Dr. Cabot Sandra

Hormone Replacement: How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally

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       My Perspective on Arriving at the Menopause

      When I was a young woman, I considered women of 40 to be old, and I related best to women of my own age group. I enjoyed delivering babies and dealing with gynaecological problems, and considered helping women to go through the menopause to be less of a challenge.

      I never looked forward to getting older, and I associated the process of ageing with a loss of power and vitality. As a child I related to Peter Pan – he could fly anywhere and had magic powers. Peter Pan never got old, and neither would I!

      When I turned 50, I found that my concepts of ageing were wrong. The day of my 50th birthday I woke up and said to myself, ‘Wow! I feel so powerful and energized.’ I had so much knowledge to give and share, and I felt inspired to go out into the world and be myself. I felt as though the creative force that keeps me alive and breathing – whether you call it God or the divine force – had entered my being and given me a new sense of direction. I was grateful for this and felt it to be a special gift. This experience happened within me, and was not dependent upon my life circumstances.

      A woman of 50 has lived life and has understood so much that a younger woman has yet to know. Perhaps the milestone of 50 is a sacred rite or passage that needs to be celebrated. By this age we have become women of substance, no longer frightened to show their stuff to the world. Sure, we may have flagging hormones, a few wrinkles on our face, a few spare tyres around our abdomen and a few bones that ache, but wow we have a mind that has become a treasure-house of knowledge and understanding. Yes, we are truly fortunate to be able to live as long as 50, as not all of our sisters get to live this long. I consider that every year I live beyond 50 will be a bonus.

      Yes, it is good to be wise and happy when we get to menopause; we deserve this – it is not hard to achieve, as this experience lies within us all – it is a gift and is our divine right.

      Now I have arrived at 50, I am complete and fulfilled, proud of my achievements, and I hope to be a humble servant of the greater power that sustains us all. I have come to understand that –

      My health is my greatest asset.

      I can be happy in myself, irrespective of my relationships.

      I can live my life as an expression of myself, and not justify it to others.

      I can find love and fulfilment in sharing and helping others.

      All the love that I need is found within me, and I do not need to rely on another person to make me happy.

      I can have a fulfilling and interesting relationship with my own mind and I do not have to be bored.

      I can continue to learn and grow and become a better person.

      I do not have to worry, and I am taken care of by something much greater than my own concerns.

      There are many philosophies and ideologies, but the soul can only be quenched by love.

      I will always be beautiful, although my body will age.

      I will always be young in the eyes of our creator, and I can always experience the excitement and adventure of a child.

      I value my friends and team of helpers who help me achieve my goals.

      I can always believe in my dreams, as only this will make them happen.

      Although I need to listen to others, I can trust my own intuition.

      I have a unique experience of life that is so special, and so do you – as women we need to stand together and help all our sisters achieve their true potential. It’s called woman power and it’s great! As they say, ‘I don’t suffer with hot flushes, I have power surges!’

      When we share the truth, we do not have to be academic or intellectual; the truth is the truth – it is honest, makes sense, and is beautifully simple.

      Welcome to the truth about HRT and the experience of the menopause!

      It Is Time for a Totally New Approach.

      I believe it is time for a totally new and truthful perspective on the menopause. Currently women are confused and are uncertain about what they can or should do about their flagging hormones as they become older. I have helped literally thousands of women go through the menopause over the last 25 years, and I have witnessed many different types of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) come and go. I have been through my own menopause, and you could say I have been through the menopause thousands of times, along with my patients, while trying to help them!

      I have used many types of HRT with great success, and I have found that HRT can have a dramatically beneficial result in many women. Different forms of HRT can alleviate the horror of postnatal depression, overcome premenstrual mood disorders, and rejuvenate the sex life of older women. Indeed, I have found that ‘hormones make the world go round!’ Many of my patients wish to continue with HRT in some form, and come to see me to find out how they can continue to use hormones in a safe, natural way. Many of them are very unhappy about the prospect of completely giving up any form of HRT.

      One of the reasons why women are so confused is that there is now so much conflicting information about the pros and cons of different types of HRT; indeed, many women feel that they have too much information to sort through. There are books that tell us that we should avoid ALL types of hormones and rely exclusively upon herbal treatments. There are other books that tell us that all women need ONLY ONE hormone, called progesterone, and that all the other hormones available are unimportant, dangerous or will create imbalances.

      None of these theories is strictly correct, because every woman is a unique individual and needs her own tailor-made program to help her through the hormonal upheaval of the menopause and ageing. Some women will find that natural progesterone by itself is totally inadequate; other women will find that herbal formulas alone do not have an adequate effect.

      When it comes to hormones, we must always rely on science and safe proven medical practices; however, there is also the art of prescribing HRT, which takes years for a health professional to perfect. All the body’s hormones need to be correctly balanced and fine-tuned like the instruments in an orchestra, to enhance the emotional, physical and sexual quality of our lives.

      Some Thoughts at the Menopause

       I have some lines in my face from fifty years of life.

       They tell me of years in the sun, of sorrows and joys.

       They tell me of time.

       They tell me I have lived and that I am still alive.

       They can’t be erased. They can be softened…

       Do I long for the smooth-skinned, freckle-faced kid I once was?

       No. I long for the same thing today that I longed for then: to be the best I am able to be.

       Taken from Kaylan Pickford, Always a Woman (NY: Bantam Books, 1982)

       The History of HRT

      Over the years there have been many different studies and clinical trials examining HRT. Some have shown that HRT protects against cardiovascular disease, while others have shown that it increases the incidence of blood clots. Some studies have shown that long-term oestrogen, by itself, increases the risk of breast and uterine cancer, and we now know that combined oestrogen and progestin tablets given for over three years also increase the risk of breast cancer.

      Major HRT Studies: A Summary

      1975 – The New England Journal of Medicine published