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hopefully sooner, they place more emphasis on their emotional life; this is reflected in their dreams and their visions, as well as the way in which they interact with others.

      The single-minded approach of people born on this day, combined with their sharp wit and strong level of commitment, can promise great potential for success. And if all that wasn’t enough, they also appear to be blessed with uncanny good fortune. Just as they can swing between high and low moods, their lives can also swing between disaster and sudden good fortune. Out of the blue they may receive a gift, a promotion or the break that they need. Finding balance by placing more emphasis on emotional and spiritual ideals is the key to their survival and their ability to attract all that they need to rise to the very top.

       On the dark side

      Restricted, extreme, arrogant

       At your best

      Tolerant, dedicated, insightful

      Love Learn to relax

      Those born on January 12 are attracted to people who share their singleminded approach to life. They are, however, actually happier with people who are less driven and single-minded and who have a more casual, relaxed approach. Such people can give them the perspective and the fun they need to unwind. Although they may appear confident when it comes to affairs of the heart, they can be reserved and may find it hard to commit or make the first move.

      Health Don’t take your health for granted

      Those born on this day tend to take their health for granted as they pursue their goals. More often than not they have a strong constitution and remarkable energy but if they neglect their health or burn the midnight oil for too long they are at risk of becoming overweight, unfit or malnourished. It is important for them to have a routine of regular exercise, and to eat regular meals and snacks to keep their energy and their metabolism on the go. Meditation will encourage their self-awareness and to stop themselves from overeating sweet foods to keep their energy levels up, the sweet smell of vanilla will help stop that sweet tooth.

      Career Born winners

      The sky really is the limit for these people. They are likely to succeed in whatever career they choose because they are so single-minded in their approach. The biggest struggle for them is not likely to be progressing in their career but deciding what career to pursue in the first place. If they decide to become self-employed they can do well as a trader, an agent or a negotiator. Although independent-minded, they can work well in cooperative situations, often excelling in diplomacy, politics, coaching and team sports. They may also wish to explore their considerable artistic and musical talents.

      Destiny To dedicate themselves to a cause or purpose

      The life path of people born on this day is to dedicate themselves to a purpose or cause. Once they are able to find a sense of balance, their destiny is to live through glory as well as defeat and in the process achieve true greatness.

       Power Thought

      “I can change my feelings by changing what I do”

      January 12

      Signs & symbols

      Sun sign: Capricorn

      Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher

      Symbol: The Horned Goat

      Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

      Tarot card: The Hanged Man (reflection)

      Favorable numbers: 3, 4

      Lucky days: Saturday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 4 of the month

      Lucky colors: Black, gingerbread brown, purple

      Birthstone: Garnet

       13 January the birthday of progression

       Your greatest challenge is…

      knowing how to cope with anger or disappointment

       The way forward is…

      to understand that painful feelings are only released when they are faced. Remember the only way out is through.

       You’re drawn to people born on…

       October 24 to November 22

      You share a broad outlook and a passion for accomplishment and this can create an imaginative and exciting union.

       Luck maker

       Have faith

      Unwavering self-belief when the going gets tough generates the ability and enthusiasm you need to succeed.

      Progression is the key word for those born on January 13. They never stand still, always moving forward in their lives, whatever their circumstances or start in life. Their ability to overcome obstacles and make even the most difficult of transitions or tasks seem easy gives them a natural charisma.

      Those who make life seem easy are universally favored, and people born on this day not only have the ability to succeed; they also have the ability to keep their cool when all around are losing theirs. When setbacks occur they pick themselves up, learn from their mistakes and do all it takes to reach their goals; and reach them they will.

      People born on this day have no problems leaving their past behind them. They understand the importance of letting go in order to progress and move beyond limitations. They particularly enjoy initiating new projects and ideas, and they work steadily and in a disciplined way until they have attained what they desire. Although their imagination and intelligence give them the potential to succeed in many areas, the arena of social and humanitarian reform has particular appeal for them. Of course they feel disappointment and disillusion at times—they are human like everyone else—but typically after the age of thirty-eight, more often than not sooner, they discover the importance of making their mind work for rather than against themselves.

      It’s impossible for people born on January 13 to hold back in any way and they cannot see the point of doing anything unless one hundred per cent of one’s attention and energy is given. If others are not committed or are lazy or not paying attention, they will let them know. They will progress faster if they can understand that not everyone has the same drive or need for achievement as they have, and that sometimes the price for having high ideals means that they have to stand alone. By taking time out to relax they can discover whether they have being pushing themselves too hard or have become too detached from the world they are so committed to improving.

       On the dark side

      Stubborn, rebellious, bossy

       At your best

      High achiever, expert, revolutionary

      Love Charismatic flirts

      People born on January 13 tend to be attracted to a partner from whom they can learn or who are a step higher than them on the social ladder. They need to respect and admire their partner rather than the other way round and take great pride in his or her success or accomplishment. Until they find someone to whom they feel ready to commit, their charismatic personality naturally attracts admirers and can mean they will have an erratic love life, sometimes with numerous partners in succession.

      Health Healthy