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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_3bcb895b-992f-554f-be63-73a1a693f8c4">QUIZ 182 – Art and Music

      1 Which Impressionist artist painted Luncheon of the Boating Party in 1880-81?

      2 Who composed La Mer in the early 1900s?

      3 For which instrument did Johann Sebastian Bach compose the Goldberg Variations?

      4 What was the nationality of portrait painter John Millais (b.1829)?

      5 For what is a sordino used in music?

      6 What is meant by the Italian musical term “allegro molto”?

      7 Who painted The Yellow Chair (1888)?

      8 Which low-toned brass instrument’s name is Latin for “trumpet”?

      9 Who was employed by Charles I to paint the ceiling of the Banqueting House in London?

      10 Which surrealist artist was born in Lessines, Belgium in 1898?

      11 Cavatina by Stanley Myers was written for which instrument?

      12 Which French artist painted Still Life with Cherub in 1895?

      13 With whom did Kurt Weill collaborate on The Threepenny Opera?

      14 Which Dutch artist (b.1872) co-founded the De Stijl art movement?

      15 The 1942 piece of music entitled Sabre Dance was written by which composer?

      16 What is the term given to a very deep operatic voice?

      17 In which century was Paul Gauguin born?

      18 What type of note, used as an embellishment is usually smaller than the standard notes on a stave?

      19 Which Spanish artist published a series of prints called Los Caprichos?

      20 Composed in 1868, what was Edvard Grieg’s only completed concerto?

       Click here for Quiz 182 answers.

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      1 The Winter Palace is located in which Russian city?

      2 What is the lengthwise support along the base of a ship called?

      3 Which West African country was formerly called French Sudan?

      4 Mother Shipton’s Cave is near which North Yorkshire town?

      5 Why did the catfish get its name?

      6 Which US peninsula, on the Atlantic coast, is shaped like a fish hook?

      7 Which Greek goddess is often depicted with a greyhound at her side?

      8 On which island can the remains of Knossos be found?

      9 Which birthstone is linked to April?

      10 Which actress starred in the BBC TV series Sensitive Skin?

      11 Which Paul Desmond jazz composition was made famous by Dave Brubeck?

      12 What was the name of the treaty that ended the War of Spanish Succession?

      13 In the Lord of the Rings, who was killed by orcs on Amon Hen, after trying to take the ring from Frodo?

      14 Which warbler shares its name with a town in the south-east of England?

      15 In which decade was cricket’s first World Cup Final played?

      16 What were victors given in the ancient Olympics?

      17 In the periodic table, which element has the atomic number 7?

      18 What is another name for the belladonna lily?

      19 What is the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta?

      20 Which actor starred in the 2016 film The Comedian?

       Click here for Quiz 183 answers.

       Click here for the main index.

      1 Which UK tabloid newspaper published its first edition in 1986 and its last in 1995?

      2 What name did the Post Office Group adopt from 2001 to 2002 which was then changed to “Royal Mail PLC”?

      3 What was the name of the first Russian satellite, launched in 1957?

      4 From which plastic material were early phones made?

      5 Which letter is between X and V on a standard keyboard?

      6 What is the name of the large radiocommunications site on the Lizard peninsula in Cornwall?

      7 What is the first name of the inventor of the Morse Code?

      8 What did the BBC’s The Light Programme change its name to in 1967?

      9 What term, originating from compositing, is given to the spacing between lines of type on a document?

      10 In which year was the Penny Post established in Britain?

      11 On which network was the first mobile phone call made in Britain?

      12 Which English city’s public telephone boxes were originally all painted cream rather than red?

      13 Who was the first director-general of the BBC, who had an annual series of lectures named after him?

      14 What term is given to the title block of a newspaper or periodical?

      15 In which year did John Logie Baird first transmit television in colour?

      16 Radio 1 began broadcasting in which year?

      17 What was the first name of radio pioneer Marconi?

      18 From which building did the BBC make the first public television transmissions?

      19 In which year was the first mobile phone call made in Britain?

      20 In which year did ITV start broadcasting?

       Click here for Quiz 184 answers.