Peter V. Brett

The Demon Cycle Books 1-3 and Novellas: The Painted Man, The Desert Spear, The Daylight War plus The Great Bazaar and Brayan’s Gold and Messenger’s Legacy

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was quiet a long time. ‘I see,’ he said at last. ‘When?’

      ‘As soon as Marick leaves,’ Leesha said. ‘Tomorrow.’

      Erny shook his head. ‘No daughter of mine is spending a week on the open road alone with a Messenger,’ he said. ‘I’ll hire a caravan. It will be safer.’

      ‘I’ll be careful of the demons, Da,’ Leesha said.

      ‘It’s not just corelings I’m worried about,’ Erny said pointedly.

      ‘I can handle Messenger Marick,’ Leesha assured him.

      ‘Keeping a man off you in the dark of night isn’t the same as stopping a brawl in the market,’ Erny said. ‘You can’t leave a Messenger blind if you ever hope to make it off the road alive. Just a few weeks, I beg.’

      Leesha shook her head. ‘There’s a child I’m needed to treat immediately.’

      ‘Then I’ll go with you,’ Erny said.

      ‘You’ll do no such thing, Ernal,’ Bruna cut in. ‘Leesha needs to do this on her own.’

      Erny looked at the old woman, and they locked stares and wills. But there was no will in Cutter’s Hollow stronger than Bruna’s, and Erny soon looked away.

      Leesha walked her father out soon after. He did not want to go, nor did she want him to leave, but the sky was filled with colour, and already he would have to trot to make it home safely.

      ‘How long will you be gone?’ Erny asked, gripping the porch rail tightly and looking off in the direction of Angiers.

      Leesha shrugged. ‘That will depend on how much Mistress Jizell has to teach, and how much the apprentice she’s sending here, Vika, has to learn. A couple of years, at least.’

      ‘I suppose if Bruna can do without you that long, I can, too,’ Erny said.

      ‘Promise me you’ll check her wards while I’m gone,’ Leesha said, touching his arm.

      ‘Of course,’ Erny said, turning to embrace her.

      ‘I love you, Da,’ she said.

      ‘And I, you, poppet,’ Erny said, crushing her in his arms. ‘I’ll see you in the morning,’ he promised before heading down the darkening road.

      ‘Your father makes a fair point,’ Bruna said, when Leesha came back inside.

      ‘Oh?’ Leesha asked.

      ‘Messengers are men like any other,’ Bruna warned.

      ‘Of that, I have no doubt,’ Leesha said, remembering the fight in the marketplace.

      ‘Young master Marick may be all charm and smiles now,’ Bruna said, ‘but once you’re on the road, he’ll have his way, no matter what your wishes, and when you reach the forest fortress, Herb Gatherer or no, few will take the word of a young girl over that of a Messenger.’

      Leesha shook her head. ‘He’ll have what I give him,’ she said, ‘and nothing more.’

      Bruna’s eyes narrowed, but she grunted, satisfied that Leesha was wise to the danger.

      There was a sharp rap at the door just after first light. Leesha answered, finding her mother standing there, though Elona had not come to the hut since being expelled at the end of Bruna’s broom. Her face was a thunderhead as she pushed right past Leesha.

      On the sunny side of forty, Elona might still have been the most beautiful woman in the village if not for her daughter. But being autumn to Leesha’s summer had not humbled her. She might bow to Erny with gritted teeth, but she carried herself like a duchess to all others.

      ‘Not enough you steal my daughter, you have to send her away?’ she demanded.

      ‘Good morn to you as well, Mother,’ Leesha said, closing the door.

      ‘You stay out of this!’ Elona snapped. ‘The witch has twisted your mind!’

      Bruna cackled into her porridge. Leesha interposed herself between the two, just as Bruna was pushing her half-finished bowl away and wiping her sleeve across her mouth to retort.

      ‘Finish your breakfast,’ Leesha ordered, pushing the bowl back in front of her.

      ‘I’m going because I want to, Mother,’ Leesha said, turning back to Elona. ‘And when I return, I’ll bring healing the likes of which Cutter’s Hollow has not seen since Bruna was young.’

      ‘And how long will it take this time?’ Elona demanded. ‘You’ve already wasted your best breeding years with your nose buried in dusty old books.’

      ‘My best …!’ Leesha stuttered. ‘Mother, I’m barely twenty!’

      ‘Exactly!’ Elona shouted. ‘You should have three children by now, like your friend the scarecrow. Instead, I watch as you pull babes from every womb in the village but your own.’

      ‘At least she was wise enough not to shrivel hers with pomm tea,’ Bruna muttered.

      Leesha whirled on her. ‘I told you to finish your porridge!’ she said, and Bruna’s eyes widened. She looked ready to retort, then grunted and turned her attention back to her bowl.

      ‘I’m not a brood mare, Mother,’ Leesha said. ‘There’s more in life for me than that.’

      ‘What more?’ Elona pressed. ‘What could be more important?’

      ‘I don’t know,’ Leesha said honestly. ‘But I’ll know when I find it.’

      ‘And in the meantime, you leave the care of Cutter’s Hollow to a girl you’ve never met and ham-hand Darsy, who nearly killed Ande, and half a dozen since.’

      ‘It’s only for a few years,’ Leesha said. ‘My whole life, you called me useless, but now I’m supposed to believe the Hollow can’t get on a few years without me?’

      ‘What if something happens to you?’ Elona demanded. ‘What if you’re cored on the road? What would I do?’

      ‘What would you do?’ Leesha asked. ‘For seven years, you’ve barely said a word to me, apart from pressing me to forgive Gared. You don’t know anything about me anymore, Mother. You haven’t bothered. So don’t pretend now that my death would be some great loss to you. If you want Gared’s child on your knee so badly, you’ll have to bear it yourself.’

      Elona’s eyes widened, and like when Leesha was wilful as a child, her response was swift. ‘I forbid it!’ she shouted, her open hand flying at Leesha’s face.

      But Leesha was not a child anymore. She was of a size with her mother, faster and stronger. She caught Elona’s wrist and held it fast. ‘The days when your word carried weight with me are long past, Mother,’ Leesha said.

      Elona tried to pull away, but Leesha held on a bit, if only to show she could. When she was finally released, Elona rubbed her wrist and looked scornfully at her daughter. ‘You’ll be back one day, Leesha,’ she swore. ‘Mark my words! And it will be much worse for you then!’

      ‘I think it’s time you left, Mother,’ Leesha said, opening the door just as Marick was raising his hand to knock. Elona snarled and pushed past him, stomping down the path.

      ‘Apologies if I’m intruding,’ Marick said. ‘I came for Mistress Bruna’s response. I’m bound for Angiers by midmorning.’

      Leesha looked at Marick. His jaw was bruised, but his thick tan hid it well, and the herbs she had applied to his split lip and eye had kept the swelling down.

      ‘You seem well recovered,’ she said.
