Lvovna were here, it means Bella is where they were.
An hour later, the audience came to the concert hall. Victoria Lvovna had a good rest and acted with feeling, she sang with her voice without any plywood. Behind her back, the trio sang heartily, but their microphones sounded louder. They echoed her like waves, but she could be heard – the singer. The musicians played with inspiration, they were radiant with happiness, because their prima, soul and salary Victoria Lvovna returned from a short journey, and in a good mood.
After the concert, Pasha turned around at the throne of Victoria Lvovna. He melted at her sight, at the sound of her voice. The musicians did not interfere with another fan primo. Naturally, Pasha came to the singer in the room. I bought champagne and sweets. I decided that since the barmaid is different, it means that everything is fine with champagne.
The singer is tired of the disdainful inattention of Count Pavlin, and here Pasha just creeped before her. She was flattered. Victoria Lvovna loved slaves. The two of them drank a whole bottle of champagne and ate some of the candy. Pavel Victoria Lvovna did not reject. The two of them lay down on the bed, but something happened to them: they just fell asleep.
In the morning, Victoria Lvovna and Pavel could not wake up. Yura and the musicians looked into the window of Victoria Lvovna. The curtains were slightly open. They saw that the singer and Pasha were sleeping in clothes on the same bed.
The director of the boarding house received information about the singer Victoria Lvovna, because it was his service who added sleeping pills to the bottles. They have developed their own technology for the introduction of sleeping pills in wine and vodka bottles. The new party was specially made weaker, so that they did not immediately understand why they fell asleep. Results are always reported to the director. It entertained him, and especially what was happening with his vacationers.
And now there was no love and betrayal. Singer Victoria Lvovna and Pasha just slept. They did not wake up. They themselves woke up for dinner. The singer in the evening had a concert in Abrikosovka. Victoria Lvovna again invited the trio to take part in her concert.
Alla was not surprised at anything and bought herself a new shiny dress. She liked to look from the stage into the hall. Scene delayed. She accepted applause on her own account, and this pleased her inexpressibly.
Pasha and Yura quietly basked, attracting the views of the female half of the hall. Singer Victoria L. felt that this trio has a beneficial effect on the attention of the audience. She decided to use them in all the remaining concerts. So it was easier for her. Musicians from Victoria Lvovna
They did not ask anything extra, they played with all their creative powers.
All tickets for the remaining four concerts were sold out. Four days later, the four had to leave the boarding house. Bella was not told. Ilya did not ask the guys anything. He dressed up and looked overconfident.
Yura and Pasha decided to buy the same trousers and shirts for four concerts. The singer has approved their idea. Alla added new sandals with thin heels and thick soles to the wardrobe.
The audience came to the second concert with bouquets of flowers. The audience in the hall dressed up. The musicians dressed up. The holiday was mutual. Flowers flowed through the rows onto the stage. Buffet worked at full capacity. The concert was on. The spectators fell asleep. In some places, ordinary snoring was heard.
Singer Victoria Lvovna began to get nervous. Pasha realized that here came the long hands of Count Pavlin. During the intermission, he tried to explain to the singer the reason for sleeping in the hall. But she refused to understand him and was even more nervous.
The evening, sweltering and hot, made everyone attach to drinks. By the end of the concert, the audience slept. There was no applause. The musicians fell asleep in their places on the stage. Singer Victoria Lvovna fell asleep in the wardrobe. Next to her, Yura and Alla slept on chairs.
One Pasha did not sleep. He examined the sleeping kingdom and thought that the guards here would not help, and he didn’t want to make enemies among the strong people of Apricot. Once someone had made a dream, then it was necessary.
He left the concert hall and went to the tower to breathe the maritime evening air. The overseer was delighted by Pasha as his own. After the departure of the girl artist, he was sad. The caretaker informed Pasha about his sadness. He told him that the girl who painted the waves here went on a yacht and did not return.
Pasha was expecting such a denouement over the disappearance of Bella. He thought about her again, and the conversation with the caretaker was by the way.
– Do you happen to know when the yacht will reappear here? – Pasha asked the caretaker of the tower.
– Oh, dear man, no one knows! The yacht will sail, will certainly sail, – replied the superintendent. – The girl was sitting on that boulder. The yacht sailed. A girl left with them. I thought that she left until the evening, but she didn’t have two days.
Pasha went up to the boulder, under which lay a piece of a picture with the image of sea waves and a few strokes with the image of a yacht. He sat on a boulder. Night fell. Through the night space, Pasha understood where to look for Bella. It seemed to him that she was talking to him through the dark and warm sky.
He decided to go to her the next day by boat, but he decided to keep quiet about his plans, said thanks to the supervisor for participating and hurried to the boarding house. The room was empty, it didn’t upset him very much. He closed the door and fell asleep to the righteous until the morning.
The sleep of the whole hall did not go unnoticed, the local radio talked about it. A newspaper was not allowed to be published on this topic, and a television announcer was not allowed to come out with this information. There was a whisper about a secret sleeping pill that could not be found in the blood. After the person woke up, the sleeping pill disappeared. To take a blood test from sleeping people have not yet thought of.
The buffet checked drinks and foods, but the period of disintegration of the elements of sleeping pills after its dissolution turned out to be too short. In the powder, sleeping pills persisted for a long time, but the dissolved one had a short shelf life, disintegrating into widespread elements. These factors were used by Count Peacock and held an invisible power over the whole region.
The next concert was in jeopardy. People were afraid to go to the concert. The audience tried to get their money back for the tickets, but they were told that there was no cause for concern, and they added, they say, take your water and food with them. People began to joke that if they didn’t see the concert, they would at least get enough sleep. Guards stood at the entrance to the concert hall. They checked hand luggage and women’s bags. The concert was quite decent. There were no sleeping people in the hall.
Doctors walked between the rows and peered into the hall. Everything was calm. In every case, the suddenness of the event is important.
Bella was unconsciously waiting for the white ship. She worked without long breaks, she wanted to paint a picture as soon as possible. She looked at the sea and was not mistaken.
Sailed the ship. Pasha went ashore, looked at the palace and found that all the doors to it were tightly closed. He lifted his eyes up and noticed a flickering of a sheet of paper in the upper window. He realized where Bella was, waved her hand and hurried to the ship.
Bella sighed more calmly after Paul’s visit. And freedom? She will certainly come. Freedom she decided to take cunning, but how exactly did not know yet.
The motor ship sailed to the winery. Many passengers bought wine in a factory shop and drank it quickly, someone was drawn to drink water in the buffet. Soon all the people were sleeping on the two decks of the ship. Slept crew of the ship. The barmaid fell asleep. Circus artists slept. The ship lost control in front of the quay of the Peacock Palace and was spinning at the behest of the waves.
He could be thrown ashore or carried with the stream, and no one would have helped him.