Linn Halton B.

The Secrets of Villa Rosso: Escape to Italy for a summer romance to remember

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cloth and in the centre the glow from a large candle lantern sheds a soft flickering light.

      ‘To the north we have the Pollino mountain range and to the south, La Sila. It’s a difficult mix of terrain, but we are well served by the Calabrian ports of Reggio and Gioia Tauro.’

      ‘How long has this been your home?’

      Max shifts in his chair, his body language signalling hesitation. We aren’t friends, just business acquaintances and I realise with dismay that I might have overstepped the mark when he was simply making polite conversation. Thankfully, the silence is interrupted by the arrival of coffee and a jovial-looking man who greets Max with a babble of Italian. Max replies and to my ear his mastery of the language makes him sound like a native inhabitant, a true son of Italy.

      ‘Grazie, Gianni. Sono il tuo stato introdotto per la signora Maddison?’

      A moth is attracted by the light from the candle and Max absentmindedly brushes it away, before it’s drawn too close to the flame.

      ‘No, ho passato la giornata sopra presso la raffineria. Ci sono stati alcuni problemi, ma ora è fisso.’

      ‘Bene, grazie. My apologies, Ellie, this is Gianni, my fiancée’s uncle. Gianni, this is Mrs Maddison. Gianni has been at the plant today, sorting out a problem that occurred during my absence.’

      We shake hands and exchange polite smiles, before Gianni disappears back into the shadows of the villa. The light from the windows flood out onto the terrace, but everything beyond that is simply a series of dark shapes, lit only by a crescent moon and a heaven full of stars.

      ‘Four years. I’m not even sure I could slot back into my old life if ever the opportunity arises.’

      His reply to my previous question catches me by surprise. Clearly, his work is important to him. While I’m sure he misses his own family, it’s plain that he’s now a key member in the Ormanni family’s business. Everyone seems to look towards him for direction, as if he’s in sole charge.

      He adds a little sugar to the coffee cup in front of him and then sinks back onto his chair. There’s a sense of resignation in the movement.

      ‘It’s a complicated story and I don’t want to bore you. I also don’t want to spoil your relaxation time and I should be doing a much better job of being a host. I think you can tell that I don’t often get the chance to sit down and have a conversation in my own language. It has become a novelty, as most of our guests at the villa are Italians enjoying a weekend retreat away from city life.’

      Is he asking my permission to continue, or warning me off? There is a deep sadness in him, which I’d assumed was to do with his love for the people here and their plight. My instincts tell me not to pull back.

      ‘I’m a good listener. And it’s always easier talking to a stranger, isn’t it? Is your fiancée bi-lingual?’

      ‘Yes, Aletta speaks perfect English.’ He pauses, and then glances across at me rather nervously. ‘She went missing two years, three months ago.’

      My coffee cup is halfway to my lips when Max speaks and immediately I set it back down.

      ‘Oh, I’m so sorry, what a terrible thing to happen. I didn’t mean to pry.’

      Max looks apologetic and very uncomfortable.

      ‘As I said, it’s complicated.’

      Whatever thoughts are running through his head, he’s clearly unable to continue speaking and I finish drinking my coffee in silence. Standing, I gently bid him goodnight, but he doesn’t raise his head. As I’m about to walk through the door into the villa he calls out to me.

      ‘Buona notte, Ellie. Sleep well.’

      The first thing I do when I return to my room is to check my phone for emails and messages, but there’s nothing at all from Livvie. I text Josh to say a brief goodnight and prepare for bed.

      Lying there I keep going over and over Max’s words, searching for clues. I know people do sometimes disappear. I read the headlines in the papers and have skimmed stories that sound rather dubious, to say the least. But Max is just an ordinary guy and this old and established Italian family is so very traditional. How could their daughter simply disappear without trace? This is such a tight community in many ways, despite the size of the area. With so little going on, anything unusual is bound to become common knowledge. If this was a city, or even one of the larger towns, then it would be easier to understand.

      Eventually I drift off, but my dreams are jumbled and I’m glad when dawn begins to break.

       Chapter 8

      As the rays of the early morning sunshine start to slant across the floor, a succession of pings has me scrabbling for my phone. Livvie is online and looking at the photos. I long to get up and swing open the window to let in the fresh air, but I’m anxious for information and can’t wait.

       Love these tiles; can you bring a sample back with you?

       Looks great, just what I was hoping for – could you send me the dimensions?

       Great defoot widesigns. Is that a church you’re in???

      I send her a quick email telling her that I’m very impressed by what I’ve seen so far and that Max is the perfect coordinator. I have no doubt that there is scope here for them to expand the operation once the orders come in. Labour isn’t a problem, it’s cash flow at the moment. I think that’s more or less what she was expecting to hear, anyway. Max’s professionalism and vision have already impressed her in the short time she’s been talking to him.

      Livvie’s return email confirms as much. Then she goes on to tell me that her mum is doing well and is expected to be in hospital for at least a few days. Enough time, Livvie hopes, for her to sort out a nurse to do the day-to-day care and physio when she comes home. She sounds like she has switched back into organisational mode and is coping with the situation much better. But it is with relief that I read her final comment.

       Looks like you’ve had a worthwhile trip, Ellie, and I’m so grateful to you. I know Josh and the kids will probably hate me for dragging you away from them, but secretly I think it might do you a little good. Nothing builds the confidence quicker than reminding yourself you can do anything, if you put your mind to it. Or, if you care enough about a friend to be there for her.

       I’d be grateful if you could pass my thanks onto Max. Tell him that from what you’ve already shown me we should have no problem at all filling an order for our first container. I’m looking forward to developing a strong business relationship with Artigianato.

       Hugs, Ellie, and please do try to find time to soak up some of that Italian sunshine. Enjoy a little relaxation time. You deserve it, lady!

       Livvie xx

      I mouth a silent thank you, sure that there must be some patron saint linked to Castrovillari who is smiling down on us all. My biggest fear was that I hadn’t done justice to the beautiful things I’ve seen and Livvie wouldn’t feel as enthused, being unable to witness them in person. I know what Josh said, but isn’t life better when what you do benefits not just one person, but many? Business is all about profit, I understand that, but this is news I know will make a lot of people smile today. And I can’t wait to see the look on Max’s face. After last night I might not understand what’s going on in his personal life, but if anyone is in need of good news, it’s him.

      But Max doesn’t put in an appearance at breakfast and Bella informs me that he’s been called to the refinery.

      ‘Max sends his apologies, but the matter required his urgent attention. He set off at five this morning and left a message to say that he hopes to be back by eleven. He suggested that after breakfast I give you