Leon Malin

Agency Amur. 1 dozen stories

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chief? “My assistant hesitated. I realized that I will have to join the game. I (yawning) left my little closet, went to Boris and Vika: “Sorry, dozed, so many things, you know… I heard your last words. Yes, we have sex with Vika. Would you like to see it? “Boris nodded. There was nothing to do, it was necessary to have sex with an assistant. Moreover, perhaps he will pay us this too. We exchanged glances with Vika and I began to undress her slowly. She did not resist, apparently she also anticipated the approach of the prize. Having prepared Victoria for the act, I mastered it right on the table. Boris watched us closely. At first Vika and I played, joked, and then our feelings woke up really and we brought things to a victorious conclusion. I did not have time to leave my assistant, as Boris immediately took my place. Well, Vikul, work. Cameras, I’m sure they shot as it should. The contract was in our pocket.

      A week later, I invited Boris and Lida to our office. The meeting took place on my initiative, which means, it’s free. The couple sat opposite each other, I was at the head of the table, Vika sideways. “I want to reconcile you,” I said. – Communicating with you, I realized that you both love your other half and are great for each other. These changes do not count, but this is not treason. For Lida, this is a job, and Boris was seduced. Moreover, it became clear that your intimate life will now be brighter and more intense. Boris likes to observe from the side before “joining the battle.” You, Lida, for some reason, he was afraid to admit it. And for you to have sex with other men, this is not work, it’s a prelude to the main thing, to a close meeting with your husband. So in fact? And it turns out that you are ideally suited to each other. Do you want me to prove this to you now? How? Very simple. I’m engaged in sex right now with Lida, and then I give it to Boris. Among those who are here now, is there anyone who objects to this? Raise your hand”. No one raised his hand. It was an invitation. “If everyone is satisfied with everything,” I continued, “then probably the Agency could expect some premium.” Again silence. And silence, as they say, a sign of agreement. I got up from the chair and Lida got up. Lida is a professional, it was pleasant to work with her. First on the couch, then on the table. Lying, standing, then lying down again. I went into rage and felt like a real porn actor. But Lida (which means the pro) did not let me make a fuss. She handed me to Vika, and she herself accepted Boris. Victoria also seemed to like to “watch”, because she was already completely ready to contact me. And we lit… We parted with our clients, as with old good friends. This was the case with “double betrayal.”

      Passions in a Rich Home

      In the morning I pushed the door of my office with the sign “Agency Amur. Affair matters. “My assistant Vika sat at the table and was looking at something on the computer. I hoped she was busy with official affairs. And we already had many cases. Things were going uphill and I was thinking of hiring myself a second assistant. In my dreams, I was already sitting in the office on the phone and giving out only instructions to my zealous employees who, like bloodhounds, scoured the city, bringing the Agency (me) more and more money… I sat in my chair, opened the laptop and began to view the mail. Vika and I waited for the client, a certain Lilia Vitalievna. “What’s the name, Lilia?” I thought. From the corner of my eye I saw that the assistant “grazes” on the dating site. A young, interesting woman, but with the muzhiks she is not lucky (as she herself said to herself). Victoria was really pretty. Thick brown hair, large dark eyes, a good figure, made her very, very attractive. But at work we are “flints”, no shashnahs and novels, only if on business need, and it sometimes came out…

      Lilia Vitalyevna also came. Victoria made us all coffee and we prepared to listen carefully. That’s what she told us. She lives with her husband and daughter in a big country house. Jan’s daughter, a student, and her husband, Anton (Anton Sergeevich), a real estate specialist. Lilia herself is engaged in business and, frankly, contains the whole family. She also has business connected with real estate, but unlike her husband, this is a “serious business”. “Just like ours, our business is also growing,” I thought. Lily is concerned about the fate of her daughter. She’s already a bride for marriage. There are good variants of marriage, it is possible to become related with decent and well-off families, but Yana does not want. Waiting for his “prince”. And then she waited. Lilia Vitalievna took a breather. She held confidently, looked well and was dressed very “decently”. In a word, it seemed like a completely successful person (woman). And well-groomed. So, she hired a worker, take care of the garden, clean the pool and so on. And it turned out to be a young handsome guy. His name is Stepan, he is a visitor, from somewhere in Ukraine or Moldova. And the daughter fell in love with him. And the one, as specially, teases her. He walks through the garden with his naked torso, smiling condescendingly. And why should he not smile, the girls fall in love with these to the ears. And for Yana, after all, a fortune. Do you understand? “That is, you want us to separate them,” dissolved”? I asked. – “Well yes”. “Why do not you just fire him?” “Well, first of all, he’s a good worker. And secondly, the fact that I’m firing it will not do anything. If they want, they can meet anywhere, not necessarily at home. “There it was necessary to think everything over. And I made my “proprietary” move. I told Lilia Vitalievna that we will all “grind” and I will send her my thoughts tomorrow.

      The next day I made a preliminary calculation of our future expenses and sent it to the customer. In addition, I suggested to Lilia Vitalievna that Vika and I stayed at her house for a couple of days in the guise of some relatives or colleagues. Lily agreed. That evening Vika and I moved to her. The house was large and well maintained. We were allocated two guest rooms on the second floor, with one (between them) a bathroom. “It’s easy to use the bathroom,” Lilia Vitalievna told us. – When one of you is in the bathroom, he closes the bolt in the neighbor’s room. And popolzovavshis, leaving, opens the bolt. “In the evening we had dinner together all together. Served us at the table a cook (or cook) at an age. Everything was delicious. We were treated to quail in a wine sauce with boiled vegetables and tea with sweets. At the table, no one spoke much. Lilia Vitalievna introduced us as business partners from another city. She said that we will stay with them for a few days. Anton Sergeyevich ate in silence. It seemed to me that he was attentively attending to my assistant. Yana was also silent. It looks like she was out of sorts. Jan was not a beauty, she could not have called her tongue a bad name. The apartment owners were like us, on the second floor. The servants, the cook, Stepan and others (if they were) lived on the first floor, they had their own separate, “black” entrance. Now there was no reason to go there and we got to know Stepan about it in the morning.

      After a good dinner I fell asleep well. A knock on my door woke me. What? Where? Who is it? I opened the door, behind her stood in the dressing gown… Vika. “Vika, are you? What do you want? Or you … "– I did not finish, I thought that she came to me to have sex. While I was puzzling in the stupor, Vika loudly and distinctly said: “Idiot, you did not open the latch from the bathroom to my room and now I do not get to the toilet.” Then I could not sleep for a long time. I heard all the steps in the corridor and knocking. Then I dreamed a nude Victoria in the bathroom, she called me to her…

      Breakfast in the house of Lilia Vitalievna was not regulated. That is, everyone had breakfast, as it is convenient, the kitchen is open from early morning. Nadezhda Ivanovna (cook, cook) met us with hot pancakes, just from a frying pan. Served pancakes were butter, sour cream, red fish, cut slices and jam. I lay down on the fish, Vick for sour cream. Nadezhda Ivanovna turned out to be a good-natured and talkative woman. Lilia Vitalievna has long since left, she has a big business. Anton Sergeevich did not get up yet, he does not appear in the kitchen before noon. Yana also left, she went to college, to classes. – “Well, you go for a walk. The garden here is beautiful. Swim in the pool, play billiards. In a word, have fun. Lilia Vitalievna said that it will be for supper. " – “Who else works or is there in the house?” – “Cleaners coming. Stepan only, the gardener, but the manager, Viktor Vasilyevich. " – “And where are they?” – “They do not eat here, only the owners. Viktor Vasilievich has his own