Barbara Taylor Bradford

Damaged: A gripping short read, the perfect escape for an hour

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that Mike Dennison was about as hot a guy as you could dream up. She didn’t care that he had been a pilot who had risked his life to fly wounded fighters out of harm’s way when he’d been in the National Guard in Afghanistan.

      It didn’t matter that she had dreamed of him every night since she had discovered him sitting in the kitchen.

      What mattered was that her brother had disrespected her wishes. Jimmy was so sure he was right that, despite her refusal to be set up by him, he had brought his friend home anyway.

      So what if he had been right? Her mother didn’t just teach her about fashion and eclectic styles in that closet of hers. She taught her to fight to make her own decisions.

      ‘Honey,’ she had told her daughter, ‘as the only woman in a family of men, you need to learn to stand your ground. They love you so much they’ll want to plan your life, and choose your friends. Don’t you let them. No one knows what’s right for you but you.’

      Allison had learned that lesson well. The rub was that she did like Mike Dennison. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. She had Googled him; learned all about his war exploits, and his work as a storied copywriter. She knew he had raised his kid brother after his parents had been killed. It was hard to ignore the fact that they had that kind of loss in common.

      It was impossible to ignore the pangs of jealousy she felt when she learned he was one of the most eligible bachelors in New York City. He had probably driven out to Breezy Point to see if the cop’s sister would be another notch on his belt.

      The fact that he was willing to come to their home, even though she had declared she didn’t want to meet him, said something about him. It was something she didn’t like.

      ‘Mike had no idea he was coming here!’ Jimmy insisted. ‘He really wasn’t that keen to meet you either.’

      ‘Why not, I wonder?’ Allison addressed her comments to her father since she was not speaking to her brother. ‘Am I not good enough for Mr Bachelor of the Year, do you think?’

      ‘So you do like him,’ Jimmy blared, looking triumphant.

      ‘I said no such thing!’ Allison growled, slamming a dinner plate on the table in front of Jimmy. ‘I hardly noticed him.’

      ‘Ally, check yourself,’ her father said. This was his Detective First Class Riley Jones voice. Felons had been known to crumple when hearing that voice. ‘Those are your mother’s dishes.’

      Allison didn’t answer, but the next plate was placed gently in front of her father.

      ‘I’m going to eat in my studio,’ Allison said, beginning to make a plate for herself.

      ‘If Jimmy said Mike didn’t know he was coming to meet you, then he didn’t know,’ Riley said, not looking up from his food. ‘Your brother may like to play cupid, but he’s no liar. The Joneses don’t lie.’

      ‘I know that, Dad,’ she muttered.

      Allison didn’t believe Jimmy. Or maybe she chose not to. Maybe she was frightened by the intensity of her response to Mike Dennison. Or maybe she was just stubborn enough not to want to be with a guy her brother had picked out for her.

      And so she took her plate and headed for the safety of her little apartment atop the house. Instead of eating, she watched the waves crashing against the jetty and wondered what on earth had happened to her the night Jimmy brought a friend home for dinner.

      She spent the next week putting Mike Dennison out of her mind, or trying to. She immersed herself in her business plan. She had decided to turn Lydia’s Closet into an Internet Boutique. No rent, no insurance, no overheads. Just her group of stay-at-home moms: taking orders, packaging what they’d made, and shipping them out.

      All she needed now was to figure out how to get Lydia’s Closet noticed among the seemingly trillion websites on the Net.

      Whether she did it consciously or not, she would never know. But her research eventually brought her to the conclusion that what she needed was a killer advertising plan, something that would really create buzz, get people talking.

      When she finally did speak to Jimmy, it was to ask for Mike Dennison’s phone number.

      ‘It’s just business,’ she insisted. ‘Frankly, I didn’t care for the guy.’

      To his credit, he didn’t laugh out loud. ‘That’s good,’ Jimmy said, ‘because he wasn’t that into you either. Guess I need to stay out of your dating life from now on.’

      Both Allison and Jimmy pretended to believe that what the other was saying was true, but neither did.

      Allison told Mike she would meet him at O’Lunney’s on Forty-Fifth Street in Manhattan. She made it clear when she called that this was a business meeting and she wanted to do the paying.

      She had chosen the meeting place because she knew she would be on safe ground. Cops hung out there. Her family had been bringing her for as long as she could remember. That was when they lived around the corner, before her mother was killed and her father swept her away to the world’s safest community.

      She was running behind, so she had to splurge and grab a taxi from the subway station. For some reason, it had taken her forever to get dressed today. She must have changed her clothes four times before she was satisfied that she was presenting the perfect balance of business-woman and trendy chic.

      She needed to sell Mike Dennison on the fact that her brand was something worthy of a heavy hitter he was spending time on. To do that, she needed to look amazing. At least that’s what she told herself as she discarded outfit after outfit.

      Mike was there when she arrived. He had settled at a secluded table in the very back, away from the noisy crowd at the bar. It had been her plan to sit at the long community table up front, so there would be no misunderstanding about this not being a date. However, this isolation was probably better for talking business. And Jimmy had been clear that Mike was not into her.

      As she approached him, her heart was beating so fast she felt as if she was climbing up a steep hill.

      As Mike watched the woman with the red hair come towards him, he realised he had misjudged her at that first meeting. She wasn’t beautiful; she was dazzling. Movie-star gorgeous. In the glow of the lights from the bar her hair appeared to be on fire.

      However, the real fire seemed to come from somewhere within her. As he got up to greet her, he felt a little dizzy.

      What do I do? he wondered, his mouth feeling dry. Shake her hand? Kiss her on the cheek? Or his preference … kiss her all over her tall, curvaceous body?

      Allison solved that problem by offering her hand.

      ‘Mr Dennison, thank you for meeting with me. I’m hoping to make you an offer you can’t refuse.’

      ‘Name it,’ Mike said when he found his voice. ‘And the only Mr Dennison I know was my father and he is no longer in this world. Please call me Mike.’

      As they sat down he noticed that she wasn’t wearing cologne of any kind. It was the scent of this woman that was making him feel intoxicated.

      The vibrating of her cell phone startled Allison. She was about to turn it off when she saw the caller ID, Riley Jones. Her dad only made a phone call if it was urgent. When you were a cop’s daughter, you did not want to get that call.

      ‘Hey, Dad. Everything okay?’

      ‘You tell me!’ he roared. ‘You said you’d be home by eight thirty latest and it’s after ten.’

      Allison felt the heat of that blush heading northwards from her neck. She glanced at Mike across the table. He was looking concerned. ‘I’m sorry. My meeting ran late.’

      To his credit Mike kept his face expressionless.

      ‘What kind of meeting lasts till ten o’clock at night?’ Her father’s voice was so loud Mike