Lynne Pemberton

Platinum Coast

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bought this for me last time she came to stay. Don’t you remember, Daddy?’

      Stephen shrugged. ‘You know me and clothes, poppet, I can never remember things like that.’ He leaned towards her. ‘Now you sit and chat to Christina while I make her a sandwich; then we can go.’

      Stephen left the room and Victoria sat awkwardly on the very edge of the sofa.

      Christina broke the silence.

      ‘I realize you’re used to having your father’s exclusive attention, Victoria, and I really don’t want to spoil anything for you.’

      Immediately the child got up from the sofa and stood in front of her.

      ‘That’s good, because I’m not going to let you. Just stay away from us!’ Christina was shocked at the harsh words and saw something in the eyes of the eleven-year-old that chilled her to the bone.

      ‘I think I’ll go and help Daddy now,’ Victoria said, and ran out of the living-room before Christina had a chance to speak to her further.

      Stephen returned ten minutes later with a big tray covered in a white lace tray-cloth. He placed it in Christina’s lap with a flourish.

      ‘Dinner à la carte.’

      ‘Thank you.’ She looked down at the tray on which he had laid cheese and tomato toasties, garnished with lettuce and delicately cut cucumber. A slice of apple tart sat next to a bottle of chilled Frascati, and a champagne tulip held a single pale-peach rose.

      A small white envelope sat on top of the pile of sandwiches. Christina lifted it up, a question in her eyes.

      ‘Read it later.’ Stephen put his hand on her shoulder and bent forward, ‘I won’t be long, I promise.’ He glanced at the open doorway where Victoria was standing, an impatient look marring her pretty face.

      He planted a soft kiss on Christina’s cheek.

      ‘See you later.’

      ‘Have fun,’ she called, and heard Victoria shouting from the hall with glee: ‘Don’t worry, we will!’

      The last sound she heard was Victoria’s delighted giggling before the door slammed shut and she was left alone.

      Christina had very little appetite but drank most of the wine.

      Then she remembered the little card Stephen had left for her.

       Remember the last time we had cheese and tomato sandwiches?

      I’ll never forget.

      Love, S.

      Christina sighed and thought about the wonderful time they had shared in London four weeks previously. Stephen was a very different man this weekend. She was dozing in front of an old black and white movie when Stephen and Victoria returned home by taxi two hours later. Christina could tell that Stephen had been drinking as he bounded into the living-room. She noticed two scarlet spots of colour standing out on his cheeks as he sat down next to her.

      ‘How’s the lovely injured Christina?’

      ‘All the better for seeing you.’ She touched his hot cheek and leaned forward to kiss him. He jumped up as if he had been stung as Victoria bounced into the room, cheeks ablaze with excited colour and eyes sparkling.

      Christina groaned inwardly. Victoria did not look in the least bit tired.

      ‘How about a game of Monopoly?’ She began to rummage in an old oak chest, pulling out an assortment of board games.

      Stephen looked at the Victorian carriage clock on the carved mantelpiece and said, not firmly enough in Christina’s opinion, ‘I think it’s bedtime.’

      Victoria pouted, it’s only ten o’clock. I don’t usually go to bed until eleven on weekends.’

      She held the Monopoly box in front of Stephen’s face. ‘One quick game, please.’

      ‘Monopoly is not quick, Vicky, it takes hours,’ he sighed.

      ‘I don’t have to get up for school in the morning, Daddy. Please.’

      Her big eyes pleaded with him.

      ‘Would you like to play, Christina?’ Stephen looked at her, his eyes imploring.

      ‘It’s best if we play at the big table in the dining-room. Christina would be uncomfortable there,’ Victoria announced, pulling on his sleeve. ‘Come on. Daddy. I can’t wait to buy up all the Mayfair properties.’

      Stephen gently extracted his arm. ‘I think Christina should play. It’s more fun with three.’

      A defiant look entered Victoria’s face, and Christina suspected she was about to throw a tantrum. She doubted she could stand it, so took the easy option, yawning deliberately and then stretching.

      ‘I’m very tired, Stephen, so I think I will leave Monopoly this time. I was never very good anyway.’

      She saw the look of delight in Victoria’s eyes.

      ‘Can you help me, Stephen?’

      ‘Of course.’ He leaned down and put one strong arm around her back and another under her legs, lifting her into his arms.

      ‘You set up the board; I’ll be down in a few minutes, Vicky,’ he called.

      ‘Okay, will do, but don’t be too long,’ she replied, not saying goodnight to Christina, who held onto Stephen’s neck very tightly.

      He helped her upstairs and lifted her onto the bed. ‘I’ll be fine now, Stephen. You go and play with Victoria.’

      Christina tried to keep the resentment out of her voice, but he detected it.

      ‘She is my only child, Christina, and I don’t see as much of her as I’d like.’

      Christina sighed. Victoria was just a little girl, and one who had lost her mother in tragic circumstances. What sort of man would Stephen be if he didn’t put his daughter first, at least some of the time? ‘I’m sorry. It’s just I would have liked a little time with you alone. I’d been looking forward to this weekend so much.’

      ‘I feel the same way, but it’s difficult for me to refuse her anything. I’m over-compensating for the loss of her mother.’

      He sat on the edge of the bed and held both her hands.

      ‘Don’t take any notice of me, I’m just feeling sorry for myself,’ she said.

      ‘I’ll make it up to you later, as soon as I get Victoria to bed. You’ll forget all about your foot, I promise.’

      ‘And I promise to make you forget everything.’ She touched the front of his trousers.

      ‘I wish,’ he said, and kissed her full on the mouth, his hand seeking her breast and gently tweaking her nipple between thumb and forefinger.

      Christina was immediately aroused and wrapped her arms around his neck.

      ‘Daddy, Daddy, the Monopoly’s all set up. Do you want a cup of cocoa or a brandy?’

      ‘I’d better go.’ Stephen lifted his head and Christina nodded, letting her arms fall by her sides.

      ‘See you later,’ he said as he left the room.

      ‘I may be asleep.’

      ‘Don’t worry, I’ll wake you up!’

      She undressed slowly and hopped into the bathroom where she brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and doused herself in perfume. Not wearing her customary bedshirt or pyjamas, she limped across the room and, holding onto one of the bedposts, hoisted herself into bed.

      She lay awake for a long time anticipating Stephen’s lovemaking, and eventually fell asleep, trusting he would wake her up.

      Raindrops pattering