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Kovalevsky M.M. Ethnography and sociology. Moscow. 1904.; Modern sociologists. Moscow. 1905.; Sociology. St. Petersburg. 1910. Vol. 1—2. (all in Russian)
De Roberti E.V. Sociology. The main objective and its methodological features, place among the Sciences, the separation and the relationship with biology and psychology. St. Petersburg. 1880.; A new formulation of basic questions of sociology. Moscow. 1909.; Energy and sociology // Bulletin of Europe. St. Petersburg. 1910.; The concepts of mind and the laws of the universe. St. Petersburg. 1914. (all in Russian)
Kirillov I.K. Flourishing condition of the all-Russian state… 1727.; Atlas of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg. 1724—1731. (all in Russian)
Tatishchev V.N. Introduction to the historical and geographical description of great Russian Empire. St. Petersburg. Part 1. 1950 (1744 manuscript).; The reasoning for the audit of the polls… St. Petersburg. Part 2. 1861 (1747 manuscript). (all in Russian)
L’Isle J.-N., Euler L., Von Winsheim C.N., Heinsius G., Miller F.I. Atlas of the Russian. Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences. 1745. (in Russian, Latin, German and French).
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Miller F.I. A description of the Tomsk uyezd of the Tobolsk province in Siberia to its present position. St. Petersburg. 1734.; Description of the Siberian Kingdom and all occurred in it from beginning, and especially from its conquest by the Russian state at these times. St. Petersburg. 1750.; Description living in Kazan province pagan Nations, like the Cheremis, Chuvash and Votyaks. St. Petersburg. 1791.; Historical writings on the MaloRussian and the MaloRussians. Moscow. 1846.; History of Siberia. Moscow-Leningrad. 1939—1941. Vol. 1—2. 1999.; Moscow. 2000—2005. Vol. 1—3. (all in Russian)
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German K.F. Statistical description of the Yaroslavl province. St. Petersburg. 1808.; A short guide to General history statistics. St. Petersburg. 1808.; General theory of statistics. St. Petersburg. 1809.; Historical review of literature of statistics, in particular the Russian state. St. Petersburg. 1817.; Statistical research on the Russian Empire. Part I: Population. St. Petersburg. 1819. (all in Russian)
Troynitsky N. (ed.) The first general census of the Russian Empire in 1897. St. Petersburg: Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 1897—1905. (in Russian)
Korobeynikova L.A. (ed.) Environmental education and education of youth: the experience of schools, extracurricular institutions and universities. Vologda: Vologda State Pedagogical University: Rus’. 1993.; Continuous environmental education: problems, experience, prospects // Proceedings of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. Tomsk. November 6—7, 2008. (all in Russian)