Bindloss Harold

Delilah of the Snows

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"In fact, I'd have done almost anything sooner than have had this happen; though that doesn't matter now. There's a more important question – and it has to be faced."

      They looked at each other in silence for a second or two, and both their faces were very grim with the shadow of fear in them. They were young, and shrank from the contemplation of what it seemed had been done. The thing was horrible in itself, quite apart from the consequences, which promised to be disastrous.

      "You mean," said Leger very quietly, "is he dead?"

      Ingleby made a little gesture, and once more for almost a minute the heavy silence was intensified by the ticking of his watch and the sounds in the street below. Both of them listened intently, almost expecting to hear the tramp of heavy feet upon the stairway.

      "Heaven forbid!" said Ingleby, a trifle hoarsely. "Still, he looked horribly like it. There's just one thing of which I should like to be quite certain."

      "Of course!" and Leger met his comrade's gaze. "Suppose I told you I did it, would it separate us?"

      "No," said Ingleby. "You know that. It might have been I; and, anyway, we were both in the thing."

      "Then, as you supposed, the military man was mistaken. I had nothing in my hands, and never even reached him."

      Ingleby, in spite of his protestations, drew a deep breath of relief, but Leger, who appeared to be recovering now, smiled.

      "Well," he said, "you're satisfied, but it doesn't in the least affect the position. You see, the military gentleman appeared certain he saw me strike the blow, and I scarcely think my word would go very far against his with the usual kind of jury."

      "You know who did it?"

      Leger smiled curiously. "I do, but you ought to understand that the fact isn't of much use to me."

      "You mean?"

      "I could plead not guilty, but I couldn't point out the man responsible. You see, I induced him to join the Society, and gave him the American's pamphlets – I believe the more virulent ones. They seemed to make a strong impression on him. One can't well back out of his responsibility – especially when the adversary is always ready to make the most of the opportunity. Besides, the man has a family."

      Ingleby clenched one hand. "And you have Hetty."

      "Yes," said Leger with an impressive quietness. "And Hetty has only me. Still, one must do what he feels he has to."

      "But you can't leave Hetty – and what would happen to her if you were – "

      "If I were in jail?" and Leger's face went awry. "She would be turned out of her berth to a certainty. It didn't quite strike me until you put the thing before me. There's the lad's mother too. A little horrible, isn't it? How long does one usually get for manslaughter?"

      Again there was silence save for Ingleby's groan. Democratic aspirations were very well as subjects for discussion, but now that he was brought face to face with the results of attempting to realize them, they appalled him. He did not remember that usually very little worth the having can be obtained without somebody's getting hurt; and it would have afforded him no great consolation if he had remembered, since, for the time being, he had had quite enough of theories. Then he made a little abrupt gesture.

      "Tom," he said, "what dolts we are! The thing is perfectly simple. You have only to come out with me, and the fact that you've made a bolt of it will be quite enough to divert suspicion from the other man."

      "There is a difficulty. Steamboat fares cost money, and I'm not sure Hetty and I have five pounds in the treasury."

      Ingleby laughed almost light-heartedly. "I think I have enough to take us all out at the cheapest rates, and you must let me lend it to you, if only to prove that what you believe in isn't an impracticable fancy."

      Leger slowly straightened himself. "I don't want to be ungracious – but it's a difficult thing to do. The money's yours – and you'd have nothing left."

      Ingleby laid a hand on his shoulder, and gripped it hard. "Are you willing to see your sister cast adrift to save your confounded pride? The fact that she has a relative undergoing penal servitude isn't much of a recommendation to a girl who has to earn her bread. Besides, like a good many of us, you're not logical. You thought you had a claim on Esmond's property."

      There was a light step on the stairway, and he stopped suddenly. "There's Hetty," he said. "We'll leave it to her."

      The door swung open, and the girl came in gasping, with horror in her eyes.

      "Oh," she said, "its awful! They've come in with the wagonettes, and Harry told me. How did it happen?"

      "Sit down," said Ingleby gently. "Tom will explain."

      Leger did so concisely, and Hetty clenched the chair-arm hard as she listened to him. Still, young as she was, she held herself in hand, and sat very still, with the colour ebbing from her face.

      "What shall we do?" she said.

      "Ingleby has asked us to go out to Canada with him. He offers to lend us the money."

      The girl's face flushed suddenly, and she glanced at Ingleby, who appeared embarrassed.

      "How much will you have left if you do that?" she asked.

      "I don't know yet. Anyway, it doesn't matter. If you make any silly objections, Hetty, Tom will go to jail."

      The girl turned to her brother, with the crimson still in her cheek and her lips quivering, and it suddenly struck Ingleby that she was really remarkably pretty, though that appeared of no great moment just then.

      "That would happen, Tom?" she said.

      "Yes," said Leger quietly; "I believe it would."

      Hetty turned again, and looked at Ingleby with a curious intentness. "You are quite sure you want us?"

      Ingleby, moved by an impulse he did not understand, caught and held fast one of her hands. "Hetty," he said, "aren't we old friends? There is nobody I would sooner take with me, but we shall certainly quarrel if you ask me a question of that kind again."

      The girl's expression perplexed him, and with a sudden movement she drew her hand away. "Well," she said, "we will come. I would stay – only I know Tom would not go without me; but whatever happens we will pay you back the money."

      "I don't think you want to be unpleasant, Hetty," said Ingleby. "Anyway, you have only about an hour in which to get ready, because if we're not off by the next train it's quite likely that we shall not have the opportunity for going at all. Get what you want together, and meet us behind the booking office on the main line platform. Tom and I will take the back way to the station."

      Hetty turned and went out without a word, and Leger looked at his companion.

      "I don't think she meant to hurt you, but what she did mean exactly is a good deal more than I understand," he said.

      Ingleby made a little impatient gesture. "I don't suppose it matters. Girls seem to have curious fancies. In the meanwhile it might be as well if we made a start. I'll lend you a decent jacket, and, as you had a cap on, it would be advisable to take my straw hat. To carry out the same notion I'll slip on my one dark suit. They usually make a point of mentioning one's clothes."

      They were ready in about ten minutes, but when they had descended the long stairway Ingleby stopped in the dingy hall, and stood still a moment irresolute.

      "If it wasn't for the harpy downstairs we might get clear away before anybody was aware that we had gone," he said. "I can't leave her what I owe her either, for one never does seem to have change when he wants it. How much have you got on you?"

      "A handful of copper," said Leger, with a little grim smile.

      Ingleby appeared to reflect. "I could send her the few shillings from wherever we stop."

      "The Post Office people obligingly stamp every envelope with the name of the place it comes from. I don't think we want to leave a trail behind us."

      Ingleby stood still a moment longer with a flush in his face. "Nothing would stop that woman's talking – not even a gag. It's horribly unfortunate."
