Susan Stephens

Susan Stephens Selection: The French Count's Mistress / The Spaniard's Revenge / Virgin for Sale / Bedded by the Desert King

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when Professor Gilman slipped in a few more discreet enquiries regarding her future plans and she fielded them with the same aplomb that had always left her with a sense of satisfaction in the past. The reason for that was Guy, she thought. He had always been a tower of strength, not just to her but to his family and everyone connected with him. Tonight he had revealed his most private wounds to her and they went deeper than she could ever have imagined. Without careful nursing they might never heal.


      ‘YOU must be rather pleased with yourself,’ Guy observed as they waved off the Professor’s taxi. ‘Dodging Professor Gilman’s question about what you intend to do here,’ he clarified as he cupped her elbow to guide her up the steps.

      Whatever her thoughts on his state of mind, this was not the time for truth games, Kate decided. Not while there was still a chance of a meeting with his mother. A bad atmosphere between them would make such a meeting impossible. ‘No dodging about it,’ she said, fighting to keep her mind on track while her senses were flaming at his touch. ‘Good business practice, that’s all. I don’t expect you to tell me about your confidential dealings and until I’m ready to go public you’ll just have to put up with the little you know.’

      ‘Which is nothing,’ Guy pointed out in a low drawl that strummed a quivering chord of pure sensation up and down her spine.

      Kate watched as suspicion honed his keen grey gaze into a laser beam trained on her face. ‘That must make quite a change for you, Guy,’ she said, as uncertainty made her revert to the light banter that had always brought her close to him in the past. She wasn’t expecting to be swung around quite so forcibly.

      ‘Ca suffit maintenant! This is no joking matter, Kate,’ he said tersely. ‘I am through playing games. Those covenants stand. I forbid you to operate a business on my land.’

      ‘You forbid?’

      ‘You heard me,’ he said firmly. ‘I have already conceded the point of you retaining La Petite Maison for your own use, but I will not be pushed into agreeing to some wild scheme…’

      ‘Wild scheme?’ Kate said angrily as she attempted to shake herself free. ‘I lay all my business plans with great care, or have you forgotten the success I’ve had already with Freedom Holidays?’

      ‘I confess I’d forgotten what it feels like to run up against you,’ Guy admitted as he tightened his grip.

      Kate shivered as she noticed something very dark and dangerous brewing in his eyes.

      ‘Oh, pour l’amour de Dieu, Kate! Do your worst,’ he grated, holding her so close now her lips tingled in response. ‘I’m ready for you.’

      ‘Oh, really?’ she challenged.

      ‘Really. And you will do what I say,’ he added with the force of inborn authority.

      She should have moved then—moved as soon as she saw the expression in his eyes warning her that he was brutally aroused—and not just by the conflict between them. She knew she should struggle, but his hands were too skilful and knew her too well. Their touch was so light and seductive and she had waited so long. Holding her locked in the arrogance of his heated gaze, Guy began to feather touches across her shoulders and down her arms. He had no need to do more. She came to him willingly, eagerly, surprising them both with the force of her desire.

      ‘No,’ he murmured sternly, holding her away from him. ‘Not here and not now.’ And, easing her arms away from his neck, he took her by the hand and led her out into the garden again. Fountains were playing a soothing tune in hidden courtyards and the scent of lavender hung heavily in the air as he took her through an iron gate that led into a large cobbled yard in the gardeners’ kingdom. He kept her close by his side as he took her down a flight of steep stone steps and Kate was forced to cling to his hand as she peered into the gloom, wondering where he was taking her. Their footsteps echoed eerily in the still black night and when they reached the bottom she couldn’t resist an anxious glance back up to the top.

      ‘Having second thoughts?’ Guy suggested dryly.

      ‘Certainly not.’ But she was shivering now and not from the cold, for the air was heavy and warm, but from a heady mix of uncertainty, expectation and desire.

      Guy’s firm lips curved in a hard smile. ‘Well, if you’re quite sure…’ He pushed open a heavy oak door to reveal a brilliantly lit, château-sized potting shed with a stone floor where row upon row of new young plants on tiered platforms awaited transfer to the flower beds outside. He heard her gasp and turned around. ‘Not quite what you expected?’ he murmured.

      It certainly wasn’t. With one of the most beautiful homes in Europe at his disposal it was an odd place for a romantic tryst—if that was what he intended. ‘Are you sure you haven’t brought me down here to lock me in and throw away the key?’

      ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ he admitted throwing her a look. ‘Don’t tempt me.’

      As he started to walk away from her Kate couldn’t stop herself blurting out, ‘Don’t leave me.’

      ‘I won’t be long,’ Guy promised. ‘Stay there. You’re not scared, are you, Kate?’ he suggested with a wry twist of his wickedly beautiful mouth.

      ‘Of course not.’ She had all the same symptoms, though, Kate realised, staring back at him defiantly. Her heart was racing; her lungs were pumping.

      ‘If you will just excuse me for a few moments,’ he drawled, sketching a mock bow.

      Hugging herself for comfort, Kate gazed around. The rows of plants seemed to stretch to infinity, but there were no dark corners so there was absolutely no need for her to be nervous, she told herself firmly as she hummed a tuneless little song. But as the minutes ticked by she thought more than once about tearing back up the stairs and out into the open air again.

      ‘Thank you for waiting.’

      She whirled around at the sound of Guy’s voice, then uttered a short cry. ‘Comtesse de Villeneuve!’ Kate sped across to Guy’s side where his mother stood leaning on her son’s arm, but her attempt at a formal greeting was brushed aside as the Countess drew her into a warm embrace.

      ‘Thank you so much for coming to the château, Kate, chérie. After the accident—’ The Countess broke off and made a small gesture with one hand as if to signal her inability to discuss the tragedy. ‘I only ever leave my room now to come down and see my plants,’ she explained in a voice husky with emotion. ‘Guy thought I might be on my way down. It’s my usual time.’

      ‘But you can’t remain isolated like that,’ Kate declared impulsively. ‘You must come to the cottage and visit me.’ She took the old lady’s free hand in a firm grip and squeezed it encouragingly.

      ‘I never leave the château,’ the Countess explained apologetically, shaking her head. ‘I don’t feel safe—not since the accident.’

      ‘You’ll feel safe with me,’ Kate promised fervently.

      ‘We’ll see,’ the Countess said wistfully. ‘Will you take me back now, Guy? Come with us, Kate. Guy will take you home when he has seen me to my room.’

      On impulse, Kate lifted the Countess’s hand to her lips. ‘I’ve missed you,’ she said shyly.

      The Countess stroked her hand down Kate’s hair as she studied her face with a still clear gaze. ‘And I’ve missed you, my dear Kate. More than you know.’

      ‘You look as if you’ve lost a penny and found a pound,’ Megan exclaimed as they clashed pots together in the sink the next morning.

      Kate touched her hands to her cheeks, remembering her visit with the Countess that had more than made up for her lapse of control with Guy. Fortunately, with his mother uppermost in both their minds, she had been