Valery Pikulev

Water and Stone. Historical story

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as it was called then): the city was decided to be called in Russian, in honor of its founder, Peter the Great, – Petrograd.

      The second renunciation happened in January, 1924. The city began to bear a name of the Leader of the world proletariat, Lenin, – Leningrad. And the third … – in correction of historical delusions, (also give, God, the last!) – in September, 1991. And everything was turned back “into place”!

      Thus, for more than tercentenary history the city “thrashed” with renamings of 77 years, – three quarters of the century under an assumed name! – the period for which cruel tests and shocks fell to its lot terrible and really: horrors of World War I… falling of the Monarchy… ruin and adversities Civil… terrible Blockade during Domestic! – Do not renounce!

      And, at last, – the third historical “surprise”. And the most interesting, perhaps! It is connected with purpose of St. Petersburg as the cities, with time and the place of its bookmark.

      Imagine the huge, wild country (which Russia to Peter was), which capital the sovereign suddenly decided to move to the suburb, under a nose of the dangerous and strong neighbor enemy (which Sweden was then), in the heat of war with it and, – keep more strong! – on yet the territory which is not recaptured off it! What it would be possible to tell about judiciousness of such sovereign? (We will remind that Northern war went since February the 1700th till September of the 1721st year, and laying of St. Petersburg happened in May of the 1703rd).

      And what was represented by Sweden of that time, – perhaps, rather weak, worthless opponent on whom and attention you should not have turned? – By no means! Sweden in the 18th century played in the world the same role, as America in the 21st, – the powerful, impudent state! And if Russia, pining with a war burden with Sweden, pulled more than 20 years a military strap, then Sweden at the same time successfully was at war… and a half Europe! Otherwise, how to explain that Swedes appeared near Poltava, without passing through the Russian territory? – They passed, conquering the state behind the state, across Western Europe!

      Now we will try to understand in whose territory the tsar Peter put St. Petersburg, – on enemy or, nevertheless, on the Russian.

      Undoubtedly, – the Karelian, Izhora, Spassky, Rovduzhsky churchyards of the Votic pyatina (all present Leningrad Region) since ancient times were a part of lands of Mister of Veliky Novgorod and opened for him a way to Baltic!

      Koporye (1237), Korela and Tiversk (after 1293), … – network of these Novgorod fortresses covered with Rovduzh (1480) all territory of northwest Russian lands, providing their protection. However, with construction of the Swedish fortress Vyborg (1293) begins expansion of Swedes to the east. Moreover, under the Stolbovsky peace treaty of February, 1617 which ended the Russian-Swedish war of 1614 – 1617, unsuccessful for Russia, all lands of the present Leningrad Region departed to Sweden, having formed its province – Ingria; and in 1632 on the Neva River there was also the Swedish fortified city Nienschanz. Thus, an exit of Russia to the Baltic Sea was tightly closed. And only in September, 1721 the Nishtadtsky world which topped a victory of Russia in Northern war returned to the Empire its primordial lands (Vyborg also was their part) – the territory exceeding on squares Belgium and Holland, combined!

      But St. Petersburg, nevertheless, was put to the Nishtadtsky peace treaty, so… in the territory which is temporarily occupied by the opponent! – here in what all piece! So, why “temporarily occupied”? This question, I think, deserves special attention.

      Running forward, I want to notice that after the end of Northern war all lands of the Karelian Isthmus (including Vyborg) were a part of the Russian Empire. Moreover, as a result of the last in the history of the Russian-Swedish (Findyandskaya) war of 1808—1809 all Finland also was a part of the Russian Empire (as the Grand duchy Finnish) that was fixed by the Fridrikhsgamsky peace treaty. At the same time the “administrative” border of Finland with other part of the Russian Empire passed to the northwest from Vyborg which already, was not a part of the Finnish principality. However, the Russian emperor Alexander I, in purely administrative purposes, attributed to Finland the earth of the Karelian Isthmus, up to St. Petersburg (1811). And since then the internal (administrative) border between the Grand duchy Finnish and other part of the Russian Empire passed down the river The Sister, near Sestroretsk.

      In December, 1917 Lenin, “having granted” to Finland independence, “forgot” to select back the earth of the Karelian Isthmus, attributed to it by Alexander I administratively. In March, 1940, as a result of completion of war with Finland, the Soviet Union eliminated historical injustice, having returned to Russia its primordial lands – the Karelian Isthmus (well, and in the 2014th, as we know, Russia returned also the Crimea!).

      Let’s return, however, at the time of the basis of St. Petersburg. No doubt, – desire of the tsar to gain a foothold in the territories which are just won from Swedes in the mouth of Neva was quite natural and reasonable. However, to build here, near by at Swedes, the new capital … – well is not present, only not it! – Dangerously! And here, if to build good, strong fortress, is, of course… Moreover, it is possible to create around this fortress and a recess lovely to heart, – small such seaside town for rest of soul, – as opposed to enormous, mossy and archaic Moscow with which at Peter very unpleasant childhood memories and youth were connected: Sofya… a streletsky revolt … – and in it, in own town by the sea, far from capital vanity to begin to build the Russian fleet and to live by new rules! And there, you look, and Russia mother will be accustomed to them…

      Well, tsar Peter, – saying to the modern language, – conceived to construct certain “science and technology park” and with its help to develop wild to Rasey facing Europe, to allow it to look to the west through just cut through window! No new capital and in thoughts existed, – Moscow is enough! Peter created the new city, – native! – and for; built as an amusing toy!

      Let’s remember, for example, its children’s entertainments on the Pleshcheevy lake: the amusing fleet, amusing regiments, – Semyonovsky, Preobrazhenskiy (according to names of villages from where peasants), – were taken and in what they turned then?! They became the terrible force and protection of Russia bearing the help to sufferers and horror to enemies on the sails and bayonets! They became beauty and pride of the State Russian!

      Isn’t it and St. Petersburg…

      “The Bronze Horseman”: the most known in the world

      monument to Peter I – the main symbol of St. Petersburg

      First acquaintance

      So, so St. Petersburg… And that, and we will go according to its avenues and the areas, stopping (as if a doggie at columns) before each of in the slightest degree interesting structures, monuments … – “look to the right… and now look on the left …", – as crowd of the tourists who became stupid from impressions to whom if only “to be noted” yes to pass away time to the train, and then, so, pompously to speak at home: “about – oh, – I was in St. Petersburg!” – so, perhaps? Of course, no, is not the guide! Give, not hurry, – time at us a pile! – give, it is detailed and… carefully.

      Before to meet someone, – to learn who such is what represents, “than breathes”, – not harm to have a look from outside: and what boring whether it is good a figure, whether the blonde… the brunette … – Oh! Where was I? About the city agreed! Well, all right, – about the city, so about the city.

      And, nevertheless, – there is in St. Petersburg such town from which it is possible, having taken of the city a broad view, time to survey both immense breadth of stately Neva, and all its historic center: Petrograd Side, Vyborg, Moscow… Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, Peter and Paul Fortress…