A., 2009);
(c) fractional change in female breast cancer mortality for birth cohort in UK (see: Juckett David A., 2009);
(d) geomagnetic field secular variations (Y-component, nT/year) as observed at the Eskdalemuir observatory (England) (see: http://www.geomag.bgs.ac.uk./gifs/ annual_means.shtml), where the variations (gY/gt) are directly proportional to the westward drift of magnetic features;
(e) Malignant brain tumor (brain stem) (see: Legler Julie M., 1999) ;
(f) the number of deaths from ICD9 item n 191 Malignant neoplasm of brain (see: Pechholdova M., 2008);
(g) Brain lymphoma incidences in US;
(h) the mortality rates from infectious diseases (incl. Tuberculosis) at ages 15 – 34 in France (see: Mesle F., 2006);
The curves (a) and (b) are smoothed by the sliding intervals of 5 and 11 years.
Time evolution of (a) the variations of the magnetic flux at the bottom (the tachocline zone) of the Sun convective zone (see: M. T. Santini, G. Rainaldi, and P. Indovina., 2009), (b) the geomagnetic feld secular variations (the Y-component, nT / year) measured at the Eskdalemuir observatory (England), (see: A. R. Liboff, 2009 ). Curves are smoothed by the sliding intervals in 5 and 11 years.
Rusov V. and his colleagues also used the rotation speed of the Earth.
So, the change of economic indicators depending on the Earth's rotational velocity does not look unusual any more.
We present the data for a given time period on the Earth's rotational velocity, on the change of consumer basket cost, that is, the CPI index (percentage of the previous year value), and on solar activity. These data are available for a period from the beginning of the XIX century.
Such an integral indicator as the GDP growth rate also depends on the Earth's rotational velocity. This dependency is different in different countries.
But the GDP growth is determined by the people's labor activity. Naturally, people changes are also dependent on the Earth's rotational velocity. In the annual cycle, slowdown of the Earth's rotation (corresponds to winter) is related to the growth of people's creativity potential. Famous, creative personalities were born in winter months more often (data by E. Vinogradov).
Whereas the formally logical IQ tests (intelligence coefficient) are better solved by people in summer, at the maximum Earth's rotational velocity.
The results of intellectual tests also depend on the subject's date of birth. That is, the cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity affect personality at the moment of birth. These dependencies are also associated with the stock market movement.
It was discovered that different countries respond to cosmic energies differently. In terms of GDP growth rates, all countries are divided into those whose GDP grows with the slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity, and those whose GDP grows with the growth of the Earth's rotational velocity.
The graphs of long waves, cycles of economic development are taken from the book “Kondratiev waves: aspects and prospects”. Volgograd, 2012. – 384 p.
All countries are surprisingly divided into two relatively opposite groups in terms of agreement degree of the Earth's rotational velocity with the GDP growth rates.
Generally, in the world there is almost no relationship between the Earth's rotational velocity and the GDP growth rates. R LOD/%World = 0.036.
Countries are almost equally divided into those that have a positive relationship between the GDP growth rates and LOD, and those whose GDP is negatively correlated with its values.
Financial markets change with the Earth's rotational velocity not only on the annual and ten-year time scale, but also on the daily basis.
There is another classic example of market behavior according to the Elliott wave theory. For a shorter and quieter period of time. This is classics: from the book on Elliott Waves.
Elliot wave on the financial market and the Earth’s rotational velocity. Graph is taken from “Wave principle of Elliot” of A. Frost and R. Prekter
The ratio of the cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity and the solar activity makes clear some socio-political processes.
And even allows to predict protest actions. (see http://bemkon.ru/Fragments/Article19.asp)
Such an influence of cosmic energies on economic and social processes is related to the fact that people are different physiologically, at the level of their health, at the high and low Earth's rotational velocities.
A relationship was found between the frequency of ambulance
calls in Moscow and the Earth's rotational velocity
The frequency of ambulance calls is strikingly similar to the form of series of the Earth's rotational velocity; correlation coefficient (CC) is very high, statistically significant and equal to -0.46 with more than 1600 samples in each series and almost zero shift. This is almost absolute agreement for wave processes.
See: V.A. Chereshnev, A.G. Gomburtsev, T.K. Breus. A man and his three surrounding environments. Vestnik of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2007, vol. 77, №7, pp. 618-627.
This appears at monthly and annual scales, so these dependencies cannot be explained with seasonality of diseases.
Russian people's health and mortality rate are especially dependent on cosmic energies.
There is no mistake. For such dependencies were discovered for thousands of patients, ambulance call cases, both by doctor-scientists and statisticians.
But if health of Russian people depends on the Earth's rotational velocity, then this should affect their cardiograms and electroencephalograms. There is also a sample of thousands of subjects.
On the graph below, there is another indicator of cosmic energy – gravity. It changes with the change of the Earth's rotational velocity.
But if there are biological, physiological, mental changes in people depending on the Earth's rotational velocity, then this should affect sports achievements and our working capacity.
On the example of hundreds of Russian and world record-holders, two trends have been identified.
1) Russian athletes win more often at point 5 (minimum of the Earth's rotational velocity) of the cosmic energies change cycle on a scale of days, whereas foreign ones – at point 1 (maximum of the Earth's rotational velocity) of that cycle.
2) Russian athletes win less often during growth of the Earth's rotational velocity.
Our athletes have set Russian records three times more often at the point of 5-day change cycles of the Earth's rotational velocity.
The achievements of Russian athletes significantly depend on cosmic energies, to a greater extent than the achievements of athletes in most countries of the world.