Aubrie Dionne

An American Girl in Italy: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

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her mouth. ‘What?’

      ‘You know who I’m talking about.’ Melody jabbed her finger behind her. ‘Mr. Tour Guide.’

      Carly tried to look surprised. ‘Why do you think that?’

      ‘Because he was ogling you the whole trip here. Not to mention how interested he looked sitting next to you yesterday.’

      ‘It’s his job to make us comfortable.’ She half-convinced Melody and half-convinced herself.

      ‘Yeah, but he didn’t have a smidgen of the enthusiasm he had with you when talking with Alaina.’

      Carly tightened her lips to resist smiling as satisfaction rippled through her. Yeah, take that, diva supreme. She remembered she was supposed to be fighting him off and shrugged as if she didn’t care. ‘Just another flirt.’

      ‘He’s actually pretty darn gorgeous.’ Melody sighed and shook her head. ‘Too bad, if you ask me. Not only does he live a world away, but he’s not even a musician. I mean, what the heck would you do on a vineyard?’

      Carly shrugged and stuffed another grape into her mouth. The problem was, she could think of more than a few things to do.

      Melody frowned as if Carly’s aversion to the tour guide was a truly tragic thing. ‘He doesn’t have a chance with you.’

      ‘You got that right.’ Carly finally felt as though they’d wandered back into safe territory. ‘My life’s so full; I can’t imagine squeezing another thing into it. Something would have to give, and I’m telling you now it’s not my career.’

      A mischievous look danced in her friend’s eyes. She brushed her hands on her black pants and stood. ‘Maybe I should just go over and tell him to forget it, so he doesn’t waste his time.’

      ‘Don’t you dare!’ Carly grabbed her friend’s arm.

      Melody’s eyes widened as though she’d caught her in a trap. ‘Why’s that?’

      Absolute mortification zapped through Carly. Not only would it bring attention to the fact they’d been talking about him, but she wasn’t ready to blow him off like that. She still had an apology to make.

      Melody waited for a reasonable response, tapping her toe.

      Carly had to come up with something quickly. The truth was, she didn’t know him all that well. He seemed flirtatious and bold, like a Casanova. She narrowed her eyes. ‘Something tells me he’ll take that as a challenge.’

      ‘You’re probably right.’ Melody settled down again next to her and winked. ‘Wouldn’t want that, would we?’

      Carly popped a chunk of blue-veined, crumbly cheese in her mouth. She needed to change the subject quickly before she said something she shouldn’t. ‘So how are you and Wolf?’

      Melody placed her hand on her lacy, silk blouse over her heart. ‘We just had our one-year anniversary.’

      The cheese left a sour taste on Carly’s tongue, which was totally canceled out by Melody’s sweet answer. Even though she missed her friend, she was happy for her. ‘Great.’

      ‘Here’s the gossip I promised you…’ Melody twirled a strand of her dark, curly hair around her finger. ‘He’s hinted at a ring.’

      ‘A ring!’ To Carly, that would be like a death sentence for all her dreams. Hopefully, Melody would take her shocked expression as a happy surprise and not horror. ‘You don’t think you’re moving too fast?’

      Melody sighed. ‘I’m not like you. Sure, I love music, but I want more to my life; a happy marriage, maybe a family. The truth is, I’ve been looking to settle down with someone for a while now. I just haven’t told you because I didn’t want you to freak out.’

      ‘Like I’m doing now?’ Carly laughed, relieved that Melody had finally decided to confide in her. She’d known something was up ever since her friend started spewing melancholy reflections about life on their drinking nights after concerts.

      ‘To tell you the truth, I thought Wolf might be a phase, and we’d get together again after the whole whirlwind romance ran its course. But, I was wrong.’ Boy, did that come out the wrong way. Carly raised her hand. ‘Thank goodness I was wrong—because you too seem very happy together, and I want you to be happy…’ She realized she was rambling and stopped as shame burned in her cheeks.

      Instead of being angry, Melody reached over and squeezed her hand. ‘It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have abandoned you like I did, spending all my free time with him. I got a little obsessed. I promise, when we get back, I’m going to carve out time for us.’

      A wall crumbled in Carly’s heart. Those words were the best thing she’d heard ever since landing in Italy. ‘I’d like that.’

      ‘That’s if you don’t find a whirlwind romance of your own.’ Melody’s gaze focused upon something behind Carly’s right shoulder, in the direction of the entrance to the Coliseum. ‘Speak of the devil.’

      Nervous jitters danced up Carly’s arms. ‘No way.’

      ‘Yup, straight off a Valentino ad.’

      Carly brushed the crumbs off her shirt and stashed the remainder of her lunch in her picnic basket. She wouldn’t want him thinking she was a pig on top of a lazy, bossy, profanity-laced oboe witch.

      ‘Good afternoon, signorine.’

      ‘Hey there, Michelangelo.’ A hint of amusement tinged Melody’s voice, which Carly hoped he didn’t pick up on.

      Calmly turn around. Pretend nothing has happened—because nothing really had. But, when Carly turned around, there was nothing calm about her. Michelangelo had changed into a crisp, black tux with a silver vest and tie, which brought out his stone-hard physique. A waft of pine and citrusy aftershave blew by on the wind, tantalizing her senses. She had the distinct urge to run her hands through his long curls.

      Stop it! Why was he crashing their girls’ lunch? Didn’t men understand some things were private?

      As if reading her mind, he gestured toward the entranceway. ‘I was told to round up the last stragglers. Maestro Braun wants everyone changed into concert attire.’ He eyed Carly’s t-shirt and skinny jeans up and down, lingering a little too long on her legs.

      ‘What time is it?’ Melody shot up, eyes bright with alarm.

      He checked his phone. ‘Twelve thirty-eight. The concert is in twenty minutes.’

      Carly swallowed a rising current of embarrassment. Again. Great. Late for the coach this morning and now this. He thinks I’m totally time-challenged.

      ‘Geez, where did all the time go?’ Melody collected the last of her things and started running to the entrance. ‘See ya there, chico. I still need to organize my music!’

      Michelangelo smiled at Carly. Sure, a few long tones would make her job easier. But now was her chance to apologize. It would only take a few seconds more.

      ‘Listen, about that comment I made about the Coliseum—’

      He took her hand, sending tingling zaps of warmth from her fingers to her toes. ‘Don’t apologize.’

      ‘But I—’

      ‘Shhh.’ His calloused finger touched her lips, seizing her heart. ‘I liked it.’

      Chapter Six

       Vision in Red

      Michelangelo pressed his finger to Carly’s velvety lips, wishing his lips were there