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Сэйбина хоть и редко, но вызывает необратимый паралич, и изменить государственную политику. Таким героем могла бы стать Барбара Ло Фишер. Но это была не она.

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      Родители предпочитают не прививать детей: G. L. Freed, S. J. Clark, A. T. Butchart, et al., Parental Vaccine Safety Concerns in 2009, Pediatrics 125 (2010): 1–6; P. J. Smith, S. G. Humiston, Z. Zhao, et al., Association Between Delayed or Refused Vaccination Doses and Timely Vaccination Coverage, краткое содержание представлено на ежегодном съезде Педиатрического академического общества, Ванкувер, Британская Колумбия, 4 мая 2010 г.


      Доля непривитых детей возросла более чем вдвое. S. B. Omer, W. K. Y. Pan, N. A. Halsey, et al., Nonmedical Exemptions to School Immunization Requirements: Secular Trends and Association of State Policies with Pertussis Incidence, Journal of the American Medical Association 296 (2006): 1757–1763.


      Врачи отказываются принимать непривитых детей. E. A. Flanagan-Klygis, L. Sharp, and J. E. Frader, Dismissing the Family Who Refuses Vaccines: A Study of Pediatrician Attitudes, Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 159 (2005): 929–934.


      Роберт Базелл: NBC Nightly News, February 17, 2009.


      Вспышка в Миннесоте: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Invasive Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Disease in Five Young Children – Minnesota, 2008, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 58 (2008): 1–3.


      Мать ребенка, заболевшего Hib-инфекцией: NBC Nightly News, 17 февраля 2009 г.


      Вспышки Hib-инфекции: D. Sapatkin, A Fatal Link in Vaccine Shortage, Philadelphia Inquirer, April 1, 2009.


      Hib-инфекция: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Invasive Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Disease in Five Young Children – Minnesota, 2008, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 58 (2008): 1–3.


      Коклюш до прививок: J. Cherry, P. Brunnel, and G. Golden, Report of the Task Force on Pertussis and Pertussis Immunization, Pediatrics 81 (suppl.) (1988): 933–984.


      Коклюш в наши дни: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preventing Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis Among Adolescents: Use of Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis Vaccines, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 55 (2006): 1–42.


      Остров Вашон: K. Rietberg, C. DeBolt, N. Heimann, et al., School Exemption Data and Geocoding as Tools for Assessing Relationships of Pertussis Clusters to High Immunization Exemption Rates, http://cdc.confex.com/cdc/nic2002/recordingredirect.cgi/id/1446; Public Health Skepticism, 30 ноября 2002 г., http://medpundit.blogspot.com/2002_11_24_medpundit_archive.html


      Симптомы коклюша: K. M. Edwards and M. D. Decker, Pertussis Vaccines, в кн. Vaccines, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).


      Эль-Собранте: H. K. Lee, Whooping Cough Outbreak Closes Private School in El Sobrante, http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Whooping-cough-outbreak-closes-private-school-in-3215851.php


      Рудольф Штайнер: R. Steiner, Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine (Toronto: Mercury Press, 1986). [Русское издание: Рудольф Штайнер. Основы развития врачебного искусства. Спб.: Деметра, 2008.]


      OpenWaldorf.com, http://www.openwaldorf.com/health.html.


      Вспышки коклюша в США: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pertussis Outbreak in an Amish Community – Kent County, Delaware, September 2004 – February 2005, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 55 (2006): 817–821; Illinois Department of Public Health, Pertussis Outbreak Prompts Public Health Warning: At Least 69 Sickened in Four Chicago-Area Counties, http://archives.lincolndailynews.com/2004/Jun/24/Features_new/health_b.shtml, 18 июня 2004 г.; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Use of Mass Tdap Vaccination to Control an Outbreak of Pertussis in a High School – Cook County, Illinois, September 2006 – January 2007, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 57 (2008): 796–799; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, School-Associated Pertussis Outbreak – Yavapai County, Arizona, September 2002 – February