I didn’t mean that. Tommy, did you see that man in the twoseater?’
‘Unpleasant-looking brute, yes.’
‘That was Doctor Horriston.’
Tommy whistled.
‘Shifty looking beggar. What do you say about it, Tuppence? Shall we go and have a look at the Grange?’
They found the place at last, a big rambling house, surrounded by deserted grounds, with a swift mill stream running behind the house.
‘Dismal sort of abode,’ said Tommy. ‘It gives me the creeps, Tuppence. You know, I’ve a feeling this is going to turn out a far more serious matter than we thought at first.’
‘Oh, don’t. If only we are in time. That woman’s in some awful danger; I feel it in my bones.’
‘Don’t let your imagination run away with you.’
‘I can’t help it. I mistrust that man. What shall we do? I think it would be a good plan if I went and rang the bell alone first and asked boldly for Mrs Leigh Gordon just to see what answer I get. Because, after all, it may be perfectly fair and above board.’
Tuppence carried out her plan. The door was opened almost immediately by a manservant with an impassive face.
‘I want to see Mrs Leigh Gordon, if she is well enough to see me.’
She fancied that there was a momentary flicker of the man’s eyelashes, but he answered readily enough.
‘There is no one of that name here, madam.’
‘Oh, surely. This is Doctor Horriston’s place, The Grange, is it not?’
‘Yes, madam, but there is nobody of the name of Mrs Leigh Gordon here.’
Baffled, Tuppence was forced to withdraw and hold a further consultation with Tommy outside the gate.
‘Perhaps he was speaking the truth. After all, we don’t know.’
‘He wasn’t. He was lying. I’m sure of it.’
‘Wait until the doctor comes back,’ said Tommy. ‘Then I’ll pass myself off as a journalist anxious to discuss his new system of rest cure with him. That will give me a chance of getting inside and studying the geography of the place.’
The doctor returned about half an hour later. Tommy gave him about five minutes, then he in turn marched up to the front door. But he too returned baffled.
‘The doctor was engaged and couldn’t be disturbed. And he never sees journalists. Tuppence, you’re right. There’s something fishy about this place. It’s ideally situated – miles from anywhere. Any mortal thing could go on here, and no one would ever know.’
‘Come on,’ said Tuppence, with determination.
‘What are you going to do?’
‘I’m going to climb over the wall and see if I can’t get up to the house quietly without being seen.’
‘Right. I’m with you.’
The garden was somewhat overgrown and afforded a multitude of cover. Tommy and Tuppence managed to reach the back of the house unobserved.
Here there was a wide terrace with some crumbling steps leading down from it. In the middle some french windows opened on to the terrace, but they dared not step out into the open, and the windows where they were crouching were too high for them to be able to look in. It did not seem as though their reconnaissance would be much use, when suddenly Tuppence tightened her grasp of Tommy’s arm.
Someone was speaking in the room close to them. The window was open and the fragment of conversation came clearly to their ears.
‘Come in, come in, and shut the door,’ said a man’s voice irritably. ‘A lady came about an hour ago, you said, and asked for Mrs Leigh Gordon?’
Tuppence recognised the answering voice as that of the impassive manservant.
‘Yes, sir.’
‘You said she wasn’t here, of course?’
‘Of course, sir.’
‘And now this journalist fellow,’ fumed the other.
He came suddenly to the window, throwing up the sash, and the two outside, peering through a screen of bushes, recognised Dr Horriston.
‘It’s the woman I mind most about,’ continued the doctor. ‘What did she look like?’
‘Young, good-looking, and very smartly dressed, sir.’
Tommy nudged Tuppence in the ribs.
‘Exactly,’ said the doctor between his teeth, ‘as I feared. Some friend of the Leigh Gordon woman’s. It’s getting very difficult. I shall have to take steps –’
He left the sentence unfinished. Tommy and Tuppence heard the door close. There was silence.
Gingerly Tommy led the retreat. When they had reached a little clearing not far away, but out of earshot from the house, he spoke.
‘Tuppence, old thing, this is getting serious. They mean mischief. I think we ought to get back to town at once and see Stavansson.’
To his surprise Tuppence shook her head.
‘We must stay down here. Didn’t you hear him say he was going to take steps – That might mean anything.’
‘The worst of it is we’ve hardly got a case to go to the police on.’
‘Listen, Tommy. Why not ring up Stavansson from the village? I’ll stay around here.’
‘Perhaps that is the best plan,’ agreed her husband. ‘But I say – Tuppence –’
‘Take care of yourself – won’t you?’
‘Of course I shall, you silly old thing. Cut along.’
It was some two hours later that Tommy returned. He found Tuppence awaiting him near the gate.
‘I couldn’t get on to Stavansson. Then I tried Lady Susan. She was out too. Then I thought of ringing up old Brady. I asked him to look up Horriston in the Medical Directory or whatever the thing calls itself.’
‘Well, what did Dr Brady say?’
‘Oh, he knew the name at once. Horriston was once a bona fide doctor, but he came a cropper of some kind. Brady called him a most unscrupulous quack, and said he, personally, wouldn’t be surprised at anything. The question is, what are we to do now?’
‘We must stay here,’ said Tuppence instantly. ‘I’ve a feeling they mean something to happen tonight. By the way, a gardener has been clipping ivy round the house. Tommy, I saw where he put the ladder.’
‘Good for you, Tuppence,’ said her husband appreciatively. ‘Then tonight –’
‘As soon as it’s dark –’
‘We shall see –’
‘What we shall see.’
Tommy took his turn at watching the house whilst Tuppence went to the village and had some food.
Then she returned and they took up the vigil together. At nine o’clock they decided that it was dark enough to commence operations. They were now able to circle round the house in perfect freedom. Suddenly Tuppence clutched Tommy by the arm.
The sound she had heard came again, borne faintly on the night air. It was the moan of a woman in pain. Tuppence pointed upward to a window on the first floor.
‘It came from that room,’ she whispered.