Cassandra O’Leary

Girl on a Plane: A sexy, sassy, holiday read

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head, downy hair tickling her nose. She giggled and patted him on the back in a slow rhythm. Raising her head, her gaze connected with a certain gorgeous CEO a few metres away. Watching her. Again. Eyes alight but darker now, if such a thing were possible. His face was flushed, a touch of pink across his cheeks. She could’ve sworn he was interested in her.

      Something warmed deep inside her belly. She found she didn’t mind his attention at all. It was nice to be appreciated. Her lips stretched upwards and she blinked.

      He clenched his jaw so a muscle twitched near his ear, then shifted his gaze away.

      Okay then. Not so interested. It didn’t matter. What would she do with a man like him? A series of naughty images flicked through her mind before she woke up to herself, with a tap on her shoulder.

      Baby Jack’s mother was back and Sinead handed him over. “He’s a treasure.”

      The elegant woman’s formerly tense expression softened. She actually grinned. “Thanks so much, I think so.”

      Sinead joined Yuki in making sure passengers’ hand luggage was safely stowed. Then the captain’s announcement grabbed everyone’s attention.

      “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re about to begin our descent into Singapore. We anticipate turbulence as we pass through some cloud. Please fasten your seatbelts and ensure you follow the directions of the crew. Thanks for your understanding. Cabin crew, prepare for landing.”

      Sinead and the rest of the crew went about the routine tasks, preparing for landing. All the safety checks were double and triple checked for good measure.

      The flight took a turn for the worse as they hit a heavy cloud bank. Battling for footing as the cabin trembled and shook with the gale-force winds, she and the crew got everyone ready for landing. Sinead did her job and did it well. A model of calm in a crisis. On the outside at least. When the passengers could see her. Inside was more panicky mayhem.

      The descent into Singapore was an adventure in itself, but one she wouldn’t want to repeat in a hurry. The plane was pummelled by horizontal rain and buffeting winds as they plunged through the clouds. It was dark as nightfall although only early afternoon. The passengers were all on edge, even the crew. It reminded her a little too much of a flight to the Philippines, when one engine had failed …

       No, no, no. Don’t think about it. A freak incident. It will never happen again.

      She sat beside Yuki as they entered Singapore airspace. Her friend grabbed Sinead’s hand atop the armrest and dug her fingernails into Sinead’s skin, leaving little half-moon shaped indentations. The pain provided welcome distraction from the images running through her head.

      Yuki murmured, “I’m going to see Daniel again. It will all be okay.”

      Sinead shuddered, cold creeping across her skin, then pressed back into her seat and closed her eyes.

      If the worst were to happen, she had no one special to say her final goodbyes to. How pathetic. Her family back home in Dublin popped into her mind. They’d all but disowned her years ago, but still it hurt her heart to think of them. Sometimes she missed them. Her little sister anyway. Bridie was a good egg in a bad batch. She’d better call Bridie once she got onto terra firma.

      As the plane began its final descent, Sinead crossed her fingers and prepared herself for touchdown. The engines screamed through her head along with the mantra: I will make it through this.

      With a thud, the wheels connected with the tarmac. A jolt, and they were on solid ground again. Only it didn’t feel so solid, the way the plane skidded down the wet runway. They finally came to a complete stop and the passengers burst into spontaneous applause, followed by sighs and deep breaths. Their collective relief was palpable.

      Sinead breathed deeply and resisted the urge to drop her head between her knees. She was alive and her whole life was ahead of her.

      Why did it suddenly seem such a lonely prospect?


       Changi Airport, Singapore

      “What the hell do you mean there’s no flights out of Singapore?” Gabriel’s blood pounded in his ears where he stood in front of the customer service desk.

      The London office was counting on him. His mother was counting on him. And here he was stuck in the middle, no bloody good to either. Useless. His palm was slick with sweat where he gripped his carry-on bag.

      “If this is how Mermaid Airlines treats its first-class passengers, I’ll have to rethink the online clients I swing your way. So I suggest you check your computer again and find me a flight.”

      The customer service officer behind the first-class counter practically cowered behind her computer monitor. She was kind of young, could be new on the job. Once, he’d been like her, working retail, serving people all day long. He shouldn’t be a grumpy bastard. But being a pushover wouldn’t get him anywhere. If they were trying to pull the wool over his eyes, he wouldn’t stand for it. There had to be a flight out.

      “I’m so sorry, sir. But as I explained before, there are currently no flights leaving Singapore. We’re waiting on a further announcement, but we expect long delays and cancellations. It’s a safety issue. But we’ll let you know as soon as possible about alternative transport or evacuation.” The tiny redhead blinked, awaiting his response. Her bottom lip trembled.

      God, he was being a mean prick. The type of self-important arsehole he came in contact with growing up poor in an upper-middle-class suburb. The type he swore he’d never become, even as he built his business and earned more money. The last thing he wanted was to be the type of man to make a woman cry. What would his mum say if she knew? He let a long breath out of his lungs, allowing some of the tension to ease from his shoulders.

      Time to change tactics and turn on his trademark charm. It worked every time when dealing with women.

      “Okay,” he said, and checked her name tag. “Tania. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to work something out to keep me happy and you in a job. Sound good?”

      Gabriel flashed his teeth. His smile usually had women eating out of his hand, or offering to do all sorts of other tasty things. Tania nodded, her face flushed and stunned-looking.

      He leaned forward on the counter and whispered, “I know you only want to help me.”

      Tania sighed and dropped her shoulders, then tapped at her keyboard. He waited and pushed down his earlier anger, schooling his expression into a mask of cheerful reasonableness.

      Nothing to see here, folks.

      “I’ve made an appointment for you to meet our head of customer relations, Mr Peter Lim. He’ll see you in his suite in a few minutes. Jennifer will show you the way.”

      Another staff member appeared beside him. A younger woman, around twenty-two, dark hair, slim and attractive in those toppling high heels they made them wear. To appeal to men like him. It didn’t exactly work. He coughed on a half-chuckle. She was harmless enough.

      He didn’t have a flight, but maybe it was progress. Mr Lim might have an ace up his sleeve for high rollers like him. Maybe a charter flight. “Not so hard, was it? Thank you very much for your excellent service. I’ll be sure to mention it to Mr Lim.”

      To top it all off, he winked at her. The action reminded him of the cheeky flight attendant, Sinead. Would she be relaxing in some hotel room now? Why was he still thinking about her?

      Tania’s pale skin flushed and she stammered a response he barely heard. He was already focused on young Jennifer, leading the way towards the airline’s offices.

      He’d managed Tania, like he managed everyone and everything in his life – with a perfectly planned strategy and the right