Rose Elliot

Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes

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rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_a281dea6-af5b-5ad2-afa2-ab50f2cb81ef.jpg"/> Spread black olive pâté over the crostini or bruschetta then lop with the red pepper, capers and a few leaves of flat-leaf parsley.

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      1 medium aubergine

      olive oil

      4 sprigs of mint

      balsamic vinegar

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      crostini or bruschetta (see here)

      images Slice the aubergine into rounds about 3mm/1/8 inch thick and lay them on the grill pan.

      images Brush with olive oil on both sides then grill on high for 5–10 minutes, until golden brown and tender.

      images Tear the mint sprigs and mix with the aubergine. Add a few drops of balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper to taste then divide between the crostini or bruschetta.

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       This Christmassy variation can be made very quickly with canned lentils.

      1 small onion, peeled and chopped

      1 tbls olive oil

      1 × 425g / 15oz can of lentils

      crostini or bruschetta (see here)

      2 tbls cranberry sauce, preferably containing whole cranberries

      sprigs of flat-leaf parsley

      images Fry the onion in the olive oil for 7–10 minutes, until soft and lightly browned.

      images Drain the lentils and add to the onion, mashing them a bit so that they hold together.

      images Spread this mixture on top of the crostini or bruschetta, piling it up well.

      images Dot the cranberry sauce over the top and decorate with sprigs of flat-leaf parsley.

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      crostini or bruschetta (see here)

      a few leaves of chicory

      125g 14oz blue cheese

      6 black grapes

      a few pine nuts

      images Cover the crostini or bruschetta with chicory leaves, breaking or shredding them as necessary.

      images Thinly slice the blue cheese and arrange on top.

      images Halve and pip the grapes and lay these on top, then scatter over a few pine nuts.

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      125g / 4oz soft white goat’s cheese

      crostini or bruschetta (see here)

      8 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained

      several rocket leaves

      freshly ground black pepper

      images Spread the soft white goat’s cheese thickly on the crostini or bruschetta.

      images Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and arrange them on top of the goat’s cheese, together with a few leaves of rocket, then grind some black pepper coarsely over the top.

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       You can buy very good hummus at most of the big supermarkets and it makes an excellent topping for crostini.

      125g / 4oz hummus

      crostini or bruschetta (see here)

      paprika pepper

      olive oil

      8 black olives

      a few sprigs of flat-leaf parsley

      images Spread the hummus thickly on top of the crostini or bruschetta. Sprinkle some paprika pepper over the top, then drizzle a little olive oil on top of that.

      images Decorate with the black olives and a sprig or two of flat-leaf parsley.

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      225g / 8oz mushrooms

      25g / 1 oz butter

      1 garlic clove, crushed

      2 eggs or 4 quail’s eggs

      salt and freshly ground black pepper

      crostini or bruschetta (see here)

      black olive pâté

      images Wash and dry the mushrooms then chop them finely (use a food processor for this if you have one). Melt the butter in a saucepan, put in the mushrooms and garlic and cook them over a fairly high heat until the mushrooms are tender and any liquid they produce has evaporated – this may take 10 minutes.

      images Meanwhile, boil the eggs for 10 minutes or the quail’s eggs for 21/2 minutes. Shell them and slice them fairly thinly, or cut the quail’s eggs in half. Season with salt and pepper.

      images Season the mushroom mixture then either leave it to cool slightly or spread it on the crostini or bruschetta while still hot. Top with the egg slices and a little black olive pâté.

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