do not know their sitters or those giving survival evidence. This is because there is no possibility of the medium’s subconscious blocking the conversation.
I have been fascinated by the mind from the moment I began experimenting with remote viewing more than thirty years ago. The more I learn, the less I seem to know. There is no beginning and no end. The mind is a phenomenon in itself.
The one sure thing that I have been able to establish is that the part of the brain which governs memory, like all its other functions, only exists because of its interaction with the mind. Our permanent and indestructible memory storage system is in the mind, proven by the fact that a large part of the brain can be destroyed and yet the personality and memory remain. Even when the brain has died, the mind lives on, communicating and achieving our destiny in another dimension.
WHILST READING THE Daily Mail one morning in January 1998, my eye was drawn to a small photograph of a man. The few words underneath told me that the photograph was of Alan Hudson, an ex-footballer. Apparently he had been left severely injured and in a coma after a car had knocked him down having mounted the pavement where he had been walking. Just then, a very strong male voice said to me, ‘Please help me.’ Then he said, ‘I want you to contact my wife and tell her not to give up on me, that I’m still here.’ He then went on to give me intimate details of his private life.
I must admit I had to smile as I wondered, ‘Where do I go from here?’ I had never even heard of Alan Hudson, although he was obviously well known in the football world.
Then my friend Kevin Keegan came to mind. Perhaps he could point me in the right direction? As I have been friends with Kevin’s family for some time, especially with his wife Jean, he did not seem too fazed by what I had to say and he promised to help.
For those of you, like me, who know nothing about football, Alan Hudson had a long and distinguished playing career with Chelsea, Stoke City, Arsenal and the Seattle Sounders in the USA. He was capped for England at both Under 23 and Senior level and won many honours in the game, including FA Cup and European Cup Winners Cup medals. Since retiring as a player he has been involved in coaching and journalism.
Later the same day, I was able to have a conversation with David Connolly, a friend of Alan Hudson. He told me he had always been a sceptic where psychic matters were concerned, but that he was conscious that something very extraordinary was taking place, especially once I was able to pass on to him private information that Alan had given me about his family.
David and I talked for some time, and I was able to help him with some problems of his own, which made it easier for him to pass on Alan’s messages to his wife, Anne. I was also able to tell him that Alan had told me that Bobby Moore had met him and was helping him. (After Bobby Keetch, what more confirmation does one need to establish that Bobby Moore is still around!)
I was naturally concerned about whether the messages I had received from Alan would be welcome to Anne, as one never really knows how such communications will be received by the family. After all, they did not know me, and although they could check me out through my books, they might want to dismiss the whole thing as a fantasy. Who could blame them? The evidence Anne was going to receive from David was very specific. All that mattered was that she could accept that it was correct.
The following day I received a call from David who told me that although Anne had been shocked, to say the least, she had confirmed everything that Alan had said about his family. She asked David to tell me that she would be contacting me.
From that time on, David rang every day, and I would pass on messages to Anne from Alan. He was extremely positive, and was constantly reassuring us of his eventual recovery. I was also able to tell David that Alan’s dead father was in the spirit dimension, helping him.
Anne’s story
My introduction to Betty Shine came within a week of Alan’s accident, whilst I was sitting by his bedside in the Intensive Care Unit. Our friend David phoned me and said that he had something to tell me. He seemed a little unsure as to whether he should pass on this information, as the messages were from a medium, but I encouraged him to tell me the whole story.
Apparently Betty Shine had been contacted by Alan after she had seen a photograph of him in the Daily Mail. He had asked her to contact me with the message that he was going to recover, despite his terrible injuries. In fact, he was giving us his own diagnosis. This seemed incredible, as his injuries were so bad that the medical team looking after him had said that he was unlikely to pull through, and he was in a coma. Although I had always been very sceptical about such matters, I listened to everything David had to say, as Betty appeared to be extremely accurate, even when detailing the very delicate issues of his injuries.
For four months I was able to give Anne information about her husband’s injuries and about how they were progressing. I had to explain, because this information was so detailed, that I had a superb team of spirit doctors who were helping me. After all, this was all very new to her. At one point, I was able to alleviate Anne’s worst fears by telling her that the swelling in Alan’s brain had reduced, which was later confirmed by the medical team.
There were other strange things happening in Alan’s family at this time. When his sister Julie was told about his accident she became desperately upset, screaming for her father. As she did so, a gold cross appeared on the wall behind her. It stayed for two days, and was seen by five other people. I believe that when she screamed for her dead father, who was helping Alan, he activated this symbol to give his daughter peace of mind. Julie told Anne that the cross had no shadow – this is quite normal with such phenomena. Spirits do not have shadows either, they are the shadows!
Some time later, Julie re-decorated the room, but the incredible energy impact needed to form the cross in the first place had left an indelible mark. The cross remains on the wall.
The role that David took on as the middle-man, passing messages from Alan and myself to Anne, was truly the act of a loyal and loving friend. He kept a diary, and it was only when reading his transcript that I realised just how awful those dark months of December and January had been for Alan’s wife, family and friends. Eventually, however, Alan came out of his coma and began the long journey of recovery.
Whilst speaking to David on the phone one day, Alan’s paternal grandfather appeared to me and told me that he was helping Alan. I could see him so clearly that I was able to give David a detailed description of him. When this was passed on to Alan he was surprised, because he had never really had much contact with his paternal grandfather. So you see, when people are in trouble, everyone will gather round to help.
David and Anne have since visited me at my home, and we have all become close friends. I have spoken to Alan over the phone and am very excited about his recovery, although he obviously still has a lot of work to do to get back to a hundred per cent. But the fact that he started working again from his hospital bed gives one an insight into the power and personality which enabled him to contact me in the first place.
While he was still in hospital, I told Anne, via David, that one of the medical staff would, when Alan recovered, turn around and say, ‘This is nothing short of a miracle.’ As time passed, doctors and nurses alike would make remarks about his ‘incredible recovery’, but Anne told me that she wanted to hear the exact words that I had given her. One day, as the sister was about to leave the room after speaking with Anne for some time, she reached the door, hesitated, then turned around and said, ‘This is nothing short of a miracle.’ These words convinced Anne that a ‘miracle’ had taken place, because every word I had passed on to her, even about family matters which at that time had not yet taken place, had come true. The following passage is a continuation of Anne’s story:
There were many times over the next few months