Peter V. Brett

The Demon Cycle Series Books 1 and 2: The Painted Man, The Desert Spear

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going to have another attack if you don’t rest,’ she scolded. ‘I’m taking you outside, and no arguing! Stefny and Darsy can handle things for an hour.’

      ‘Barely,’ Bruna grumbled, but she allowed Leesha to help her up and lead her outside.

      The sun was high in the sky, and the grass by the Holy House was lush and green, save for a few patches blackened by flame demons. Leesha spread a blanket and eased Bruna down, bringing her special tea and soft bread that would not strain the crone’s few remaining teeth.

      They sat in comfortable silence for a time, enjoying the warm spring day. Leesha thought she had been unfair, comparing Bruna to her mother. When was the last time she and Elona had shared a comfortable silence in the sun? Had they ever?

      She heard a rasping sound, and turned to find Bruna snoring. She smiled and spread the woman’s shawl over her. She stretched her legs, and spotted Saira and Mairy a short way off, sewing out on the grass. They waved and beckoned, shifting over on their blanket to make room as Leesha came to sit.

      ‘How goes the Herb Gathering?’ Mairy asked.

      ‘Exhausting,’ Leesha said. ‘Where’s Brianne?’

      The girls looked at one another and giggled. ‘Off in the woods with Evin,’ Saira said.

      Leesha tsked. ‘That girl is going to end up like Klarissa,’ she said.

      Saira shrugged. ‘Brianne says you can’t scorn something you haven’t tried.’

      ‘Are you planning to try?’ Leesha asked.

      ‘You think you’ve no reason not to wait,’ Saira said. ‘I thought that, too, before Jak was taken. Now I’d give anything to have had him once before he died. To have his child, even.’

      ‘I’m sorry,’ Leesha said.

      ‘It’s all right,’ Saira replied sadly. Leesha embraced her, and Mairy joined in.

      ‘Oh, how sweet!’ came a cry from behind them. ‘I want to hug, too!’ They looked up just as Brianne crashed into them, knocking them laughing into the grass.

      ‘You’re in good spirits today,’ Leesha said.

      ‘A romp in the woods’ll do that,’ Brianne said with a wink, elbowing her in the ribs. ‘Besides,’ she sang, ‘Eeevin told me a seecret!’

      ‘Tell us!’ the three girls cried at once.

      Brianne laughed, and her eyes flicked to Leesha. ‘Maybe later,’ she said. ‘How’s the crone’s new apprentice today?’

      ‘I’m not her apprentice, whatever Bruna may think,’ Leesha said. ‘I’m still going to run my father’s shop once Gared and I marry. I’m just helping with the sick.’

      ‘Better you’n me,’ Brianne said. ‘Herb Gathering seems like hard work. You look a mess. Get enough sleep last night?’

      Leesha shook her head. ‘The floor by the hearth isn’t as comfortable as a bed,’ she said.

      ‘I wouldn’t mind sleeping on the floor if I had Gared for a pallet,’ Brianne said.

      ‘And just what is that supposed to mean?’ Leesha asked.

      ‘Don’t play dumb, Leesh,’ Brianne said with a hint of irritation. ‘We’re your friends.’

      Leesha puffed up. ‘If you’re insinuating …!’

      ‘Come off the pedestal, Leesha,’ Brianne said. ‘I know Gared had you last night. I’d hoped you’d be honest with us about it.’

      Saira and Mairy gasped, and Leesha’s eyes bulged, her face reddening. ‘He had no such thing!’ she shouted. ‘Who told you that?’

      ‘Evin,’ Brianne smiled. ‘Said Gared’s been bragging all day.’

      ‘Then Gared’s a ripping liar!’ Leesha barked. ‘I’m not some tramp, to go around …’

      Brianne’s face darkened, and Leesha gasped and covered her mouth. ‘Oh, Brianne,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry! I didn’t mean …’

      ‘No, I think you did,’ Brianne said. ‘I think it’s the only true thing you’ve said today.’

      She stood and brushed off her skirts, her usual good mood vanished. ‘Come on, girls,’ she said. ‘Let’s go somewhere where the air’s cleaner.’

      Saira and Mairy looked at each other, then at Leesha, but Brianne was already walking, and they rose quickly to follow. Leesha opened her mouth, but choked, not knowing what to say.

      ‘Leesha!’ she heard Bruna cry. She turned to see the old woman bracing on her cane and struggling to rise. With a pained glance at her departing friends, Leesha rushed to aid her.

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      Leesha was waiting as Gared and Steave came sauntering down the path towards her father’s house. They joked and laughed, and their joviality gave Leesha the strength she needed. She gripped her skirts in white-knuckled fists as she strode up to them.

      ‘Leesha!’ Steave greeted with a mocking smile. ‘How’s my soon-to-be daughter today?’ He spread his arms wide, as if to sweep her into a hug.

      Leesha ignored him, going right up to Gared and slapping him full in the face.

      ‘Hey!’ Gared cried.

      ‘Oh ho!’ Steave laughed. Leesha fixed him with her mother’s best glare, and he put up his hands placatingly.

      ‘I see yuv some talkin’ to do,’ he said, ‘so I’ll leave you to it.’ He looked at Gared and winked. ‘Pleasure has its price,’ he advised as he left.

      Leesha whirled on Gared, swinging at him again. He caught her wrist and squeezed hard. ‘Leesha, stop it!’ he demanded.

      Leesha ignored the pain in her wrist, slamming her knee hard between his legs. Her thick skirts softened the blow, but it was enough to break his grip and drop him to the ground, clutching his crotch. Leesha kicked him, but Gared was thick with hard muscle, and his hands protected the one place vulnerable to her strength.

      ‘Leesha, what the Core is the matter with you?’ Gared gasped, but it was cut off as she kicked him in the mouth.

      Gared growled, and the next time she lifted her foot, he grabbed it and shoved hard, sending her flying backwards. The breath was knocked out of her as she landed on her back, and before she could recover, Gared pounced, catching her arms and pinning her to the ground.

      ‘Have you gone crazy?!’ he shouted, as she continued to thrash under him. His face was flushed purple, and his eyes were tearing.

      ‘How could you?’ Leesha shrieked. ‘Son of a coreling, how could you be so cruel?’

      ‘Night, Leesha, what are you about?’ Gared croaked, leaning more heavily on her.

      ‘How could you?’ she asked again. ‘How could you lie and tell everyone you broke me last night?’

      Gared looked genuinely taken aback. ‘Who told you that?’ he demanded, and Leesha dared to hope that the lie was not his.

      ‘Evin told Brianne,’ she said.

      ‘I’ll kill that son of the Core,’ Gared growled, easing his weight back. ‘He promised to keep his mouth shut.’

      ‘So it’s true?!’ Leesha shrieked. She brought her knee up hard, and Gared howled and rolled off her. She was up and out of his reach before he recovered enough to grasp at her again.

      ‘Why?’ she demanded. ‘Why would you lie like that?’

      ‘It was just