Barbara Angelis De

How Did I Get Here?: Navigating the unexpected turns in love and life

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I knew it would require a lot of compromise, flexibility and a certain degree of sacrifice, and to this day, it still does.

      I did not know what called me to this sun-drenched, sparkling town. Somehow, I just knew that I was supposed to come. Waiting for me here were gifts I could not have imagined: friends I felt I’d known for lifetimes, a serenity I had never experienced anywhere else, healing I did not even know I needed, experiences that would become priceless treasures. And if it wasn’t for that wake-up call on the beach. I might have missed out on all of it.

      Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes. —Hugh Prather

      If you are truly alive, if you are truly growing, you will undoubtedly come to many difficult transitions and crossroads in your life journey. These twists and turns are not arbitrary. If you hadn’t traveled so far down the road, you wouldn’t have come to this new set of paths, choices, and challenges. It is because you have been so courageous, so determined to learn, to seek the truth, that you are here at all.

      How, then, are we supposed to behave when we collide with the unexpected, when we find ourselves at a terrifying crossroads, when we have been shattered awake? What is left for us to do after we yell and moan and cry out and protest, after we swear and sigh and scratch our heads, after we have exhausted our anger and our tears? The great thirteenth-century Sufi mystic and poet Jalal ud-Din Rumi, whose writings have illuminated many a dark corridor in my own life, offers us a suggestion in his classic poem “The Guest House.” Read it and see what you think:

      This being human is a guest house.

      Every morning a new arrival.

      A joy, a depression, a meanness,

      some momentary awareness comes

      as an unexpected visitor.

      Welcome and entertain them all!

      Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,

      who violently sweep your house

      empty of its furniture,

      still, treat each guest honorably.

      He may be clearing you out

      for some new delight.

      The dark thought, the shame, the malice.

      meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

      Be grateful for whoever comes.

      because each has been sent

      as a guide from beyond.

      For now, let this be enough—to name this place you find yourself in and welcome these unexpected visitors, as Rumi invites us to do.

      Know that this “crowd of sorrows,” these troubles and trials, are positioning your soul for great wisdom and, in time, will reveal themselves to be hidden doorways into a new and illuminated world.

       3 Getting Lost on the Way to Happiness

      Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. —Henry David Thoreau

      Imagine for a moment that you decide to travel by car to a particular city—let’s say Miami Beach, Florida—and you buy a map to help direct you. You study the map and mark all the roads you have to drive to get to Miami, which is 1,500 miles from where you live. Then you begin your long journey. As the days and hours pass, you eagerly look for the signs on the highway that will indicate where you are and reassure you that you’re going in the right direction: MIAMI: 1000 MILES, MIAMI: 500 MILES, MIAMI: 300 MILES, MIAMI: 50 MILES and finally MIAMI: NEXT EXIT. “At last!” you think to yourself, “I have arrived.”

      Now imagine that as you enter the city, expecting warm, tropical Miami, you are shocked to find that it is bitterly cold and snowing heavily. People are rushing around bundled up in scarves, gloves and overcoats. Ice covers every inch of the frozen ground. No matter where you look, you can see no signs whatsoever of anything resembling an ocean or a beach. When you ask the passersby if this is Miami, they look at you strangely, as if you were crazy.

      You sit there in your car, utterly bewildered. You stare at the map, which you followed diligently. You look out the window at the snow. You stare back at the map, shaking your head in disbelief. Obviously, you’re not in Miami. But if not, then … where the heck are you? Was your map wrong? Were the road signs incorrect? “How did I get HERE?” you ask yourself. And you feel as if you must be going mad.

       In the process of living, there often comes a time when we suddenly look around at where we’ve ended up in our lives and it looks nothing like what we expected it to. We remember mapping out where we wanted to go with our relationships, our work, and our accomplishments, but instead, we inexplicably find ourselves in places and circumstances that bear no resemblance to where we hoped to be. We feel like a stranger in a strange land, except that this strange land is the life we are leading. Somehow, we’ve gotten lost on the way to happiness.

      For each of us there was a starting point in our adult life when we designed a blueprint of dreams we hoped would lead us to a happy future. Sometimes we are very conscious of this personal life map, setting specific goals for ourselves and attempting to achieve them: “I will get married, have two children and live happily ever after.” “I will start my own business, become financially independent and retire in Arizona.” “I will go to college and earn a Ph.D. and become a successful research scientist.” Other parts of our life map are less conscious or even unconscious: “I want be more successful than my brother.” “I always want to be the one in control in my relationships.” “I want enough money so that I never have to depend on a man for anything.” We’re often not even aware that these subterranean desires exist, yet they, too, guide our actions and determine our choices.

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