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Модель Нового американского университета

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ред. В.В. Радаев; пер. М.С. Добряковой и др. М.: РОССПЭН, 2004).


      Wilson A. Knowledge Power: Interdisciplinary Education for a Complex World. L.: Routledge, 2010. P. ix. Афоризм «ipsa scientia potestas est» (знание – само по себе сила) появляется в собрании сочинений Бэкона «Meditationes Sacrae» (1597).


      Wilson А. Knowledge Power. P. ix, 1.


      Frodeman R. Sustainable Knowledge: A Theory of Interdisciplinarity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. P. 62, 76, 82. Фроудман цитирует работы: JinhaA.E. Article 50 Million: An Estimate of the Number of Scholarly Articles in Existence // Learned Publishing. Vol. 23. P. 258–263; Bäuerlein M. et al. We Must Stop the Avalanche of Low Quality Research // Chronicle of Higher Education. 2010. June 13.


      Crow M.M. The Research University as Comprehensive Knowledge Enterprise: A Prototype for a New American University // University Research for Innovation / ed. by L.E. Weber, J.J. Duderstadt. L.: Economica, 2010; подобные же дискуссии об императиве служения обществу см.: Вок D. Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilities of the Modern University. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982; Duderstadt J.J. University for the Twenty-First Century…; Kitcher Ph. Science, Truth, and Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.


      Stokes D.E. Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1997; Kitcher Ph. Science, Truth, and Democracy.


      Stokes D.E. Pasteur’s Quadrant. P. 6–12, 58–89.


      Отрезвляющая оценка нашего уровня конкурентоспособности приводится в работе: Douglass J.A. The Waning of America’s Higher Education Advantage: International Competitors Are No Longer Number Two and Have Big Plans in the Global Economy. Berkeley: Center for Studies in Higher Education; University of California, 2006.


      <http://www.malegislature.gov/laws/constitution; http://www. harvard, е du/his tory>.


      Thomas Jefferson to William Charles Jarvis (September 28, 1820) в: Jefferson T. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson / ed. by P.L. Ford. N.Y.: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1892–1899. Vol. 10. P. 161; цит. no: Bowen W.G., Kurzweil M.A., Tobin E.A. Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005; Meacham J. Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. N.Y.: Random House, 2012. P. 469.


      Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia Commissioners, The Rock-fish Gap Report. 1818. August 4; The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Vol. 10. P. 244–245; см. цит.: Meacham J. Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. P. 469.


      Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey (January 6, 1816); цит. no: Bowen W.G. Kurzweil M.A., Tobin E.A. Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education. P. 3


      James Madison to W.T. Barry (August 4,1822). The Writings of James Madison/ed. by G. Hunt. N.Y.: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900–1910. Vol. 9. P. 103.


      Fogel DM. Introduction to Precipice or Crossroads: Where America’s Great Public Universities Stand and Where They Are Going Midway through Their Second Century / ed. by D.M. Fogel. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2012. P. xix-xx.


      Douglass J.A. The Conditions for Admission: Access, Equity, and the Social Contract of Public Universities. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007. P. 7–8.


      Castel A. The Founding Fathers and the Vision of a National University // History of Education Quarterly. 1974. Vol. 4. No. 4. P. 280–302.


      Goldin C, Katz L.F. The Race between Education and Technology. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008. P. 11–43.


      Menand L. College: The End of the Golden Age // New York Review of Books. 2001. October 18. Менанд ссылается на слова Р. Гейгера в работе: GeigerR. The Ten Generations of American Higher Education // Higher Education in the Twenty First Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges. 3rd ed. / ed. by Ph.G. Altbach, R.O. Berdahl, P.J. Gumport. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. P. 58–59.


      Gordon R.J. The Demise of U.S. Economic Growth: Restatement, Rebuttal, and Reflections: NBER Working Paper No. 19895. P. 10. <http://www.nber. org/papers/wl 9895 >.


      Oliff Ph. et al. Recent Deep State Higher Education Cuts May Harm Students and the Economy for Years to Come / Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Washington, DC, 2013. March. P. 1–3,4. Fig. 1. Подробнее об истории государственных недовложений в высшее образование см.: Heller D.E. State Support of Higher Education: Past, Present, and Future // Privatization and Public Universities / ed. by D.M. Priest, E.P. St. John. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006. P. 11–37; Hossler D. et al. State Funding for Higher Education: The Sisyphean Task// Journal of Higher Education. 1997. Vol. 68. No. 2. P. 160–190.


      Mitchell M., Palacios V., Leachman M. States Are Still Funding Higher Education below Pre-Recession Levels / Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Washington, DC, 2014. May. P. 1–3,4. Fig. 1.


      Snyder T.D., Dillow S.A. Digest of Education Statistics 2011. Table 279: Degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1869–1870 through 2019–2020. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics; Institute of Education Sciences; U.S. Department of Education, 2012; U.S. Department of Treasury with the U.S. Department of Education, “The Economics of Higher Education”. Washington, DC, 2012. December.


      Turner S.E. Going to College and Finishing College: Explaining Different Educational Outcomes // College Choices: The Economics of Where to Go, When to Go, and How to Pay For It / ed. by C.M. Hoxby. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004; Carnevale A.P., Strohl J. How Increasing College Access Is Increasing Inequality, and What to Do about It // Rewarding Strivers: Helping Low-Income