Leslie Madeline

The Factory Boy

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you like to buy with it?"

      "A pair of shoes, sir."

      "Well, come on to the shoe-store."

      "Yes," said the lady, with a smile; "and while you are gone, I'll give Mrs. Talbot a lesson in closing the seams of the stockings."



      S they walked together toward the store, Mr. Miles became as much interested in his young companion as his wife could have wished. The child discovered so much intelligence, and had evidently been so well trained, that the superintendent fully agreed with Mrs. Miles, that it was a pity he should not have a chance to go to school.

      When they reached the store, the gentleman said, laughing, —

      "Show us your best goods, now; we want a pair of stout brogans, such as you can warrant will turn water."

      "For him?" asked the merchant, nodding his head toward Johnny.

      "Yes, for him. You see he needs them badly enough."

      "Boots would be better."

      "Ah, yes."

      Mr. Miles's eyes began to twinkle. He had a happy thought; and so he put Johnny's silver dollar, which he had been twirling by the string, into his vest pocket, and began to examine carefully one pair after another of the boots laid out for him on the counter.

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