Oleg Oka

Goddess of the Rainbow

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with reality, but more real, than what is constantly flowing, changing, and goes nowhere.

      This was in the works A. green, the hero was so used to Fata Morgana that “revived” it, moved there and lost the way back, remained in the imagination. Well, wasn’t this the heroes of H. G. wells’?

      Yes, Emporium to be trifled with, but here there was no substitution of reality, a Mirage, the real world was gone, dissolved, changed, it was a real transformation, a reinvention akin to prestidigitators; there was a rabbit, became a crocodile. Such a thing is done not once or continuously.

      And the truth is blurred between what is and what was.

      And then he got his hands on Shakespeare. And he realized that writing is the creation of the world, lying somewhere beyond reality, but the world was invented in this case, the real things, in which everything is temporary and everything is a lie, hidden by many masks – each creates his own mask, different from the others.

      He realized that he didn’t want, can’t live a lie, but didn’t know the difference between false and true. He saw that proclaimed the truth, the truth with a capital letter – it turns into something scary and twisted. A lie is something that was declared as false, accused of lying, were often similar to a terrible truth.


      The name given by parents at birth – BORIS – the man didn’t like. People fill the names of some unknown emotional content, often mystical. Sounding names creates an Association with a strange taste. Hear the name, and in addition will feel certain smells, sensations. Sometimes looking at the person, hear his name, and that creates attitude. Then very surprised to hear its true name, it is not certain, is neutral. Interesting system used Italo Calvino in “Cosmicomics stories” – just the Latin character set, approximately VSIMRF; z [. Some phantasmagoria, the liberation from conventions and full freedom for your imagination.

      In Ilf and Petrov in “12 chairs,” he saw: – " … Director Nick. ‘s actually my sister’s.” It was pleasant to him, he began to call himself so, and let them think what they want. The man himself has to give the names of himself and his surroundings. Naming an object, phenomenon or a living thing, a person shows their attitude and perception, i.e. it gives a description of himself, and looking wider, determines their place in the world.


      Nick identified himself only on the fourth decade of his years. Somewhere he read that a person can and should be considered for adults only after thirty years of life. Good or not – is unknown. Do not understand the term, who can be considered adults and how it is determined. Some people are already born an old man, the other to death are children.

      – "…the terrible truths we elevates deception…” —

      False Nick never did. Could not. People lie always. With or without him. Lie when necessary, and so – among other things. When it’s not necessary, though compelled by this inner law, and really just giving yourself an imaginary superiority over others.

      Nick couldn’t lie. Parents never dwell on the subject. Of course, there were some canonical texts and situations, the ethical imperatives of school instruction. But he could not lie simply because it seemed to him impossible. Somewhere in the subconscious was standing congenital unit, overlying the opportunity to lie. Even when it was caused by the circumstances. He often suffered from this, but make could nothing. An excuse for himself, he brought that to lie is not profitable. The lie is always revealed, and then it will be necessary to pile up another lie, to justify, and then you can just get lost, the situation gets out of control, and it will all end is the question.

      The justification of the dead, he many times saw the lie thrives and brings in good dividends. Sometimes we need to lie even when the truth can bring a person pain. He could not.

      In such cases he had to retire from the landfill operations. Well, everything in life happens. Lie was not even ashamed – it is IMPOSSIBLE.

      Whether any books had this strange influence. The more that he saw and understood it at a Mature age not only the lives of the townsfolk were Packed with lies. – Lies have built in all of the state and politics. Deception was all – state programs, statistics, pre-election promises of candidates in the power, diplomaticheskie tricks (even just the default of a fact or action – is an attempt to introduce vis-a-vis misleading). And a slogan “advertising – the motor trade” – we all know that advertising is based on lies.

      Can be a lie inherent in the nature of man, even the Bible every other word of GOD is wrong. (GOD by definition cannot lie, because every word becomes a law of nature, therefore, TRUTH.) and that means only that the concepts of lies and truth, people have SHIFTED, not true, and often vzaimoponimanii.)

      All this only means that there is no value you lie or hold the truth – everything is relative. And careful dodging nick from deception in the light of all this looks like something pathological, abnormal.

      As all our reality.

      Based on the above considerations, Nick ceased to perceive reality as reality, and other people as objects worthy of existence in this reality. Not “loathsome creature”, but the creatures are temporary, unrelated to the material world. (Materialism, as we know, ceased to be the prevailing religion, but the nature of the world presented thoroughly enough without ambiguity and unnecessary pseudomystical.)

      It was all a fiction, an optical illusion, and had no relations. But it was all intertwined, was in constant dependence, and it is necessary required to take into account.

      Nick was a cynic (for a dog to live to be a cynic), but didn’t understand why the concept that people fill in some negative sense. Cynicism is only a sober, a realistic look at life without rose-colored glasses, it is a logical and reasonable way of life. And without lies. False – this is the cynicism some people are so misguided mean. I.e., the neglect of the people’s trust, the more primitive of relations, the ignoring of ethical values. This by itself becomes a selfishness in the extreme his expression. (Although in itself yourself-any it is a Christian value, standing at the head of all doctrine. But selfishness is not egocentrism, but even is its antithesis.)

      As a result of his life’s journey Nickname was created by his own theory of the universe, GOD and the human soul. At the very least, but she was more intelligent and logical and many many others. Speech, certainly not in his mental activities, but that this was apparently the meaning of his life, because nothing else in his life was not.


      At school Nick was fond of Jules Verne, Belyaev, wells, then there was LEM, Simak, Strugatsky, Kurt Vonnegut, a little of physics with astronomy. Math he didn’t understand, in algebraic formulas, saw the attack on the world’s mind and attempt to cheat the whole world. Story was going good until he attacked Nietzsche and his “Harm and benefits of history” and did not look at the historical paradigm through the glasses of logic, familiarity with the classics of officialdom led him to the horror of all interpretations and official history.

      Literature has taught him to hate Pushkin and Tolstoy, he realized that there is literature and literature that in addition to Maupassant and Hugo is the Vercors, Hemingway, Updike, Borges and Joyce, Melville, bull. Then he tried to make sense of the Bible, he did not come out, only somewhere beyond faith in Einstein and Darwin.

      Familiarity with the fate of van Gogh, Ryunoske, Edgar Allan PoE and Zoshchenko strengthened him in the vanity of glory, but made me believe in destiny.

      From school the same Nick were convinced (based on lichenomphalia experience) that in spite of Petrarch, Shakespeare, and Greene women are no different from the rest of the human race.

      He learned to ask questions, throws the mentors in horror, but it does not go beyond what is permitted, he saw the lies of official moral doctrines, navatanee ethics, the artificiality and falsity of the public add-ins and institutions.

