Charlotte Mosley

The Mitfords: Letters between Six Sisters

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to go back to her Kinder [children]. The Doktor was there and the food, conversation and whole set-up was so exactly like last year that I kept thinking it was last year. Magda wanted to play Animal Vegetable or Mineral, and when we chose something for her to guess she always complained either that it was, ‘Wirklich zu dumm, viel zu leicht’1 etc. Or if she couldn’t guess it, it was ‘a frightfully unfair one’. When it was one of our turns she kept saying, ‘Aber Sie müssen nur logisch denken, ich hätte das in zwei minuten gefunden’.2

      It was pure heaven. Then we played Analogies which I taught them. Magda got the hang of it in a moment, and we had a heavenly time doing Helldorf, Frau Funk, Frau Hoffmann and so on. Then the Doktor joined us and we, or rather he, did the Führer for Kukuli. Here is what he said (we all helped and this was the result)

Animal: Pure-bred Arab stallion
Colour: Feuerrot3
Drink: Ein schwerer Wein4
Flower: Madonna lily*
Style: Michaelangelo – Renaissance*
Landschaft:5 Top of the Alps
Weather: A hot storm*
Frau: Eine grosse schöne blonde Frau6

      There is the most heavenly picture of the Führer at the 1929 Parteitag, laughing and throwing flowers at the SA as they march vorbei [past]. Oh how I wished we had been there, it makes me cry with rage to think we were alive and yet missing everything.

      MASSES of love, do write again, Nardy


      Darling Nard,

      May I come to Wootton for a few days when I get to England?

      Best love, & to the boys, Heil Hitler, Bobo


      Unity on the cover of a news magazine, November 1937. Hardly a week went by during the 1930s without one of the sisters making headlines.


      Darling Cord

      Thank you so much for the delicious cheque for £5, I was pleased to get it, & it arrived on my birthday, too.

      Thank you again for the lovely birthday gift.

      Love from Decca


      Dearest Crackinjay