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The Two Admirals

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me a glass of his black-strap, as I ran through the dining-room, and told me to drink ‘Confusion to the Pretender,’ which I did, with hearty good-will; but his liquor will no more lay alongside of the ale they’ve down on the orlop, than a Frenchman will compare with an Englishman. What’s your opinion, Admiral Blue, consarning this cruise of the Pretender’s son, up in the Highlands of Scotland?”

      Bluewater gave a quick, distrustful glance at the steward, for he knew that the fellow was half his time in the outer cabin and pantries of the Plantagenet, and he could not tell how much of his many private dialogues with Sir Gervaise, might have been overheard. Meeting with nothing but the unmeaning expression of one half-seas-over, his uneasiness instantly subsided.

      “I think it a gallant enterprise, Galleygo,” he answered; too manly even to feign what he did not believe; “but I fear as a cruise, it will not bring much prize-money. You have forgotten you were about to tell me how the land lies. Sir Wycherly, Mr. Dutton, Mr. Rotherham, are still at the table, I fancy – are these all? What have become of the two young gentlemen?”

      “There’s none ashore, sir,” said Galleygo, promptly, accustomed to give that appellation only to midshipmen.

      “I mean the two Mr. Wychecombes; one of whom, I had forgot, is actually an officer.”

      “Yes, sir, and a most partic’lar fine officer he is, as every body says. Well, sir, he’s with the ladies; while his namesake has gone back to the table, and has put luff upon luff, to fetch up leeway.”

      “And the ladies – what have they done with themselves, in this scene of noisy revelry?”

      “They’se in yonder state-room, your honour. As soon as they found how the ship was heading, like all women-craft, they both makes for the best harbour they could run into. Yes, they’se yonder.”

      As Galleygo pointed to the door of the room he meant, Bluewater proceeded towards it, parting with the steward after a few more words of customary, but very useless caution. The tap of the admiral was answered by Wycherly in person, who opened the door, and made way for his superior to enter, with a respectful obeisance. There was but a single candle in the little parlour, in which the two females had taken refuge from the increasing noise of the debauch; and this was due to a pious expedient of Mildred’s, in extinguishing the others, with a view to conceal the traces of tears that were still visible on her own and her mother’s cheeks. The rear-admiral was, at first, struck with this comparative obscurity; but it soon appeared to him appropriate to the feelings of the party assembled in the room. Mrs. Dutton received him with the ease she had acquired in her early life, and the meeting passed as a matter of course, with persons temporarily residing under the same roof.

      “Our friends appear to be enjoying themselves,” said Blue-water, when a shout from the dining-room forced itself on the ears of all present. “The loyalty of Sir Wycherly seems to be of proof.”

      “Oh! Admiral Bluewater,” exclaimed the distressed wife, feeling, momentarily, getting the better of discretion; “do you – can you call such a desecration of God’s image enjoyment?”

      “Not justly, perhaps, Mrs. Dutton; and yet it is what millions mistake for it. This mode of celebrating any great event, and even of illustrating what we think our principles, is, I fear, a vice not only of our age, but of our country.”

      “And yet, neither you, nor Sir Gervaise Oakes, I see, find it necessary to give such a proof of your attachment to the house of Hanover, or of your readiness to serve it with your time and persons.”

      “You will remember, my good, lady, that both Oakes and myself are flag-officers in command, and it would never do for us to fall into a debauch in sight of our own ships. I am glad to see, however, that Mr. Wychecombe, here, prefers such society as I find him in, to the pleasures of the table.”

      Wycherly bowed, and Mildred cast an expressive, not to say grateful, glance towards the speaker; but her mother pursued the discourse, in which she found a little relief to her suppressed emotion.

      “God be thanked for that!” she exclaimed, half-unconscious of the interpretation that might be put on her words; “All that we have seen of Mr. Wychecombe would lead us to believe that this is not an unusual, or an accidental forbearance.”

      “So much the more fortunate for him. I congratulate you, young sir, on this triumph of principle, or of temperament, or of both. We belong to a profession, in which the bottle is an enemy more to be feared, than any that the king can give us. A sailor can call in no ally as efficient in subduing this mortal foe, as an intelligent and cultivated mind. The man who really thinks much, seldom drinks much; but there are hours – nay, weeks and months of idleness in a ship, in which the temptation to resort to unnatural excitement in quest of pleasure, is too strong for minds, that are not well fortified, to resist. This is particularly the case with commanders, who find themselves isolated by their rank, and oppressed with responsibility, in the privacy of their own cabins, and get to make a companion of the bottle, by way of seeking relief from uncomfortable thoughts, and of creating a society of their own. I deem the critical period of a sailor’s life, to be the first few years of solitary command.”

      “How true! – how true!” murmured Mrs. Dutton. “Oh! that cutter – that cruel cutter!”

      The truth flashed upon the recollection of Bluewater, at this unguarded, and instantly regretted exclamation. Many years before, when only a captain himself, he had been a member of a court-martial which cashiered a lieutenant of the name of Dutton, for grievous misconduct, while in command of a cutter; the fruits of the bottle. From the first, he thought the name familiar to him; but so many similar things had happened in the course of forty years’ service, that this particular incident had been partially lost in the obscurity of time. It was now completely recalled, however; and that, too, with all its attendant circumstances. The recollection served to give the rear-admiral renewed interest in the unhappy wife, and lovely daughter, of the miserable delinquent. He had been applied to, at the time, for his interest in effecting the restoration of the guilty officer, or even to procure for him, the hopeless station he now actually occupied; but he had sternly refused to be a party in placing any man in authority, who was the victim of a propensity that not only disgraced himself, but which, in the peculiar position of a sailor, equally jeoparded the honour of the country, and risked the lives of all around him. He was aware that the last application had been successful, by means of a court influence it was very unusual to exert in cases so insignificant; and, then, he had, for years, lost sight of the criminal and his fortunes. This unexpected revival of his old impressions, caused him to feel like an ancient friend of the wife and daughter; for well could he recall a scene he had with both, in which the struggle between his humanity and his principles had been so violent as actually to reduce him to tears. Mildred had forgotten the name of this particular officer, having been merely a child; but well did Mrs. Dutton remember it, and with fear and trembling had she come that day, to meet him at the Hall. The first look satisfied her that she was forgotten, and she had struggled herself, to bury in oblivion, a scene which was one of the most painful of her life. The unguarded expression, mentioned, entirely changed the state of affairs.

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