be easy to achieve, but only once the brainwashing and conditioning has been removed and you have a clear route out.
The Past Doesn’t Equal The Future
It also doesn’t matter what you have tried in the past or what you have been through, anyone – and having dealt with thousands of people of all ages from all over the world – I do mean anyone can find it easy and enjoyable to change what they eat and be slim and healthy for life. All you need is an open mind and the conviction to finish the entire book. Most people who buy books of this nature don’t even finish them and then complain that it was ‘something else that didn’t work for them’. This book really is different from any other food/diet/health book you’ve read on this subject and I am very, very excited to share this information with you and I know it will make a difference. However, the only way it can make a difference is if you do three things:
A) Read the book with an open mind
B) Finish the book
C) Follow the simple set of instructions at the end
Many of the points in the book are repeated at various times. This is deliberate. I ran an addiction centre for many years and addiction psychology is what this book is all about. The only reason why I repeat certain points is to help remove the years of brainwashing and conditioning by BIG FOOD and BIG DRINK. It may jar at times, but please have faith in the fact I know what I am doing. The book is a form of hypnosis. I make sure that the key messages are placed at precise intervals in order for you to make the change effortlessly. Many people can’t even pin-point what it was about the book that made the difference, they just know that after reading it they felt completely differently about certain foods and drinks (as the short selection of reviews and testimonials in the introduction to this book shows). So please don’t get caught up with what some in the U.S of A would annoyingly describe as ‘Analysis Paralysis’ – where you get so caught up trying to analyse something that it prevents you from getting the message and thus the result you are looking for. The book has many chapters, most short and punchy and all designed to keep you reading. I am not here to win any awards with the written word and yes plenty will be repeated throughout and my style will bug some for sure; just have faith and all will fall into place.
So first things first, before we get into the real juicy aspects of the book it is important to understand fully …
‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’
Have you noticed how flies keep banging themselves against the same pane of glass in a desperate attempt to get out? And they continue to do it even when there is an opening just above them. Why don’t they just fly slightly higher and set themselves free? The answer is very simple – they cannot see that there is a simple way out and believe that what they are doing will eventually set them free. And this is exactly the same for the overweight/unhealthy person who keeps going on diets or special exercise programmes that they hate in order to be slim and healthy. They simply cannot see that there is an extremely easy alternative. They honestly think that if they just keep doing the same thing for long enough that this approach will eventually set them free. But, just like the fly, simply doing the same thing over and over again will not produce a different result and will not set them free. I know because I did more or less the same thing over and over again expecting to get a different result.
However, what if the fly decided to go to a ‘positive thinking fly seminar’? What if they went on a motivational fire walk to get all … motivated and stuff? What would happen then? Well nothing. All that would happen is you would now have a very excited, determined and positive fly who still couldn’t break the glass. It doesn’t matter how many times the fly repeats a positive mantra to itself along the lines of, ‘I CAN DO ANYTHING I SET MY MIND TO’, unless it sees the gap at the top, physics mean the fly will NEVER break the glass, regardless of what the bloody hell it says to itself and no matter how determined and positive it is. What the fly needs is clear to anyone observing the poor bugger banging its head on the glass over and over again. It simply needs to understand the position it’s in and simply change its approach. It’s not difficult for the fly to get out, it’s only difficult while it tries to escape by thinking it can break through the glass.
Exactly the same goes for anyone in the food trap. Whether you know it or not at this stage, the likelihood is you are in the trap yourself (to whatever degree) and you can do all the affirmations, positive thinking and be as determined as you like, but it won’t set you truly free – as you’ve no doubt experienced in the past. You may get slimmer and healthier at times using this approach but it won’t stop you wanting junkie foods and therefore having to exercise constant control not to have them. In other words, you will still be mentally locked in the food trap.
I used to think that if I was managing to exercise control over my intake of certain foods it meant I was in control. I now see that if you are having to exercise control on a consistent basis it means you are in reality being controlled, and if you are being controlled you are not free. It’s the constant need to exercise control on a daily, weekly or monthly basis that is one of the nightmares of the food trap (more on this later).
What you require is an incredibly easy escape route, and the exciting news is you’re reading it. I know it’s hard to believe a book can make such a difference, particularly if in your mind you have tried so many things in the past, but I promise you it can. The truth is it’s actually frighteningly simple to change what you eat and get slim, in the same way it’s simple for the fly to escape. The main problem is not only have we been conditioned and brainwashed to eat certain foods and drinks, it is almost taken as read that the whole business of losing weight is difficult. It isn’t – IT’S EASY!
I totally agree that it may be hard to believe at this stage, but again, it’s time to stop being a fly and open your mind to the fact that it’s more than possible when you approach it in a very different way. The reality is it’s feeling sluggish, living with excess fat and ill health and constantly either trying to control your food intake or bingeing that is hard work.
This is where most people have got it wrong, as I did for many years. We believe that health is hard work – that we will have to go through some degree of torture to achieve the body of our dreams. Many of us think that it’s just easier to eat junk foods and stay unfit rather than go through the tremendous amounts of willpower, discipline, and dedication – not to mention pain and hard work – we believe are necessary to achieve good health. That’s why we don’t get excited and look forward to getting slim and healthy – we assume that we will have to suffer in some way. We have been conditioned to believe that, and every time we try and fail we simply confirm this false belief. That is exactly what I used to believe too. I now realize that a life of junk food, being unfit, hating the way you look and feel on an ongoing basis, and lacking in confidence is not easier – and it’s certainly nowhere near as enjoyable as feeling alive, clearheaded, healthy, physically and mentally vibrant, and loving the way you look and feel.
We have a lot to get through and a lot of subjects need to be covered in order for you to break free. I want you to feel fantastic and live a quality of life, health-wise, that many people simply dream of. This book really is a catalyst to you getting there. There will be points in the book where you will want to stop, where you think you’ve read enough and that you ‘get it’, but please, please …