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(-au) nm start, beginning

      cyd adj joint, united, common; fellow ▶ prefix together

      cydadrodd vb to recite together

      cydaid (-eidiau) nm bagful

      cydbwysedd nm balance

      cydbwyso vb to balance

      cyd-destun (-au) nm context

      cyd-drafodaeth nf negotiation

      cyd-ddigwydd vb to coincide

      cyd-ddigwyddiad nm coincidence

      cydfod nm agreement, concord

      cydfodolaeth nf coexistence

      cydfyned vb to go with, to concur, to agree

      cyd-fyw vb to cohabit

      cydffurfio vb to conform

      cydgordio vb to agree, to harmonize

      cydgwmni (-ïau) nm consortium

      cydiedig adj adjoined

      cydio vb to join; to bite; to take hold

      cydletywr (-wyr) nm roommate, flatmate, housemate

      cydnabod vb to acknowledge ▶ nm acquaintance

      cydnabyddiaeth nf acquaintance; recognition

      cydnabyddus adj acquainted; familiar

      cydnaws adj congenial

      cydnerth adj well set

      cydol nmf, adj whole

      cydradd adj equal

      cydraddoldeb nm equality

      cyd-rhwng prep between

      cydsyniad nm consent

      cydsynio vb to consent

      cydwastad adj level (with), even

      cydweddog adj conjugal

      cydweddu vb to accord, to agree

      cydweithfa (-feydd) nf co-operative

      cydweithio vb to cooperate

      cydweithrediad nm co-operation

      cydweithredol adj co-operative

      cydweithredu vb to co-operate

      cydweled vb to agree

      cydwladol adj international

      cyd-wladwr (-wyr) nm compatriot

      cydwybod (-au) nf conscience

      cydwybodol adj conscientious

      cydwybodolrwydd nm conscientiousness

      cydymaith (cymdeithion) nm companion

      cydymdeimlad nm sympathy

      cydymdeimlo vb to sympathize

      cydymffurfiad nm conformity

      cydymffurfio vb to conform

      cydymgais nm competition, rivalry, joint effort

      cydymgeisydd (-wyr) nm rival

      cyddwysiad (-au) nm condensation

      cyddwyso vb to condense

      cyfadran (-nau) nf faculty (in college), period (in music)

      cyfaddas adj fit, suitable, convenient

      cyfaddasiad (-au) nm adaptation

      cyfaddaster nm fitness, suitability

      cyfaddasu vb to fit, to adapt

      cyfaddawd (-odau) nm compromise

      cyfaddawdu vb to compromise

      cyfaddef vb to confess, to own, to admit

      cyfaddefiad (-au) nm confession, admission

      cyfaenad nm harmonious song ▶ adj harmonious

      cyfagos adj near, adjacent, neighbouring

      cyfaill (-eillion) nm friend

      cyfair1 (-eiriau) nm acre

      cyfair2, cyfer nm direction

      cyfalaf nm capital

      cyfalafiaeth nf capitalism

      cyfalafol adj capitalistic

      cyfalafwr (-wyr) nm capitalist

      cyfamod (-au) nm covenant

      cyfamodi vb to covenant

      cyfamodol adj federal; covenanted

      cyfamodwr (-wyr) nm covenanter

      cyfamser nm meantime

      cyfamserol adj timely; synchronous

      cyfan adj, nm whole

      cyfandir (-oedd) nm continent

      cyfandirol adj continental

      cyfanfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean

      cyfanfyd nm whole world, universe

      cyfangorff nm whole, bulk, mass

      cyfan gwbl adj: yn gyfan gwbl altogether, completely

      cyfanheddol adj habitable, inhabited

      cyfanheddu vb to dwell, to inhabit

      cyfannedd adj inhabited ▶ nf (-anheddau) inhabited place, habitation

      cyfannol adj integrated, integral

      cyfannu vb to make whole, to complete

      cyfanrwydd nm wholeness, entirety

      cyfansawdd adj composite, compound
