Christian Nagel

Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0

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continuously enhanced in the past 10 years. Many of the technologies that have been discussed in the history section are based on this framework. This framework is used for creating Windows Forms and WPF applications. Also, although ASP.NET 5 can run on .NET Core, it can also run on .NET Framework 4.6.

      If you want to continue working with ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET 4.6 with .NET Framework 4.6 is the way to go. ASP.NET 4.6 also has new features compared to version 4.5, such as support for HTTP2 (a new version of the HTTP protocol that is discussed in Chapter 25, “Networking”), compilation on the fly with the Roslyn compiler, and asynchronous model binding. However, you can’t switch to .NET Core with ASP.NET Web Forms.

      You can find the libraries of the framework as well as the CLR in the directory %windows%

      \Microsoft .NET\Framework\v4.0.30319.

      The classes available with the .NET Framework are organized in namespaces starting with the name System. The following table describes a few of the namespaces to give you an idea about the hierarchy.

      NOTE Some of the new .NET classes use namespaces that start with the name Microsoft instead of System, like Microsoft.Data.Entity for the Entity Framework and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for the new dependency injection framework.

      .NET Core 1.0

      .NET Core 1.0 is the new .NET that is used by all new technologies and has a big focus in this book. This framework is open source– you can find it at The runtime is the CoreCLR repository; the framework containing collection classes, file system access, console, XML, and a lot more is in the CoreFX repository.

      Unlike the .NET Framework, where the specific version you needed for the application had to be installed on the system, with .NET Core 1.0 the framework, including the runtime, is delivered with the application. Previously there were times when you might have had problems deploying an ASP.NET web application to a shared server because the provider had older versions of .NET installed; those times are gone. Now you can deliver the runtime with the application and are not dependent on the version installed on the server.

      .NET Core 1.0 is designed in a modular approach. The framework splits up into a large list of NuGet packages. With the application you decide what packages you need. The .NET Framework was growing larger and larger when new functionality was added. It was not possible to remove old functionality that’s no longer needed, such as the old collection classes that are unnecessary because of the generic collection classes that were added,NET Remoting that has been replaced by the new communication technology, or LINQ to SQL that has been updated to Entity Framework. Applications can break when something is removed. This does not apply to .NET Core, as the application distributes the parts of the framework that it needs.

      The framework of .NET Core is currently as huge as .NET Framework 4.6 is. However, this can change, and it can grow even bigger, but because of the modularity that growth potential is not an issue.NET Core is already so huge that we can’t cover every type in this book. Just have a look at to see all the sources. For example, old nongeneric collection classes are already covered with .NET Core to make it easier to bring legacy code to the new platform.

      .NET Core can be updated at a fast pace. Even updating the runtime doesn’t influence existing applications because the runtime is installed with the applications. Now Microsoft can improve .NET Core, including the runtime, with faster release cycles.

      NOTE For developing apps using .NET Core, Microsoft created new command-line utilities named .NET Core Command line (CLI). These tools are introduced later in this chapter through a “Hello, World!” application in the section “Compiling with CLI.”


      Libraries and executables of .NET programs are known by the term assembly. An assembly is the logical unit that contains compiled IL code targeted at the .NET Framework.

      An assembly is completely self-describing and is a logical rather than a physical unit, which means that it can be stored across more than one file. (Indeed, dynamic assemblies are stored in memory, not on file.) If an assembly is stored in more than one file, there will be one main file that contains the entry point and describes the other files in the assembly.

      The same assembly structure is used for both executable code and library code. The only difference is that an executable assembly contains a main program entry point, whereas a library assembly does not.

      An important characteristic of assemblies is that they contain metadata that describes the types and methods defined in the corresponding code. An assembly, however, also contains assembly metadata that describes the assembly. This assembly metadata, contained in an area known as the manifest, enables checks to be made on the version of the assembly and on its integrity.

      Because an assembly contains program metadata, applications or other assemblies that call up code in a given assembly do not need to refer to the registry, or to any other data source, to find out how to use that assembly.

      With the .NET Framework 4.6, assemblies come in two types: private and shared assemblies. Shared assemblies don’t apply to the Universal Windows Platform because all the code is compiled to one native image.

      Private Assemblies

      Private assemblies normally ship with software and are intended to be used only with that software. The usual scenario in which you ship private assemblies is when you supply an application in the form of an executable and a number of libraries, where the libraries contain code that should be used only with that application.

      The system guarantees that private assemblies will not be used by other software because an application may load only private assemblies located in the same folder that the main executable is loaded in, or in a subfolder of it.

      Because you would normally expect that commercial software would always be installed in its own directory, there is no risk of one software package overwriting, modifying, or accidentally loading private assemblies intended for another package. And, because private assemblies can be used only by the software package that they are intended for, you have much more control over what software uses them. There is, therefore, less need to take security precautions because there is no risk, for example, of some other commercial software overwriting one of your assemblies with some new version of it (apart from software designed specifically to perform malicious damage). There are also no problems with name collisions. If classes in your private assembly happen to have the same name as classes in someone else’s private assembly, that does not matter because any given application can see only the one set of private assemblies.

      Because a private assembly is entirely self-contained, the process to deploy it is simple. You simply place the appropriate file(s) in the appropriate folder in the file system. (No registry entries need to be made.) This process is known as zero impact (xcopy) installation.

      Shared Assemblies

      Shared assemblies are intended to be common libraries that any other application can use. Because any other software can access a shared assembly, more precautions need to be taken against the following risks:

      • Name collisions, where another company’s shared assembly implements types that have the same names as those in your shared assembly. Because client code can theoretically have access to both assemblies simultaneously, this could be a serious problem.

      • The risk of an assembly being overwritten by a different version of the same assembly; the new version is incompatible with some existing client code.

      The solution to these problems is placing shared assemblies in a special directory subtree in the file system, known as the global assembly cache (GAC). With private assemblies, this can be done by simply copying the assembly into the appropriate folder, but with shared assemblies it must be specifically installed into the cache. This process can