Warder George Woodward

The Universe a Vast Electric Organism

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without the separate unfolding of two distinct organisms meeting in generative embrace, imparting a new seed-life. All germ-life has its beginning where positive and negative magnetic currents blend into unity.

      The germinal life and the food supply of plant and animal fix the boundaries of its being. There can be no evolution of plant life into animal life. It is not scientific or rational; vegetable, plant and tree have no independent existence separate from the soil of the earth except as latent in seed form.

      As all material organisms take on their organic form around electric or magnetic centers drawing their atoms from electrical currents, so all life-germs take their growth from the magnetic centers of their growing forms. Here in the field of electric forces is to be found the generative forces of organic matter—the mysterious births from all parental life. And the constantly revolving circle of periodic changes of growth and decay, of life and death, of seed beginning and seed producing—like sunshine and shadow, light and darkness—are opposite points in the circle of electric force and physical life. The growing and dying life-forms intervene between these two points of rest and renewal, of attraction and repulsion, of positive organism and negative diffusion of matter.

      They are the results of the great electric system of attracting and repelling currents of magnetism that are as fixed in their lines of force and order of work as the rocks at the foundations of the mountains. In fact, all that is strong and abiding in matter rests upon these currents of energy, and all of life is dependent upon the constancy and perpetually pulsating flow of the unseen electrical potencies of creation. Life is a universal unity, as light, heat, electricity and polarization, which evolve it, are unities. The order of ascending life organism is from the simple to the complex; from the lowest plane of rock formation the series is upward; from the lowest form of vegetable life it is up to the highest, and in the animal life upward till the crowning work is reached in the thinking animal we call man, who is more than a thinking animal.

      To each ascending form there is an endowment of self-perpetuation by parentage and seed fruitage, which involve the electro-magnetic condition of germ life. Thus by electrical forces plants build within each other and form others by elementary atoms, with power of self-propagation, bridging the life-gulf between silent atom and living organism as if they were the material work of some spiritual builder.

      Thus by electrical forces nature builds all human and animal life-forms and organisms. The primary atoms of matter have their home in the electro-magnetic forces and are evolved from them into the material organisms of creation. When the electro-magnetic origin of light, heat, physical life and so-called gravitation is fully accepted and their dynamic energy traced to its potential body, we have reached the strength of primary forces and the unending circle of electrical potencies.

      This brings us to the border land of creative work, to the mysterious sea of all life-giving forces, and the universal basis of all existing creations.

      Here spirit, matter, and electricity—the three great basic entities of creation—work together in full accord in evolving and fashioning all material growth and material structures. In natural growth protoplasm gives the material conditions of life without which there could be no food supplies.

      They contain grouped elements of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon out of which living structures are reared. Life is dependent upon food supplies of matter, which supplies must be raised to radiant conditions by electric forces to secure its assimilation into living organic forms. Life, therefore, like light, seeks through magnetic action a radiant plane of matter where it can reveal its working presence. Upon such a plane all forms of life come to birth from a common parentage—from electric force and radiant matter, each form endowed with personality, and powers of reproduction that make them factors of life and growth upon the radiant plane of creative potencies.

      Prof. G. F. Wright of Oberlin says in a recent article: "Evolution does not solve the mysteries of the universe. It simply pushes them one step further back. The mystery of the acorn is greater than the mystery of the oak, for it has compressed in it all the 'power and potency' of the oak. It is no explanation of a chick to say it is hatched from an egg. The wonder and the mystery is simply carried back to that infinitesimal point in the egg which conceals within itself the power of producing the feathered biped with all its marvelous instincts and adapted organism." I hold that the infinitesimal point in the egg and the acorn is its electric center of life-force, or magnetic core, which, under the law of organic affinity, develops by nutrition and respiration, which are electric processes, into the chick and the oak. He says: "So, of all the processes of nature, man's vision sees only the surface. We do not see causes but only effects. We plant a seed, and all that we see is that under certain conditions it springs up and produces the blade, then the ear, and last the full corn in the ear. No one knows how it comes about that two seeds which look alike under the same conditions produce different colored flowers and different qualities of fruit. The beginning of everything is a mystery. If one affirms that things have no beginning he but increases the mystery. The difficulty with all theories of evolution is to get a starting point. The time was when philosophers could speak of the universe as eternal. The geologists fifty years ago could do so, but the demonstration of the conservation of energy has put an end to any such easy-going speculation."

      All this is well stated and very true, except that by treating all things as electro-magnets, drawing positive and negative atoms or ions from air, food and water, we see how by nutrition and accretion animal and vegetable organism may be evolved by the law of magnetic attraction and organic affinity. This is the only rational solution and is in accord with all the processes of nature and with the conservation of energy. Elsewhere I have endeavored to explain how, by the constant renewal of matter and electric energy in the sun and in space, the universe may be eternal and no waste or deterioration occur and, while always changing, is virtually changeless.

      Newton in his theory of gravitation discovered one phase of electric energy, and his law of gravitation is in reality simply the law of electrical attraction. But he never knew the cause of it and never discovered the other and dual phase of electric energy—the law of electrical repulsion, he never even suspected it. For he held that the balancing force of gravitation of the other planets kept each planet from falling into the sun, which it otherwise would have done under the law of gravitation, which says large bodies attract smaller ones. This position was untenable, as I have shown in "The Cities of the Sun."

      Newton thought that an apple was attracted to the earth because the earth was larger, and that any larger body would attract a smaller one. But I hold that size is not what controls attraction; it is electrical conditions. An amount of substance from the sun would have more attracting power than the same amount from the earth, because the sun has more electrical power. A lodestone has more attracting power than the same amount of ordinary substance. A pound of iron has no attracting force until it is magnetized; then it will lift many times its weight. So size, weight, or gravity is no test of attracting power.

      I therefore repudiate the law of gravity and adopt electricity, with its dual force of action and reaction, attraction and repulsion, as the supreme cosmic evolving force of the universe, creating all light, heat and life and producing all the varied and wonderful phenomena of nature.

      I hold that by the law of electric energy the sun is not a thermal or heating engine as the astronomers proclaim, but is an electric generator and is not hot, and that the sun's rays, neither where they originate or where they act are hot, but they come to the earth as cool currents of electricity, which generate heat near the earth's surface by coming in contact with an opposite electricity and the resistance and friction of its atmosphere. Proof of this is found in the snow-covered peaks of the tropics and the glaciers of the torrid zone.

      I have waited six years for objections to the electric theory of creation and have found only one recently stated. This first and only objection is that electricity is a derivative force.

      Prof. G. F. Wright, of Oberlin, in an article in the Chicago Record, Dec., 1902, says: "Many of the speculations concerning the unlimited use of electricity overlook the fact of its derivative origin. Electricity is but transformed force. It is not a producer of force but a consumer of force. It merely directs the force to its specific end. The electricity which propels and warms the street cars of Buffalo, and furnishes power to its small factories and illuminates its streets is merely force