Martha Sears

The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting your high-need child from birth to five

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       chapter 6: seventeen survival tips for parents of high-need children

       Consider Yourself

       Allow Baby Some Frustration

       Make Sleep a Priority

       Be Positive

       Be Patient

       Focus on the “Biggies”

       Realize Your Child Is Unique

       Don’t Compare

       Get Out

       If You Resent It, Change It

       Get Help


       Plan Ahead

       Take the Long View

       Get Behind the Eyes of Your Child

       It’s No One’s Fault

       Study Your Child

       chapter 7: mother burnout

       Martha’s Experience

       What Fuels Mother Burnout?

       What to Do About It

       Avoiding Mother Burnout Altogether

       chapter 8: helping the high-need child go to sleep and stay asleep

       Why High-Need Children Sleep Differently

       Parenting Baby to Sleep

       Keeping Baby Asleep

       Alternatives for the All-Night Nurser

       chapter 9: feeding high-need children

       The Benefits of Breast-Feeding

       Problems Mothers Who Breast-feed May Encounter

       Formula-Feeding Fussy Babies

       High Needs – High Nutrition


       chapter 10: hidden causes of fussiness in infants

       Food Sensitivities

       Gastroesophageal Reflux

       Ear Infections


       Urinary Tract Infections

       II: the high-need child grows up

       chapter 11: the high-need thrill ride

       The Ride Begins

       1. Little Need for Sleep

       2. High Need for Mum

       3. High Sucking Need

       4. Hyper-Responsive to Stimuli

       5. Hyper When Hungry

       6. Highly Creative

       7. Resisting Authority

       8. Stubborn

       9. Negative

       10. Opinionated

       11. High Need for Affirmation

       12. “It’s Not My Fault!”

       Where Do I Go to Resign?

       chapter 12: disciplining the high-need child

       Get Connected to Your Child – Early

       Study Your Child

       Think Kid First

       Provide Structure, Set Limits