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J. Riley-Smith, The First Crusaders, 1095–1131 (Cambridge, 1997), р. 17.
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Dandolo, Chronica per extensum descripta, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, 25 vols (Bologna, 1938–1958), 12, р. 221. Также см. здесь: Monk of the Lido, Monachi Anonymi, рр. 258–259.
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S. Epstein, Genoa and the Genoese: 958–1528 (Chapel Hill, NC, 1996), рр. 40–41; D. Abulafia, ‘Southern Italy, Sicily and Sardinia in the Medieval Mediterranean Economy’, in D. Abulafia, Commerce and Conquest in the Mediterranean (Aldershot, 1993), 1, рр. 24–27.
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G. Tafel and G. Thomas, Urkunden zur älteren handels und Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig, 3 vols (Vienna, 1857), 1, р. 78; Queller and Katele, ‘Venice and the Conquest’, рр. 29–30.
Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden, 1, рр. 95–98; Lilie, Byzantium and the Crusader States, рр. 96–100; T. Devaney, ‘“Like an Ember Buried in Ashes”: The Byzantine – Venetian Conflict of 1119–1126’, in T. Madden, J. Naus and V. Ryan (eds), Crusades – Medieval Worlds in Conflict (Farnham, 2010), рр. 127–147.
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