn’t see it coming with her hands cowering over her face. The force clamped her mouth together and she almost severed her tongue with her own teeth. She stifled a scream with her hands and felt the warm blood rushing into her mouth. She began gagging as Steven connected once again, flush onto the point of her nose this time.

      And then he came. Kate was totally still, unconscious now, her legs languished outward from her body, her head lolled off to one side, blood streaming down onto the seat from the side of her mouth, as Steven rammed and felt himself pouring into her He arched his back and closed his eyes tightly. He pulled out of her while he was still coming, and slid up and over her body with his knees now pressing against her underarms. He splashed the last of his come against her bra, some also spurted as far as her chin, then he lowered his still pumping erection to rest between her breasts. He used his hands to press her breasts together so he could slip up and down in her cleavage, using her own sweat and semen for lubrication.

      “Why don’t you look now you cock sucking, prick teasing bitch” he hissed between clenched teeth.

      He raised one hand from her breast to backhand her, but his position unbalanced him and he was forced to elbow her hard into the side of her temple instead. Kate was now beyond caring. Kate had just experienced her first, and last, full act of sexual intercourse. Steven slapped her again, and then slumped over her still body, his face pressed against the side glass. When his breath returned, he grabbed the blanket and threw it over her still form, wiping himself on one corner of the blanket before pulling up his jeans and redressing himself. He grabbed the coke bottle and slumped into the drivers’ seat. After a bit of searching he let the seat back a little more and swung his legs under the steering wheel. He wound the window down slowly and removed the speaker but found he couldn’t reach the post to replace it.

      “Stupid fucking women drivers” he muttered to himself.

      He leaned out the window and plonked the speaker on top of the post. He started the car and drove out, back toward the city, only putting on the headlights once he’d reached the road proper.

      The music was loud, and there was a line at the door, Friday night was only second to Saturday as the busiest in the club scene. Steven glanced at his watch, and saw it was 15 minutes past midnight, so it was Saturday morning already. He got up to the door a couple of minutes later, where a doorman looked him up and down and appeared about to say something.

      “Abby told me I could get in like this, okay?” he spoke first, and the guy just nodded and lost all interest in him.

      Steven wended his way through the foyer where throngs of people were chatting loudly, or waiting at the cloakroom to deposit or pick up articles. Suddenly a hand grasped at his shoulder and Steven spun around and saw Abby and her dancing eyes.

      “I’d didn’t think you’d come” she said up close to his ear.

      Her breath was warm, and Steven nuzzled into her hair to reply.

      “I thought I’d rather be here with you than alone, sitting at the drive-in”.

      She nodded at him then grasped his hand. “C’mon” and she led him into the club. He looked her up and down under the flashing multicolored lights as she towed him through the crowd, obviously knowing where she was heading. Abby now wore a tight short dress with lots of tassels, that looked almost 1920's in design, but as her backside danced from side to side he thought it looked dammed good and certainly better than her sad drive-in uniform. That same backside now perched itself and its cute owner into a near empty booth at what must be the rear of the DJ box because the music, though still loud, was a little more muted. A couple were snogging heavily on the opposite side of the booth and oblivious to their presence.

      Steven saw a glimpse of white underwear as Abby swiveled her legs around and further into the booth. She pulled his hand, and he sat down heavily beside her, and with little encouragement, closer to her again. She cupped her hands to his ear.

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