Лим Ворд

Новая Земля. New Earth

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Since the planes destroy both buildings, Larry requires 7.2 billion, and after lengthy litigation receives about 8 billion (including, for the third, 47-story building of WTC-7, collapsed for no apparent reason a few hours after the terrorist attack). How much money an entrepreneur otsuzhivaet from airlines and airport security services (initially the amount of the claim is 12 billion dollars). Gold ingots with a total price of about a billion, stored in the cellars of buildings, seem to be completely evaporated. We add that the towers of the WTC are unprofitable initially (as Silverstein could not have known), their seals use so unloved by Americans asbestos, and after computerization of the entire planet, most of the work on making deals is done outside the walls of expensive offices.

      At the same time, the US gets an excuse to attack Iraq and invade Afghanistan. It is these countries that have been found guilty of the largest, at the present time, terrorist act. The vast military-industrial complex, the American army, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, feeling the lack of funds, once again get open access to the state budget (allocations are doubled, only Afghanistan and Iraq are allocated 3 trillion dollars). The monetary contentment of the law enforcement agencies is sharply increased. Powers of state security structures are expanding.

      Later, the strongest blows to the United States and the European Union are received by Libya and Syria.

      Both these countries, just like Iraq, we recall, are Israel’s natural enemies.

      … We can sympathize with Israel and its heroic Defense Army, which is trying to preserve peace and prosperity on its land by classical military methods. But, to use another, a huge country and its inhabitants for their own needs, in symbiosis with its special services, adjusting a terrifying and inhumane terrorist act is too much.

      This God (which not only for the Jews) can not approve.

      Let me remind you that the September 11, 2001 terrorist act has a kind of forerunner. Thus, on June 8, 1967, Israeli planes without identification signs, for several hours, are attacked (clearly identified by them) by the American intelligence vessel Liberty. 34 sailors are dying. The idea of an operation carried out with participation of some structures of the highest US administration is provocation, involvement of the US in the war with Egypt on the side of Israel. The shelling of a destroyer ceases only when the US military restores part of the antenna (destroyed by the Israelis first) and sends a signal to its Sixth Fleet.

      …I’m not ashamed to say that I love America. Therefore, friends, the realization that the system of checks and balances in it has given a serious crack, and democracy is based only on an honest word, and the silence of a still well-fed people, is very depressing. It’s also sad that almost the whole world, having watched TV stories (for example, with the apparent incongruity of the Pentagon’s attack, obviously not a passenger liner), is quite content with the narrative presented by the US Government.

      Maybe the Anglo-Saxons and Jews, the military and the financiers are now a single conglomerate… Or, completely and completely here – did the latter win? In the buildings of the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, there were violent shootings, stripping, the destruction of all the remaining dissenters? … We do not know anything about this with you, friends. It seems a good topic for an instructive film, if only we had worthy directors.

      Most likely, the holding force – (at least some religious and decent) Anglo-Saxons, with a fight, surrendered its position. Now in the world there is only one, non-replaceable earthly authority.

      And this is wrong.

      … We can develop, and realize the idea that the time has come to form a fundamentally new leading nation. Yes, not from absolute zero, but on the basis of all the best that the Western world and the Jewish tradition can offer us. But, for this it is necessary to diligently, zealously ask God for the sanction of chosenness, serious work, suffering and accomplishments – individually, and together with blood-related people.

      The key words here are love and trust.

      Архипелаг Новая Земля. Представим, что, если бы убрать скучные военные базы, все ненужное, включая даже и прежние названия, здесь можно было бы основать базовый Ареал обитания, кузницу кадров принципиально новой ведущей нации планеты…The New Land ( Novaya Zemlya)  Archipelago. Let's imagine that if we removed the boring military bases, everything unnecessary, including even the old names, it would be possible to establish a basic habitat here, the forge of the cadre of the fundamentally new leading nation of the planet …

      Мощнейшая бюрократическая супердержава нашего времени – это, разумеется наша Российская Федерация. Желаете ли вы, чтобы так оставалось всегда?

      В силах ли мы освободиться от сетей постоянно висящих рядом, сковывающих движения законов?

      Просмотрим Историю, являющуюся своего рода Библией цивилизации через биографии значимых фигур времени; от руководителя СССР Георгия Маленкова, пришедшего на смену Сталину до наших живых дней.

      Как изменить сложившееся положение вещей, сделать наш дом похожим на то, для чего мы так старательно трудились?

      The most powerful bureaucratic superpower of our time is, of course, our Russian Federation. Do you want this to always remain so?

      Are we able to free ourselves from the networks of constantly hanging laws that cram the movement?

      Let’s look at History, which is a kind of Bible of civilization through biographies of significant figures of time; from the leader of the USSR Georgy Malenkov, who came to replace Stalin until our days of life.

      How to change the current state of things, to make our house look like what we worked so hard for?

      В оформлении обложки использовано изображение трактора Марвина Химейера, бескомпромиссного борца за свои права, национального героя АмерикиThe cover design uses an image of the tractor Marvin Himeyer, an uncompromising fighter for his rights, the national hero of America



      Георгий Маленков

      Георгий Маленков. Рождение – 1901 г, Оренбург, российская Империя, …служба политработником