Napoleon III

History of Julius Caesar Vol. 2 of 2

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Belgic Gaul. The Belgæ were considered more warlike than the other Gauls,67 because, strangers to the civilisation of the Roman province and hostile to commerce, they had not experienced the effeminating influence of luxury. Proud of having escaped the Gaulish enervation, they claimed with arrogance an origin which united them with the Germans their neighbours, with whom, nevertheless, they were continually at war.68 They boasted of having defended their territory against the Cimbri and the Teutones, at the time of the invasion of Gaul. The memory of the lofty deeds of their ancestors inspired them with a great confidence in themselves, and excited their warlike spirit.69

      The most powerful nations among the Belgæ were the Bellovaci,70 who could arm a hundred thousand men, and whose territory extended to the sea,71 the Nervii, the Remi, and the Treviri.

      2. Celtic Gaul.72 The central part of Gaul, designated by the Greek writers under the name of Celtica, and the inhabitants of which constituted in the eyes of the Romans the Gauls properly so named (Galli), was the most extensive and most populous. Among the most important nations of Celtic Gaul were reckoned the Arverni, the Ædui, the Sequani, and the Helvetii. Tacitus informs us that the Helvetii had once occupied a part of Germany.73

      These three first peoples often disputed the supremacy of Gaul. As to the Helvetii, proud of their independence, they acknowledged no authority superior to their own. In the centre and south of Celtic Gaul dwelt peoples who had also a certain importance. On the west and north-west were various maritime populations designated under the generic name of Armoricans, an epithet which had, in the Celtic tongue, the meaning of maritime. Small Alpine tribes inhabited the valleys of the upper course of the Rhone, at the eastern extremity of Lake Lémon, a country which now forms the Valais.

      3. Aquitaine.74 Aquitaine commenced on the left bank of the Garonne: it was inhabited by several small tribes, and contained none of those agglomerations which were found among the Celts and the Belgæ. The Aquitanians, who had originally occupied a vast territory to the north of the Pyrenees, having been pushed backward by the Celts, had but a rather limited portion of it in the time of Cæsar.

      The three regions which composed Gaul were not only, as already stated, divided into a great number of states, but each state (civitas) was farther subdivided into pagi,75 representing, perhaps, the same thing as the tribe among the Arabs. The proof of the distinct character of these agglomerations is found in the fact that in the army each of them had its separate place, under the command of its own chieftains. The smallest subdivision was called vicus.76 Such, at least, are the denominations employed in the “Commentaries,” but which were certainly not those of the Celtic language. In each state there existed principal towns, called indifferently by Cæsar urbs or oppidum;77 yet this last name was given by preference to considerable towns, difficult of access and carefully fortified, placed on heights or surrounded by marshes.78 It was to these oppida that, in case of attack, the Gauls transported their grain, their provisions, and their riches.79 Their habitations, established often in the forests or on the bank of a river, were constructed of wood, and tolerably spacious.80


      III. The Gauls were tall in stature, their skin was white, their eyes blue, their hair fair or chestnut, which they dyed, in order to make the colour more brilliant.81 They let their beard grow; the nobles alone shaved, and preserved long moustaches.82 Trousers or breeches, very wide among the Belgæ, but narrower among the southern Gauls, and a shirt with sleeves, descending to the middle of the thighs, composed their principal dress.83 They were clothed with a mantle or saie,84 magnificently embroidered with gold or silver among the rich,85 and held about the neck by means of a metal brooch. The lowest classes of the people used instead an animal’s skin. The Aquitanians covered themselves, probably according to the Iberic custom, with cloth of coarse wool unshorn.86

      The Gauls wore collars, earrings, bracelets, and rings for the arms, of gold or copper, according to their rank; necklaces of amber, and rings, which they placed on the third finger.87

      They were naturally agriculturists, and we may suppose that the institution of private property existed among them, because, on the one hand, all the citizens paid the tax, except the Druids,88 and, on the other, the latter were judges of questions of boundaries.89 They were not unacquainted with certain manufactures. In some countries they fabricated serges, which were in great repute, and cloths or felts;90 in others they worked the mines with skill, and employed themselves in the fabrication of metals. The Bituriges worked in iron, and were acquainted with the art of tinning.91 The artificers of Alesia plated copper with leaf-silver, to ornament horses’ bits and trappings.92

      The Gauls fed especially on the flesh of swine, and their ordinary drinks were milk, ale, and mead.93 They were reproached with being inclined to drunkenness.94

      They were frank and open in temper, and hospitable toward strangers,95 but vain and quarrelsome;96 fickle in their sentiments, and fond of novelties, they took sudden resolutions, regretting one day what they had rejected with disdain the day before;97 inclined to war and eager for adventures, they showed themselves hot in the attack, but quickly discouraged in defeat.98 Their language was very concise and figurative;99 in writing, they employed Greek letters.

      The men were not exempt from a shameful vice, which we might have believed less common in this county than among the peoples of the East.100 The women united an extraordinary beauty with remarkable courage and great physical force.101

      The Gauls, according to the tradition preserved by the Druids, boasted of being descended from the god of the earth, or from Pluto (Dis), according to the expression of Cæsar.102 It was for this reason that they took night for their starting-point in all their divisions of time. Among their other customs, they had one which was singular: they considered it as a thing unbecoming to appear in public with their children, until the latter had reached the age for carrying arms.103

      When he married, the man took from his fortune a part equal to the dowry of the wife. This sum, placed as a common fund, was allowed to accumulate with interest, and the whole reverted to the survivor. The husband had the right of life and death over his wife and children.104 When the decease of a man of wealth excited any suspicion, his wives, as well as his slaves, were put to the torture, and burnt if they were found guilty.

      The extravagance of their funerals