Oleg Oka

The theory of everything, which is not

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The main character in the book freely talks about God, and his arguments, to put it mildly, very unusual. It is unlikely you ever heard of anything like that…”

      Adams With. “Fragments Of God”

      At first I wanted to start a conversation like this :

      – “In youth I opened my eyes, looked around, and didn’t understand. What I saw gave rise to many questions but gave no answers. The WORLD was large and mysterious, inexplicable, do not understand – why and what for.

      First, I picked up the Bible. But then I was an atheist, and did not understand this Hebrew fiction. Then there were a lot of books. From Einstein, which I just don’t understand Art. LEM, L. Gumilev, In. Vernadsky, And. Asimov.

      But in these books, the answers I found.

      They only contained the author’s point of view, which was based on the books of other authors, or theories which also did not explain anything. Something clear I found only among the ancient Greeks.

      And then I stopped being an atheist, and again took up the Bible.

      And this Book opened my eyes. There are no controversial theories, there is no shamanic formulas and abstruse pseudo-scientific terminology. She speaks about the WORLD in simple, human terms. And I began to see the WORLD through this Book, and this is what I saw…” —


      Next, I thought it appropriate to remember St. Hawking :

      – “… of existing theories enough to make accurate predictions in all situations except the most extreme, the search for the ultimate theory of the Universe does not meet the requirements of practicality… and will not contribute to the survival and even will not affect the course of our lives. “Stephen Hawking “a brief history of time”

      – so I’m not going to write the final theory of the Universe…


      “Thought is energy”. Vernadsky.

      But the soul… the Soul is the simplest unit of space. And the soul – the synthesis of body, mind, personality. (The body can only be seen as a contributing factor, although necessary, but not critical in light of new developments in computer technology …) the Mind is, no doubt, is largely determined by the personality, although he specifies many aspects of personality. Here two-way interaction. People love the mystery of the chicken and the egg… I Think the person in relation to the mind is secondary. It seems that when the soul leaves the body (not in the case of death), some properties of the mind in the body remain… People (such is often referred to crazy) continue to use the techniques of logic, make a choice, that is, evaluate things and circumstances have an opinion… Without a doubt it’s characteristics are not innate instincts, but of the mind. The reason “inadequate”. (this is the new buzz word)

      In this case there is the presence of body, mind (inadequate), and… Identity? Is it possible in this case to say that a person is saved? Indeed, in this case, and the soul must be present … (I’m not Freud, and to write stories about uncontrollable subconscious not consider themselves to be competent …)

      Got a logical chain… Always takes me somewhere. Wanted to understand that in this case energy.

      Soul – energy education, this question is no. But what is the source of energy? In his theory I Express an opinion on the source of energy – emotions. This seems to be true. No doubt the energy just necessary for the soul, but emotion is a reaction of consciousness to external impressions (stimuli). Very similar to the perpetual motion – consciousness-emotion-energy of the soul… that is, thought, as an activity of the mind, is not a necessary condition. Probably all know it – we are experiencing some strong emotions, and only then begins the work of consciousness is processing of information received… And at what stage you receive the energy? Apparently, as a result of this work of consciousness…

      The energy of the mind feeds the energy structure of space after the liberation of the mind from the insulating membranes of the body, the personality, and eventually from the heart. Pass-any signs of intelligence in the structure of space? I don’t think in absolute space is preserved individuality of all intelligent beings were in the infinity of the world – it would be pointless and wasteful for space. Rather, nedobora, devoid of emotion, is a kind of “information Bank” of the universe, hardly used space, but is required for the existence of another Universes as a determinant of intelligence…

      Naturally, this warehouse of information is all the universal properties of space, in addition to the functions, – he is omnipresent. The human world is permeated with them. The question can noosphere to interact with this “library of knowledge” remains open. And this is unlikely to be available to the individual, rather the noosphere as a natural phenomenon. Of course, many rogues talking about the mysterious States of mind (prana, somati and many others – all heard), but it seems that the insulating sheath of the soul cannot directly communicate with the space. God has never appeared in true form, but approached it through different devices, and the information thus obtained, inevitably distorted… Like all the information coming to us from outer space…


      Geophysicist In Vernadsky. And. considering the NOOSPHERE only as a geological phenomenon. I-also think that global changes in the Geosphere is only the direct mechanical interaction of nature and of reason, of civilization.

      The noosphere should be seen more globally as the interaction between the mind and infinite space. Hence the absolutism of the mind, i.e., mind can be regarded as one of the functions of the space. And the noosphere, respectively, as an area of spatial volume changes of civilization…

      (Additional reasoning)

      Hear natural question on the subject of the conversation – which in my understanding is the soul, the mind and personality. (I don’t touch my body, this dark matter, everyone can create and have an opinion.) And about the listed items I just had to speak out because they are always implied in this conversation.

      The SOUL, as I have already mentioned – the simplest spatial structure of the cells placed by God in the new, born body on the Ground. This is the subject material, practically eternal, amounting to clean your form of the energy structure of space. The soul must pass through a number of reincarnations before will take its place in space with the desired energy potential.

      MIND, unlike soul, the intangible, rather it is not an object but a property, a mode of existence of the soul in the human body. It is the mind that allows the soul to go through the procedure for acquiring the necessary skills, and to obtain the necessary energy potential. I think the energy of the soul occurs due to emotional States, received by the soul during earthly life. Depending on the polarity of the emotional charge can be positive or negative (physics course an elementary school).

      I read somewhere that the Vatican in 2010, recognized the existence of souls in animals. Honestly, I do not know what to say about it. That animals experience emotions, not be questioned. And the example of his dog, I can say that she had a sense of love and the ability to co-FEEL what you know, not all people. And the soul? I do not know. But when my dog died, I physically felt the loss of a piece of my soul. And I still feel the constant pain of that loss.

      PERSONALITY is a complex synthesis of mind, soul and body. It consists of many components, which are inherited from parents, life experience, impressions and knowledge acquired in the initial period of the bodily life. I think the personality comes at the moment when man becomes aware of the “I”, his individuality. And in the continuation of all life, and for some time after death when the soul leaves the deceased body, the personality is a kind of a safety “box”,