braver and stronger. We do not ask when we want to take somebody’s life or property. We do not rob, we take away. We have faith in nothing but in our arms force and our courage’ (from Scandinavian sagas). “Is it the oar of galley moves among the shadows and ice floes, or the propeller froths the sea? The Waves and the Time echo each other: woe to the weakest one, woe!” (R. Kipling). “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad, for all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad’ (H. Chesterton)32, etc.
Needless to say, Russia has never known any such beliefs, tales, poems, national epic, songs or legends. In the existing folklore battles are not described as a process of physical elimination or enslaving of the enemy, but as a hard labour, a spiritual and moral fight against injustice, sacrilege and global evil.
The cruelty celebrated in the western literature and art is more than a lyrical exaggeration. It determines the motives and the behaviour of western people, it is conditioned by their lifestyle, and history and armed with their ideologic and religious dogmas. The image of the foe was as essential for western man, as bloody flesh is for a wild beast. The West cannot survive without a foe and the social adrenalin he generates. This is why the West keeps making foes, real and invented ones. To vanquish them and feed its prosperity with their ashes.
A good example of this attitude is the fate of the North American natives, all of them either exterminated or locked up in reservations. The “civilized’ US authorities would pay generously for each scalped Indian, be this a warrior, a woman or a child. Besides, entire populations of unique animals, such as American buffalos, jaguars, white elks, dodos and others, were wiped out. And these excessive measures were not applied only once. Europeans have completed the “civilizing mission’ of the West by destroying, with a sword and a cross, the ancient cultures of Yucatan, Mexico and Peru, by annihilating the Incas and the Aztecs. Similarly, they have enslaved millions of Africans, making them work for western people. Benin, one of the most powerful and developed African states that once existed on the territory of modern Nigeria, has successfully fought the enslavers back until the nineteenth century, when the English colonizers gave it over to fire and sword.
It is interesting to point out that in Siberia, which was being conquered by Russia around the same time, not a single ethnic group perished, even among the smallest ones, and all animal populations were preserved. Siberia never knew any reservations, deportations, slavery of the natives or their total extermination.
This has been true throughout the course of history. It was not by chance that British historian Stuart Laycock entitled one of his books All the Countries We’ve Ever Invaded and the Few We Never Got Round To. Out of 193 UN member-states, 171 have been attacked by Anglo-Saxons. This estimation does not cover the numerous hybrid and information wars that are waged all over the planet. In 2004, the Congressional Research Service made an attempt at assessing the total number of military conflicts that the US has ever participated in. The result was the astronomic figure of 261 acts of aggression or “actions to defend democracy’ across the world. Furthermore, the majority of these attacks were launched against known weak adversaries, which makes it evident with whom the initiative lies.
Moreover, such interventions were not military only. As US President Dwight D. Eisenhower admitted, “Hitherto applicable norms of conduct do not apply… We must… learn to subvert, sabotage, and destroy our enemy by more clever, more sophisticated and more effective methods than those used against us’33. As the result, entire nations are made fools of, the leaders who do not suit the US are removed, confrontations between different groups within the same people are set up, governments are overthrown, and civil wars unleashed. The rivers of blood are to satisfy the American thirst for global hegemony, and there is an endless number of examples to support this claim.
Besides shaping the state philosophy in Europe and the US, actively employed in practice, such psychology has assured its own continuity, and has almost become official. Its fruit is state policy driven by deception, cynicism and avarice. This system completely ignores the notions of Truth and Justice, or else uses them as required.
Though it is evident that the West still has many romantics who are truly grieved by the troubles of the others, however this sympathy should not be associated with the state politics.
Without any doubt, throughout its complex history Russia has not always been an amorphous and invariably just power. But then, is there any country in the world that could have escaped this fate and that would have always been right? For justice’s sake, it might be pointed out that per each offensive of the Russian army there were eight defences. Russians fought back the Khazars, the Pechenegs, the Cumans, the Mongols, the Tatars, the Swedes, the Polish, the Lithuanians, the Hungarians, the Croatians, the Turks, the French, the English, the German… Often Russia did it at the cost of numerous victims, mostly among the local civilian population. Here lies the fundamental difference of the Russian and the western civilisations, the differences of their visions and understanding of the limit between what is allowed and what is forbidden.
As the result, the West developed an unprecedented aggression towards all other peoples, in particular, towards Russians, as people of different cultural values. Indeed, the European hatred for Russia has existed for a long time. It is even more deeply rooted than state competition or ideologic discord. For instance, the motto “Drang nach Osten’ (“drive toward the East’) was coined in the times when Russian tribes living along the Volkhov and Dnieper rivers were completely unfamiliar with statehood. It was first proposed by Charles the Great in the eighth century, then it was taken up by the first leaders of the Holy Romain Empire; later – adopted by the Anglo-Saxons.
This hatred was evoked by Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Pushkin and Ivan Turgenev. “There is no other nation about whom as many lies, absurdities and calumnies have been made up, as there have been about Russians’ (Empress Catherine the Great, 1729—1796). “We should not deceive ourselves. The hostility of Europe is too evident: it does not reside in the chance combinations of European politics, or in the ambition of any of the state leaders, but in the key European interests’ (N. Danilevsky, nineteenth century). “And there is not a piece of slander that Europe would not circulate against us’ (Fyodor Dostoevsky)34.
In total, the centuries-long western policy towards Russia may be described in the following way: “Europeans need an ugly Russia: barbarian, so that they could ‘civilize’ it according to their own taste; dangerously big, so that they could split it; aggressive, so that they could set up a coalition against it; reactionary and religiously decaying, so that they could break in with their propaganda of Reformation and Catholicism; and economically insolvent, so that they could claim its ‘unused’ territories, its raw materials, or, at least, its profitable trade agreements and concessions’ (philosopher I. A. Iliyn). Though these words were written 90 years ago, they still ring a bell with the modern people.
Moreover, throughout its history, whenever Europe was in trouble, it was helped out by Russia, who never saw its assistance returned. On the contrary, Europe always allied with the enemies of Russia, be it during Russia’s struggle against the predatory eastern hordes, the Time of Troubles, the wars against Turkey, all other wars or even the present day international terrorism counteraction. “No Russian service for the all-European causes (the Seven Years’ War, fight against Napoleon, the rescue of Prussia in 1805—1815, the rescue of Austria in 1849, the rescue of France in 1875, the peaceful politics of Alexander III, The Hague Conferences, or the sacrifice in the war against Germany in 1914—1917) is valid in front of this fear; no noble and selfless actions of the Russian leaders were capable of stop this European ranting’ (I. A. Iliyin).
The West has always been hostile to Russia. Thus, as the February and the October revolutions of 1917, together with the liberals, the Bolshevism and the subsequent events, were not born in the Russian soil, they were welcomed by the