Eckenstein Lina

Woman under Monasticism

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devil does not establish his kingdom in places consecrated to God,’ he wrote to Ecgberht, ‘that there be not discord instead of peace, strife instead of piety, drunkenness instead of sobriety, slaughter and fornication instead of charity and chastity385.’ Shortly afterwards he wrote to Cuthberht, archbishop of Canterbury (740-62), telling him of the statutes passed at the Synod of Soissons386, and severely censuring the conduct of the layman, ‘be he emperor, king or count, who snatches a monastery from bishop, abbot, or abbess.’

      These admonitions show that the position of the religious houses and that of their rulers depended directly on the temper of the reigning prince. In the correspondence there are several letters from abbesses addressed to Boniface bearing on this point, which give us a direct insight into the tone of mind of these women. Their Latin is cumbersome and faulty, and biblical quotations are introduced which do not seem always quite to the point. The writers ramble on without much regard to construction and style, and yet there is a genuine ring about their letters which makes the distress described seem very real.

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      The literature on this subject is daily accumulating. Among older authorities are Bachofen, Das Mutterrecht, 1861; Zmigrodski, Die Mutter bei den Völkern des arischen Stammes, 1886; Pearson, K., Ethic of Free Thought, 1888.


      Kriegk, G. L., Deutsches Bürgerthum im Mittelalter, 1868, ch. 12-15.


      Gregorius Tur., Hist. Eccles. 5, ch. 14, 16, 19.


      Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 78.


      Ibid. p. 881 ff.


      Wuttke, Deutscher Volksaberglaube, 1869, p. 141; Weinhold, K., Deutsche Frauen, 1882, vol. 1, p. 73.


      Rochholz, E. L., Drei Gaugöttinnen, 1870, p. 191.


      Menzel, Christliche Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Haar.’


      A. SS. Boll., St Gunthildis, Sept. 12.


      Bouquet, Recueil Hist., vol. 5, p. 690. Capitulare incerti anni, nr 6, ‘ut mulieres ad altare non ingrediantur.’


      Montalembert, Mon


The literature on this subject is daily accumulating. Among older authorities are Bachofen, Das Mutterrecht, 1861; Zmigrodski, Die Mutter bei den Völkern des arischen Stammes, 1886; Pearson, K., Ethic of Free Thought, 1888.


Kriegk, G. L., Deutsches Bürgerthum im Mittelalter, 1868, ch. 12-15.


Gregorius Tur., Hist. Eccles. 5, ch. 14, 16, 19.


Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 78.


Ibid. p. 881 ff.


Wuttke, Deutscher Volksaberglaube, 1869, p. 141; Weinhold, K., Deutsche Frauen, 1882, vol. 1, p. 73.


Rochholz, E. L., Drei Gaugöttinnen, 1870, p. 191.


Menzel, Christliche Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Haar.’


A. SS. Boll., St Gunthildis, Sept. 12.


Bouquet, Recueil Hist., vol. 5, p. 690. Capitulare incerti anni, nr 6, ‘ut mulieres ad altare non ingrediantur.’


Montalembert, Monks of the West, 1, p. 359.


Jameson, Legends of the Madonna, 1857, Introd. xix.


Rhys, J., Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom, 1888, p. 102.


Frantz, C., Versuch einer Geschichte des Marien und Annencultus, 1854, p. 54 ff.


Froissart, Chronicle, c. 162, in English translation; also Oberle, K. A., Ueberreste germ. Heidentums im Christentum, 1883, p. 153.


Menzel, Christ. Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Baum.’


Oberle, K. A., Ueberreste germ. Heidentums im Christentum, 1883, p. 144.


Menzel, Christl. Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Himmelfahrt.’


Ibid., article ‘Frauenberg’; also Oberle, K. A., Ueberreste germ. Heidentums im Christentum, 1883, p. 38.


Rochholz, Drei Gaugöttinnen, 1870, p. 81, calls it Walburg; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Traditions et légendes de la Belgique, 1870, p. 286, calls it Fro or Frigg.


Simrock, K., Handbuch der deutschen Mythologie, 1887, p. 379; also Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 257.


Comp. below, p. 35.


Bede, Ecclesiastical History, 1, ch. 30.


On English calendars, Piper, F., Kalendarien und Martyrologien der Angelsachsen, 1862; Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887.


Stadler und Heim, Vollständiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858-62, vol. 2, Einleitung.


For France, Guettée, Histoire de l’Église de France, 1847-55, vol. 1, p. 1; for England, Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, pp. 1 ff.; for Germany, Friedrich, Kirchengeschichte, 1867, vol. 1, pp. 86 ff.


Ducange, Glossarium: ‘coenobium.’


Dupuy, A., Histoire de S. Martin, 1852, p.