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Northanger Abbey / Нортенгерское аббатство. Книга для чтения на английском языке

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had they worked themselves into the quiet possession of a place, however, when her attention was claimed by John Thorpe, who stood behind her. “Heyday, Miss Morland!” said he. “What is the meaning of this? I thought you and I were to dance together.”

      “I wonder you should think so, for you never asked me.”

      “That is a good one[110], by Jove! I asked you as soon as I came into the room, and I was just going to ask you again, but when I turned round, you were gone! This is a cursed shabby trick![111] I only came for the sake of dancing with you, and I firmly believe you were engaged to me ever since Monday. Yes; I remember, I asked you while you were waiting in the lobby for your cloak. And here have I been telling all my acquaintance that I was going to dance with the prettiest girl in the room; and when they see you standing up with somebody else, they will quiz me famously.”

      “Oh, no; they will never think of me, after such a description as that.”

      “By heavens, if they do not, I will kick them out of the room for blockheads. What chap have you there?” Catherine satisfied his curiosity. “Tilney,” he repeated. “Hum – I do not know him. A good figure of a man; well put together. Does he want a horse? Here is a friend of mine, Sam Fletcher, has got one to sell that would suit anybody. A famous clever animal for the road – only forty guineas. I had fifty minds to buy it myself, for it is one of my maxims always to buy a good horse when I meet with one; but it would not answer my purpose, it would not do for the field. I would give any money for a real good hunter. I have three now, the best that ever were backed. I would not take eight hundred guineas for them. Fletcher and I mean to get a house in Leicestershire, against the next season. It is so d – — uncomfortable, living at an inn.”

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      Beggar’s Petition– «Мольба нищего», сентиментальное стихотворение английского священника Томаса Мосса (1740–1808)


      The Hare and Many Friends– «Зайчиха и ее друзья», басня Джона Гея (1685–1732), английского поэта и драматурга


      Pope – Александр Поуп (1688–1744), английский поэт (далее цитата из его стихотворения «Элегия в память несчастной дамы»)


      Gray – Томас Грей (1716–1771), английский поэт (далее неточная цитата из самого известного его стихотворения «Элегия, написанная на сельском кладбище»)


      Thompson – Джеймс Томсон (1700–1748), английский поэт (далее цитата из его стихотворения «Весна»)


      “Trifles light as air, “Are, to the jealous, confirmation strong, “As proofs of Holy Writ.” – У. Шекспир, «Отелло»,III, 3.


      “The poor beetle, which we tread upon,

      “In corporal sufferance feels a pang as great

      “As when a giant dies.” – У. Шекспир. «Мера за меру», III, 1.


      “like Patience on a monument

      “Smiling at Grief.” – У. Шекспир. «Двенадцатая ночь, или Что угодно», II, 4.


      throwing a whole party into raptures – (уст.) безмерно восхитить компанию


      Bath – Бат, город на юго-западе Англии, столетиями известный своими минеральными целебными источниками


      entertained no notion of their general mischievousness – (уст.) не питала никаких подозрений относительно всеобщей безнравственности


      fortunately proved to be groundless – (разг.) к счастью, оказались беспочвенными


      entrée – (фр.) вхождение, вступление


      the Upper Rooms – «Верхние залы», помещение для публичных балов, построено в 1771 г. Джоном Вудом-младшим


      The season was full – (разг.) Сезон был в разгаре; был разгар сезона


      protégée – (фр.) протеже, подопечная


      Here are no tea-things for us – (разг.) Для нас даже не поставили