Kimberly Dean

Courting Trouble

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a couple.

      ‘I wouldn’t miss it.’ Nina tucked her clutch under her arm and straightened the young man’s tie. Over his shoulder she saw the flash of white-blonde hair heading straight in Jason Sloan’s direction.

      Nina’s antennae perked up.

      This should be an interesting test. How would the young woman deal with a pit bull like him?

      ‘The work Aquamarine is doing is so important,’ she said absently as she stepped back.

      Veronica’s date stood a little taller, and Nina edged to the side to keep an eye on the action behind him.

      An attractive brunette was on Sloan’s arm this evening. The woman’s navy dress was cut too low for the event, and her heels were a smidgen too high. She was leaning provocatively into her date’s side, but his attention was focused with drill-like intensity on Kevin McHale, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. Sloan was more interested in his conversation with the powerful politician than he was with his bimbo of the night.

      ‘Roni and I were appalled by the number of people who don’t have fresh drinking water. We’ve got to do something to make water purification tablets more accessible,’ the young man in front of her was saying.

      Nina nodded absently. ‘A public service message would help the Alliance immensely, Veronica, especially with your last name. Surely an advertising whiz could come up with something special.’

      ‘Like a spokesperson role?’ the aging actress said, perking up. She shared a look with her special friend.

      ‘Roni Waters for Aquamarine? I think it’s perfect.’

      ‘It does have quite the ring to it.’

      So did the discussion happening twenty yards away. Nina tapped her toe in anticipation. Sloan and McHale’s discussion wasn’t about the availability of water. She could tell that without hearing.

      Veronica nodded enthusiastically. ‘Have someone contact me. I’d love to help.’

      ‘I’ll let the board know,’ Nina promised. The president of the organisation was on her schedule for tomorrow anyway.

      She sent the couple along with a smile and stepped out of the main thoroughfare. She’d nearly made a lap around the room and she was ready to go. There were so many of these events on her calendar. They were necessary, but tiring. She could only dream about the hot bubble bath that awaited her at home, with candles and squares of dark chocolate tub-side.

      Only something kept her attention on the blonde.

      The waitress moved in that whisper-smooth way of hers. She approached the small group, remaining on their periphery to avoid interrupting them, yet her attention was on the senator – almost as if she sensed he needed an out. Without uttering a sound, she made eye contact with the man. His shoulders relaxed, and he smiled in relief as he turned for a chocolate truffle.

      It had the same dousing effect on the heated conversation as a bucket of water.

      Only Jason Sloan was the one who’d gotten drenched. When he turned, his shoulders were lifted and a snarl was on his handsome face.

      That all changed when he made eye contact with the waitress.

      ‘Oh,’ Nina gasped. She could feel the snap in the air from where she stood.

      The ruthless shark stood, appropriately, in front of a Great White display, yet momentarily he stopped swimming.

      For once, the pretty waitress didn’t adjust. She didn’t smooth the situation with a pleasant smile or offer any hors d’oeuvres. She simply froze.

      It lasted a split second, maybe not even that. Sloan’s date didn’t even notice. Released from her boredom, she leaned in to evaluate the selection of appetisers. She took a handful, and the senator swiped up another mini quiche. Still, Sloan didn’t budge.

      He had his eye on a tastier tidbit.

      The blonde waitress took a tiny step back, nodded to the guests, turned and …


      Weak knees.

      Nina finally took a breath, not realising that she’d been holding it. The chemistry that had just sparked between those two strangers had been palpable. Electric. She took a quick sip of her champagne to cool off, but when she licked her lips it wasn’t for the taste.

      Jason Sloan was still watching the pretty waitress. Silently, secretly. His touch lighted on his date’s waist, but she was sharing her appreciation of the salmon puffs with the senator. She didn’t even notice that her companion’s attention was elsewhere.

      Nina certainly did, and it made the thoughts that had been swirling in her head all evening knot into a tighter spiral.


      She turned on her heel towards the Aquamarine booth. Her stay had been short, but more productive than she would have guessed. Lifting her chin, she walked confidently to the event secretary.

      The woman smiled in greeting. ‘Ms Lockwood, it’s always a pleasure.’

      Nina’s lips twitched. Little did the prim woman know that that should be her company’s motto.

      Opening her clutch, she pulled out her chequebook.

      The woman’s eyes widened when she saw how many zeroes were on the cheque. ‘Always a pleasure,’ she repeated.

      ‘I’ve also managed to convince Veronica Waters to talk to you about being a spokesperson for the charity.’ Nina tucked her clutch under her arm and waved knowingly. ‘I’ll tell Arnie about it tomorrow, but I know he’ll forget. Just contact her people after a day or so.’

      ‘Veronica Waters?’ The secretary nearly came out of her seat. ‘Oh, Ms Lockwood. That’s fabulous news.’

      Nina winked and turned away. That bath and dark chocolate were calling her name. She made her way back to the elevator, still observant of those around her. By sight, by touch and by sound. She literally sensed when she crossed the path of Jason Sloan’s gaze, which was still fixed on the pretty blonde waitress.

      She noticed, also, when the waitress glanced back.

      ‘Oh,’ the girl said in surprise when Nina blocked her view. ‘I’m sorry, you startled me.’

      ‘No apologies necessary. Your thoughts were obviously elsewhere.’ Perhaps on the brawny businessman with the steely dark eyes? The sexy shark halfway across the room?

      The waitress put her empty tray on the cart. ‘Have a good evening, miss. I hope you enjoyed yourself.’

      ‘Here in the Blue Lagoon?’

      The girl understood, but the only response she allowed was a twinkle in her eye.

      Nina held out a business card. ‘I’ve been impressed by what I’ve seen tonight. Here’s my card.’

      The waitress blinked in surprise. She turned the card this way and that before looking up in confusion. ‘I don’t understand.’

      ‘I’m looking for people like you. Conscientious, perceptive and sophisticated.’ Nina slipped her a hundred-dollar tip and punched the call button for the elevator. ‘You said you were looking for something more rewarding. Just call the number. We’ll set up a time to talk.’

      The girl’s blue eyes widened. ‘For a job?’

      The elevator opened, and Nina stepped inside. ‘I can’t promise you an offer, but I can commit to an interview. Call me. I think you’ll be intrigued.’

       Chapter One

      Sienna’s feet were killing her, her stomach was rumbling and all she wanted to do