Gedanken zur Vererbungsfrage, eine Antwort an Herbert Spencer. Jena. 1895.
See Boltzmann,
Of late this saying of Newton's is frequently quoted as if Newton were a downright contemner of scientific hypotheses. But if we read the passage in question in its original context, we shall discover that his renunciation of hypotheses referred solely to a definite case, viz., to that of universal gravitation, of whose character Newton could form no conception and hence was unwilling to construct hypotheses concerning it. Indeed, such a wholesale repudiation of hypotheses is antecedently incredible on the part of the inventor of the emission-theory of light, in which, to speak of only one daring conjecture, "fits" were ascribed to the luminous particles. Compare Newton,
H. Hertz,
Hans Driesch,
That is, by the law of exceedingly slow retrogression of superfluous characters, which may be designated the law of organic inertia.