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(-ion) nm butcher

      cigyddiaeth nf butchery

      cigysol adj carnivorous

      cigysydd (-ion) nm carnivore

      cil (-iau, -ion) nm back; retreat; corner

      cilagor vb to open partly

      cilagored adj ajar

      cilbost (cilbyst) nm gate-post

      cilchwyrn npl (nf -en) glands

      cildrem (-iau) nf leer

      cildremio vb to leer

      cildroi vb to reverse

      cildwrn nm tip, bribe

      cildyn adj obstinate, stubborn

      cildynnu vb to be obstinate

      cildynnus adj obstinate, stubborn

      cildynrwydd nm obstinacy

      cilddant (-ddannedd) nm molar

      cilfach (-au) nf nook; creek, bay

      cilfilyn (-filod) nm ruminant

      cilgant nm crescent

      cilgnoi vb to chew the cud, to ruminate

      cilgwthio vb to push, to shove, to jostle

      cilgynnyrch (-gynhyrchion) nm by-product

      cilio vb to retreat, to recede, to swerve

      cilo nm kilo

      cilocalori (-ïau) nm kilocalorie

      cilogram (-au) nm kilogram

      cilomedr (-au) nm kilometre

      cilowat nm kilowatt

      cilwen (-au) nf half smile

      cilwenu vb to simper, to smile, to leer

      cilwg (-ygon) nm frown, scowl

      cilydd (-ion) nm fellow, companion

      cilyddol adj reciprocal

      cimwch (-ychiaid) nm lobster

      ciniawa vb to dine

      cinio (ciniawau) nm dinner; cinio gwadd dinner party

      cip (-ion) nm pluck, snatch; glimpse

      cipdrem (-iau) nfm glance, glimpse

      cipedrych vb to glance, to glimpse

      cipio vb to snatch

      cipiwr (-wyr) nm snatcher

      cipolwg nmf glance, glimpse

      ciprys nm scramble

      cis (-iau) nmf buffet; slap, touch

      cist (-iau) nf chest, coffer, box; bin

      ciw (-iau) nm cue, queue

      ciwb nm cube

      ciwed coll n rabble, mob, crew

      ciwrad (-iaid) nm curate

      ciwt adj cute, clever, ingenious

      claddedigaeth (-au) nmf burial

      claddfa (-feydd) nf burial-ground, cemetery

      claddgell nf vault

      claddu vb to bury

      claear adj lukewarm, tepid; mild; cool

      claearineb nm lukewarmness

      claearu vb to make mild or tepid; to soothe

      claer adj clear, bright, shining

      claerder nm clearness, brightness

      claf (cleifion) adj sick, ill ▶ nm sick person, patient

      clafdy (-dai) nm hospital, infirmary

      clafr nm itch, mange

      clafrllyd adj mangy

      clafychu vb to sicken, to fall ill

      clai (cleiau) nm clay

      clais (cleisiau) nm stripe; bruise

      clamp (-iau) nm mass, lump; monster

      clap (-iau) nm lump

      clapgi (-gwn) nm telltale

      clapio vb to lump; to strike; to gossip

      clapiog adj lumpy

      clas nm monastic community, cloister, college

      clasur (-on) nm classic

      clasurol adj classical

      clau adj quick, swift, soon; true; audible

      clawdd (cloddiau) nm hedge; dyke, embankment

      clawr (cloriau) nm face, surface; cover, lid; board

      clebar, cleber nmf idle talk, gossip, tattle

      clebran vb to chatter, to gossip, to tattle

      clec (-iau, -s) nf click; clack; crack; gossip

      cleci (-cwn) nm telltale

      clecian vb to click; to clack; to crack, to snap

      cledr (-au) nf pole; rail; palm (of hand)

      cledren (-nau, -ni) nf pale, pole, rail

      cleddyf, cleddau, cledd (cleddyfau) nm sword; brace

      cleddyfwr (-wyr) nm swordsman

      clefyd (-au) nm disease; fever; clefyd melys diabetes; clefyd y galon heart disease; clefyd y gwair