Maya Banks

Unforgettable: Enticed by His Forgotten Lover / Wanted by Her Lost Love

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and drew in steadying breaths. She could still see the flash of the blade as it slashed out at her. A shiver stole up her spine and attacked her shoulders until she trembled with almost violent force.

      “I don’t even know your name,” she said faintly.

      He looked at her with worried eyes as if he thought his name was the last thing that should be on her mind.

      “Ramon. I’m Mr. de Luca’s head of security.”

      “I’m Bryony,” she said, before realizing he already knew her name. He’d called her Miss Morgan earlier.

      “We’re almost there, Bryony,” he said in a steady, reassuring voice.

      Was she about to melt down on him? Was that why he was staring at her with such concern and speaking to her as if he was trying to talk her down from the ledge?

      She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. He followed with the ice pack and soon it was smushed up against her face again.

      A few seconds later, the car ground to a halt and the door immediately opened. She opened her eyes as Ramon removed the ice pack and hurriedly got out of the car. He reached back to help her out and they were met by an E.R. tech pushing a wheelchair.

      Astonished by the quickness in which they got her back to an exam room, she stared with an open mouth as she was laid on one of the beds by two nurses and they immediately began an assessment of her condition.

      Ramon hung by her bedside, watching the medical staff’s every move. As if sensing Bryony’s bewilderment, Ramon leaned down and murmured, “Mr. de Luca is a frequent contributor to this hospital. He called ahead to let them know you’d be arriving.”

      Well, that certainly made more sense.

      “The on-call obstetrician will be in to see you shortly,” one of the nurses said. “He’ll want to make sure all is well with the baby.”

      Bryony nodded and murmured her thanks.

      The nurse went over a series of questions as she did her assessment. Bryony was a little embarrassed over all the fuss. Near as she could tell, all she’d suffered was a black eye and a bruised behind. But she wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to make sure all was well with her baby.

      She’d leaned back to close her eyes when the door flew open and Rafael strode in, his expression dark and his gaze immediately seeking out Bryony.

      He hurried to her bedside and took her hand in his. “Are you all right?” he demanded. “Are you hurt? Are you in any pain?” He took a breath and dragged a hand through his hair in agitation. “The…baby?”

      Before she could respond, his gaze settled on her face and his eyes darkened with fury. He tentatively touched her cheek and then he turned to Ramon, his jaw clenched.

      “What happened?”

      “I’m fine,” Bryony said in answer to the barrage of questions. But Rafael was no longer concentrating his efforts on her. He was interrogating his head of security.


      When he still didn’t stop his tirade of questions, she tugged at his hand until finally he turned back to her.

      “I’m okay. Really. Ramon showed up just in time. He took good care of me.”

      “I should not have let you leave my office,” Rafael gritted out. “You were upset and in no condition to be out on the streets. I’d thought Ramon would give you a ride home.”

      She shrugged. “I walked. He didn’t catch up with me until after….”

      Rafael looked hastily around and then dragged a chair to her bedside. He perched on the edge and stared intently at her.

      “Has the doctor been in yet? What has he said about the baby? Are you hurt anywhere else? Did the bastard hit you?”

      She shook her head at the flurry of questions and blinked at the fierceness in his voice and expression. This wasn’t a side of Rafael she’d ever seen before.

      “The nurse said the on-call obstetrician would be in to see me shortly and that he would conduct an assessment to make sure all was well with the baby. And no, I’m not hurt anywhere else.”

      She raised her hand to her eye and winced when she pushed in on the already swelling area.

      Rafael captured her hand and pulled it away from her eye.

      “It’s unacceptable for you to be walking the streets of New York City alone. I don’t even like you staying in that hotel alone.”

      She smiled in amusement. “But it’s your hotel, Rafael. Are you suggesting it isn’t safe?”

      “I’d prefer you were with me, where I know you are safe,” he said through gritted teeth.

      Her brows came together as she studied him. “What are you saying?”

      “Look, we were going to be leaving together for Moon Island in a few days anyway. It’s only reasonable that you’d stay with me until we depart. It will give us additional time to…reacquaint ourselves with one another.”

      She stared hard into his eyes, looking for…She wasn’t sure what she was looking for. What she saw, however, was burning determination and outrage that she’d been harmed.

      He may not remember her, but his protective instincts had been riled, and whether he fully accepted that she carried his child, he was certainly concerned about both mother and baby.

      Wasn’t that a start?

      “All right,” she said softly. “I’ll stay with you until we leave for the island.”

      Chapter 5

      Rafael would have carried her into his penthouse if she’d allowed it. As it was he argued fiercely until she rolled her eyes and informed him that she was perfectly okay and that no one got carried around because of a black eye.

      The reminder of her black eye just infuriated Rafael all the more. She was a tiny woman and the idea that some street thug had manhandled her—a pregnant woman—made his jaw clench. Even though the doctor had assured him that all was well with her pregnancy.

      He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He was in new territory for sure. Bryony was the first woman he’d ever brought up to his penthouse and it felt as though his territory had been invaded.

      “Would you like me to order in dinner?” he asked when he’d settled her on the couch. Surely it wasn’t a good idea for her to go out and it was late.

      “I’d like that, thanks,” she said as she leaned her head back against the sofa.

      He frowned when he saw the fatigue etched on her face. “You must be tired.”

      Her lips twisted ruefully and she nodded. “It’s been an eventful couple of days.”

      Guilt crept up his nape until he was compelled to rub the back of his neck. He hadn’t made things easier for her. She’d traveled a long way and then…Then things had gone all to hell.

      He stood, irritated with himself. Why should he feel guilty about anything? He couldn’t remember. God knew he’d tried. He went to bed frustrated every single night, hoping when he woke the next morning that everything would be restored and he could stop wondering about the holes. Stop wondering if he’d done something ridiculous like seduce and fall in love with a woman in the space of a few weeks.

      It sounded so incredible that he couldn’t wrap his head around it.

      No, he shouldn’t feel guilty. None of this had been his fault.

      Except for the fact that he’d upset her and caused her to flee his office and she’d wound up being mugged as a result.

      He studied her from across the room