hasn’t got us anywhere. Other than obsession and obesity.
If you are thinking that we are better off knowing about all aspects of nutrition and calories, ask yourself why? We apparently know more about ‘nutrition’ now than ever in history, yet heart disease is still the number one killer disease in Western society and we suffer from more self inflicted diseases than any wild animal on earth.
We not only worry about this nutrition ‘stuff’ but industries have been built on our fears. We spend millions of pounds on vitamin and mineral tablets every year in the UK alone. And why are we popping pills and rattling down the street? Simply to try and counter the effects of the processed and de-natured food we are consuming. But what about the pills themselves, haven’t they also been processed in some way? Aren’t they also de-natured? I had a journalist from a famous magazine recently ask me as I was making a wonderful smoothie, ‘Is this a good replacement for vitamin pills?’ I thought she was joking, but no. It appears we are so far removed from nature that some people now think fresh fruit and veg are the ‘alternative’ to vitamin pills. I did point out that vitamin pills are indeed meant as an alternative to real nutrition, but it went completely over her head. I am not against all supplements or indeed all vitamin and mineral pills – with over farming unfortunately in twenty-first century Britain it’s often the only way to make up for the shortfall of vital minerals in our food. What I find crazy is the fact we have bastardised our food so much that we now have vitamin pills – when you think about it is kind of crazy. The danger here more than anything is that people believe as long as they get some vitamin pills down them they are free to eat crap. This is the real potential danger of such pills.
Blinded by Science
Did you know there are 40,000 phytochemicals in one tomato? What is a phytochemical? It’s a name for a vitamin that they haven’t formally named yet. Are there really 40,000 vitamins in one tomato? I don’t actually know and I don’t care because as long as I get it into my body, I don’t need to know. Who counted them anyway? Your body doesn’t care whether you call them vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, or zookinoids – it simply wants them and desperately needs them.
Fruits and vegetables, as a whole, contain every single vitamin and mineral that we have found a name for and God knows how many more we haven’t. They apparently keep finding new and amazing disease-fighting agents in all fruit and veg. Recently they’ve discovered some real beauties. Ever heard of beta-carotene? Well now they’ve found alpha-carotene. They have also discovered phenols, indoles, aromatic isothiocyanates, terpenes, and organo-sulphur: all of which are part of the new category of ‘anutrients’. NEW? These scientists can shove together whatever letters they like but what they have found is far from new. They seem to want to get the credit for something nature produces. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds have been the same since the dawn of time and everything we need to furnish our bodies is to be found within them. When they do discover a ‘new’ phytochemical in a particular fruit or vegetable they tend to try to isolate it, extract it, recreate it, process it, and put it in a pill. That is the equivalent of taking just one spark plug and the oil from a car in the belief you have found the most important components of the vehicle because it can’t run without them.
Most of the time they also try and blind us with science by using what I call blah, blah, blah language. I am talking about people who will use the longest, most obscure words available to describe something which is actually very simple. However, they have studied it for many years, have spent flipping great wedges of cash on their education and are going to let you know they have by completely losing you in whatever text they write. I call it blah, blah, blah language.
It is about time we all took our brainwashed heads out of the sand. We just do not need to know what our ideal weight is (according to some man-made scale). We should not be weighing our food to see how much we should eat. Nor do we need to concern ourselves with vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, our body fat ratio, our resting heart rate, nor how many calories are in the bag of crisps. It is time to simplify the whole business of eating and health, remove the fear of changing your diet, and find physical and mental freedom for life. We will not achieve this by worrying about vitamin K, B6, C, D, K, Z, protein, calcium, or what foods are low fat. We will achieve our goal for life by not concerning ourselves with all this nonsense, but rather by removing the many years of brainwashing, conditioning, and manipulation by BIG FOOD and tapping into our genuine freedom of choice.
You already know why you shouldn’t be eating the foods you are and why you should eat the foods you are not. However, that doesn’t matter because everybody with a food problem knows this too, yet this knowledge does not help them. It certainly didn’t help me. All it did was add pressure and make me feel stupid and weak-willed. And what would I do if I was under pressure, feeling down or a little stressed? Yep – EAT!
The problem is that although we know all the benefits of making the change, we also believe that we have to go through pain to get there and stay there. As I will repeat throughout this book, you will not have to endure any pain at all because it’s easy to lose weight, gain health, have the body of your dreams and all the energy to enjoy it. You simply need to get into the right frame of mind, then you can easily get into the right frame of body. You will only have to suffer a lifetime of pain if you don’t make the change – not if you do.
So now you know what you don’t need to know, but in order to remove all the brainwashing and release you from certain ‘junkie foods’, there is a lot you really do need to know. The first and most important thing is the nature of the diet and food trap. What really compels us to eat things that we then regret almost instantaneously? What makes us eat foods that we know for certain are causing excess fat, ill health, depression, stress, and premature death? In other words …
1) The advertising, brainwashing, conditioning, and mind manipulation we have been subjected to since birth (the mental side).
2) An empty insecure physical feeling due to malnutrition, withdrawal, low blood sugar, or a combination of the three – caused by the ‘food’ and/or drinks themselves (the physical side).
These two factors add up to addiction.
The good news is that virtually any kind of addiction, contrary to extremely popular belief, is easy to kick. However, it is only easy to kick once you have a full understanding how that particular addiction works and the nature of that particular trap.
The main problem is the first of the two factors: the many, many years of conditioning, brainwashing, mind manipulation, and total misinformation that we have been subjected to by the advertisers and so-called experts on the subject of health. This is really the cause of the problem and this is what needs to be fully removed in order to gain freedom. The lethargy, excess fat, health problems etc. are simply symptoms of the cause.
Fat Profits
It is time to wake up and realize that the livelihoods of many people depend on keeping us none the wiser when it comes to just how harmful and addictive certain foods and drinks can be. It is often their job to keep you hooked – without your knowledge of course – on what I will continue to refer to as drug foods or junkie foods. They are constantly trying to change the way you think in order to give you the very false impression that you are choosing to eat and drink their druggy-like foods. As I mentioned earlier, and as I will repeat, you cannot have freedom of choice without the freedom to also refuse. When do we know it’s our genuine choice?