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Danica Patrick. CNN Interview. November 2012. http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2012/11/28/exp-early-best-advice-patrick.cnn&iref=allsearch&video_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com 1 Danica Patrick. CNN Interview. November 2012. http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2012/11/28/exp-early-best-advice-patrick.cnn&iref=allsearch&video_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2Fsearch%2F%3Fquery%3Ddanica%2Bpatrick%2Bearly%2Bstart%26x%3D-1010%26y%3D-31%26primaryType%3Dmixed 2 Chinese proverb, often quoted by Warren Buffett. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/warrenbuff409214.html 3 Fidelity Investments, Fidelity Viewpoints. January 2014. “Five habits of 401(k) millionaires.” https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/retirement/how-to-become-a-millionaire-with-a-401k 4 National Association of Colleges and Employers, Job Outlook 2014 Spring Update. 5 Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2014 Employment Report. 6 David Leonhardt, “The Reality of Student Debt Is Different from the Clichés,” 7 Mark Kantrowitz, senior vice president and publisher of Edvisors and author of 8 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 9 Jennifer Cheeseman Day and Eric C. Newburger, “The Big Payoff: Educational Attainment and Synthetic Estimates of Work-Life Earnings,” U.S. Census Bureau, July 2002, http://www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/p23-210.pdf. 10 “Think You Know the Next Gen Investor? Think Again,” UBS Investor Watch 1Q 2014.