Питер Франкопан

Шелковый путь. Дорога тканей, рабов, идей и религий

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Translation of the Chronicle of the ‘Western Regions’ from the Hou Hanshu (Charleston, NC, 2009).


      Sarris, Empires of Faith, рр. 41–43.


      В документе начала четвертого века перечисляются племена, которые влились в Римскую империю, см. A. Riese (ed.), Geographi latini minores (Hildesheim, 1964), рр. 1280–1289. Другие примеры см. Sidonius Apollinaris, ‘Panegyric on Avitus’, in Sidonius Apollinaris: Poems and Letters, ed. and tr. W. Anderson, 2 vols (Cambridge, MA, 1935–1956), 1, р. 146.


      Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum Libri XXX, 31.2, 3, р. 382.


      Priscus, Testimonia, fragment 49, ed. and tr. R. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, and Malchus, 2 vols (Liverpool, 1981–1983), 2, р. 356.


      Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum Libri XXX, 31.2, 3, р. 380.


      D. Pany and K. Wiltschke-Schrotta, ‘Artificial Cranial Deformation in a Migration Period Burial of Schwarzenbach, Central Austria’, VIAVIAS 2 (2008), рр. 18–23.


      Priscus, Testimonia, fragment 24, 2, рр. 316–317. Об успехе гуннов см. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, рр. 300–348.


      B. Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (Oxford, 2005), р. 91ff.


      Salvian, Œuvres, ed. and tr. C. Lagarrigue, 2 vols (Paris, 1971–1975), 2, 4.12. Перевод из E. Sanford (tr.), The Government of God (New York, 1930), р. 118.


      Zosimus, Historias Neas, ed. and tr. F. Paschoud, Zosime, Histoire nouvelle, 3 vols (Paris, 2000) 2.7, 1, рр. 77–79.


      Asmussen, ‘Christians in Iran’, рр. 929–930.


      S. Brock, ‘The Church of the East in the Sasanian Empire up to the Sixth Century and its Absence from the Councils in the Roman Empire’, Syriac Dialogue: First Non-Official Consultation on Dialogue within the Syriac Tradition (Vienna, 1994), 71.


      A. Cameron and R. Hoyland (eds), Doctrine and Debate in the East Christian World 300–1500 (Farnham, 2011), р. xi.


      W. Barnstone, The Restored New Testament: A New Translation with Commentary, Including the Gnostic Gospels of Thomas, Mary and Judas (New York, 2009).


      N. Tanner, The Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, 2 vols (Washington, DC, 1990), 1; A. Cameron, The Later Roman Empire, AD 284–430 (London, 1993), рр. 59–70.


      См. Р. Wood, The Chronicle of Seert. Christian Historical Imagination in Late Antique Iraq (Oxford, 2013), рр. 23–24


      S. Brock, ‘The Christology of the Church of the East in the Synods of the Fifth to Early Seventh Centuries: Preliminary Considerations and Materials’, in G. Dagras (ed.), A Festschrift for Archbishop Methodios of Thyateira and Great Britain (Athens, 1985), рр. 125–142.


      Baum and Winkler, Apostolische Kirche, рр. 19–25.


      Synod of Dadjesus, Synodicon orientale, ou Recueil de synods nestoriens, ed. J. Chabot (Paris, 1902), рр. 285–298; Brock, ‘Christology of the Church of the East’, рр. 125–142; Brock, ‘Church of the East’, рр. 73–74.


      Wood, Chronicle of Seert, рр. 32–37.


      Gregory of Nazianzus, De Vita Sua, in D. Meehan (tr.), Saint Gregory of Nazianzus: Three Poems (Washington, DC, 1987), рр. 133–135.


      Св. Кирилл Александрийский, письмо Павлу Префекту, in J. McEnerney (tr.), Letters of St Cyril of Alexandria, 2 vols (Washington, DC, 1985–1987), 2, 96, рр. 151–153.


      S. Brock, ‘From Antagonism to Assimilation: Syriac Attitudes to Greek Learning’, in N. Garsoian, T. Mathews and T. Thomson (eds), East of Byzantium: Syria and Armenia in the Formative Period (Washington, DC, 1982), рр. 17–34; также то же самое – ‘Christology of the Church of the East’, рр. 165–173.


      R. Norris, The Christological Controversy (Philadelphia, 1980), рр. 156–157.


      Brock, ‘Christology of the Church of the East’, рр. 125–142; также см. Baum and Winkler, Apostolische Kirche, рр. 31–34.


      F.-C. Andreas, ‘Bruchstücke einer Pehlevi-Übersetzung der Psalmen aus der Sassanidenzeit’, Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften (1910), рр. 869–872; J. Asmussen, ‘The Sogdian and Uighur-Turkish Christian Literature in Central Asia before the Real Rise of Islam: A Survey’, in L. Hercus, F. Kuiper, T. Rajapatirana and E. Skrzypczak (eds), Indological and Buddhist Studies: Volume in Honour of Professor J. W. de Jong on his Sixtieth Birthday (Canberra, 1982), рр. 11–29.


      Sarris, Empires of Faith, р. 153.


      О совете 553 – R. Price, The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553: Edited with an introduction and notes, 2 vols (Liverpool, 2009). Сирийский текст с переводом – S. Brock, ‘The Conversations with the Syrian Orthodox under Justinian (532)’, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 47 (1981), рр. 87–121, и S. Brock, ‘Some New Letters of the Patriarch Severus’, Studia Patristica 12 (1975), рр. 17–24.


      Evagrius Scholasticus, Ekklesiastike historia, 5.1, Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus, tr. M. Whitby (Liverpool, 2005), р. 254.


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