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vb to make one’s home, to settle

      cartŵn (cartwnau) nm cartoon

      cartwnydd (-ion) nm cartoonist

      carth (-ion) nm tow, oakum; off-scouring

      carthen (-ni, -nau) nf Welsh blanket, coverlet; carthen blu duvet

      carthffos (-ydd) nf sewer

      carthffosiaeth nf sewerage

      carthu vb to cleanse, to purge, to scavenge

      caru vb to love; to like; to court

      caruaidd adj loving, kind

      carw (ceirw) nm stag, deer

      carwden (-ni) nf back-chain; tall awkward fellow

      carwr (-wyr) nm lover, wooer

      carwriaeth (-au) nf courtship

      cas1 adj hateful, odious; nasty, disagreeable ▶ nm hatred, aversion

      cas2 (caseion) nm hater, foe, enemy

      casáu vb to hate, to detest, to abhor

      casbeth (-au) nm aversion, nuisance

      caseg (cesig) nf mare

      casét (-iau) nm cassette

      casgen (-ni, casgiau) nf cask

      casgl nfm collection

      casgliad (-au) nm collection; gathering

      casglu vb to collect, to gather; to infer

      casglwr (-wyr), casglydd (-ion) nm collector

      casineb nm hatred

      cast (-iau) nm vice, knack

      castan (-au) nf chestnut

      castanwydd npl (nf -en) chestnut-trees

      castell (cestyll) nm castle

      castellog adj castled, castellated

      castellu vb to castle, to encamp

      castio vb to trick, to cheat; to cast, to calculate

      castiog adj full of tricks, tricky

      casul (-(i)au) nmf cassock

      caswir nm unpalatable truth

      casyn (casiau) nm case, casing

      cat (-iau) nm bit, piece, fragment; pipe

      catalog (-au) nm catalogue

      catalogio vb to catalogue

      catalydd (-ion) nm catalyst

      categori (-ïau) nm category

      catel coll n chattels; cattle

      catgor (-(i)au) nm ember day(s)

      catrawd (-rodau) nf regiment

      cath (-od, -au) nf cat

      cathl (-au) nf melody, hymn, lay

      cathlu vb to sing, to hymn

      cathod (-au) nf cathode

      catholig adj catholic

      Catholigiaeth nf Catholicism

      catholigrwydd nm catholicity

      cau1 adj hollow, concave

      cau2 vb to shut, to close, to enclose

      caul (ceulion) nm maw; rennet; curd

      caw (-(i)au) nm band, swaddling-clothes

      cawdel nm hotchpotch, mess

      cawell (cewyll) nm hamper, basket, cradle

      cawellwr (-wyr) nm basket-maker

      cawg (-iau) nm basin, bowl, pitcher

      cawl nm broth, soup; hotchpotch

      cawn npl (nf -en) reeds

      cawod (-ydd) nf shower

      cawodi vb to shower

      cawodog adj showery

      cawr (cewri) nm giant

      cawraidd adj gigantic

      cawres (-au) nf giantess

      caws nm cheese; curd

      cawsai, cawsi nmf causeway

      cawsaidd adj cheesy, caseous

      cawsellt (-ydd, -i, -au) nm cheese-vat

      cawsio vb to curd, to curdle

      cawsiog adj curdled

      CC adv BC

      CD (-s, -au) nm CD

      cecian vb to stammer

      cecren (-nod) nf shrew, scold, cantankerous woman

      cecru vb to wrangle, to bicker

      cecrus adj cantankerous, quarrelsome

      cecryn (-nod) nm wrangler, brawler

      cedor nmf pubic hair

      cedrwydd npl (nf -en) cedars

      cefn (-au) nm back; support

      cefndedyn nm mesentery; diaphragm, pancreas

      cefnder (-dyr) nm first cousin

      cefndir (-oedd) nm background

      cefnen (-nau) nf ridge

      cefnfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean
