Susanna Carr

The Bridesmaid's Best Man

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party,” Angie reminded her.

      “Careful,” Cole muttered.

      “Shouldn’t you postpone the wedding? Maybe downsize it?” she said hopefully.

      Brittany took a step closer. “I’m already down one bridesmaid.”

      Angie frowned and her mouth was set in a straight line. “But...”

      “Angie—” Brittany’s voice dropped “—I have planned my wedding for years. I have waited for this day. Nothing and no one is going to get in my way.”

      Cole didn’t like the threat he heard in Brittany’s voice. He grasped Angie’s forearm, reminding her that he was there as backup. He was tempted to pull her behind him and wedge himself between Angie and Brittany.

      Angie went rigid. He sensed her struggle, but after a tense moment, Angie nodded and smiled. “Got it.”

      “Good.” Brittany glared at Angie before she swiveled on her impractical heels and stalked off. “Be at Starbucks by four.”

      Cole watched the bride-to-be leave. Every step pulsed with hostility. “What would happen if you didn’t show?” he asked Angie. “Would you get kicked out of the bridal party?”

      “Oh, if only,” she said as she pulled from his grasp.

      Cole studied Angie. “You’re really not enjoying this wedding.”

      “I have to deal with that,” she said, gesturing at Brittany, “and I have spent way too much money on the dress. Brittany also expects us to attend all these events. I’ve been to six wedding showers. Six! I don’t think I can take much more.”

      “You can’t miss anything?” An idea started to form.

      “Not one! Which is why I had to take off work for the next week.” She stopped and took a long, deep breath then released it. “I shouldn’t complain. This is Patrick’s wedding and I’m glad he wants me to be part of it.”

      “But?” he asked as they walked to the exit.

      “This wedding is a train wreck and nothing is going to stop it.”

      “Do you want it to stop?” Was she worried about her friend? Did she feel the need to take matters into her own hands? No, he discarded that idea immediately. That was not Angie’s idea of friendship.

      “I would never sabotage a wedding— Wait.” She whirled around and looked at him. Her eyes narrowed as she considered the meaning behind his question. “Do you think I tried?”

      “No.” He’d always admired Angie’s loyalty to her friends and family. She tried to be supportive even if she didn’t understand their choices.

      “Because there has been one setback after the next now that I think about it. So many...but I’ve been helping to fix the problems. Patrick wants Brittany to have the perfect wedding and I’m doing everything I can.”

      Cole raised his hands in surrender. “I believe you.”

      She pointed her finger at him. “And if you think I had something to do with Heidi’s accident—”

      “Whoa! It never crossed my mind. I’m your alibi, remember?”

      Angie poked at his chest. “I want to get this wedding over and done with. That’s all.”

      “That’s not surprising since you have to go to every event.” He needed that kind of access if he was going to find out more about Heidi and her accident.

      “Weddings used to be so simple,” Angie said as she continued walking. “When I get married, it’s going to be on a beach with a few friends and a minister. Shoes optional.”

      Cole felt the weight of regret settle in his chest when he heard those words. When she got married. Did she have someone in mind or was this in theory? All he knew was that he wasn’t part of those plans.

      Angie dipped her head as if she were embarrassed for mentioning her ideal wedding to an ex. “I should get going,” she said, awkwardly motioning at the door. “I hope your undercover work goes well.”

      “Thanks,” he said gruffly. “You need a ride?”

      “No, I’m on the party bus,” she said as she moved backward. Her steps were slow, as if she wanted to say something more.

      “Angie?” Cole hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he should do this. If he should say anything. If he had any other option, he wouldn’t pursue this.

      She kept walking backward. “Yeah?”

      He shifted from one foot to the other. This was probably a bad idea. “I know we didn’t end well and I’m really sorry about that, but...”

      She stopped walking. “Yeah?”

      “I need to get into the wedding.” He said the words in a rush. “Are you going with anyone?”


      “THE NERVE OF that man,” Angie muttered to herself. “Did he think I would jump at the chance to take him?” He most likely did. She had never denied him anything in the past.

      Angie blew out a puff of air as she ran around the empty high school track. It was a cold and damp morning. The evergreen trees, spindly and clustered together, did nothing to stop the breeze as the sun weakly shone through the haze of clouds. She splashed through the puddles from last night’s rain and kept moving.

      Most people would be reluctant to get out of bed on this kind of day. She had wanted to toss the covers over her head and act like last night didn’t happen. Push away the memory of Heidi injured and unconscious. Forget about Brittany and her demands. Erase Cole completely out of her mind.

      Seeing Cole Foster last night had left her unsettled. Every time she tried to sleep, her fragmented dreams were about him, bare-chested and wearing leather pants. Only this time, she boldly touched his muscular body. In her dreams, she encouraged him for more. She wasn’t afraid to take charge.

      Angie clenched her teeth and pumped her arms and legs harder. What was it about that man? When she had been with him, she’d felt like she could ask for anything. Try everything. But she had gone too far. Deep down, she must have known. She had held back from exploring her fantasies until she felt secure in the relationship. But it didn’t matter how long she waited. He still ran.

      She thought he was different from the other guys. She heard enough boasting to know the men in her world liked their women clingy and submissive. She couldn’t be like that. She was forthright and a little impatient, but she was never aggressive in bed until she was with Cole. She didn’t ask for anything she wouldn’t give to him.

      But apparently he didn’t like a strong and powerful woman in bed. A woman who made it very clear how much she wanted him and what she wanted from him. She had felt safe but excited. She trusted he wouldn’t judge her, wouldn’t think less of her. When she had looked into his eyes, she felt like a goddess. But she had been wrong. She had mistaken adoration with intimidation. She had scared him off.

      She had learned her lesson. Next time, she would allow the man to take the lead. From now on she would keep her fantasies to herself.

      If she wanted to feel strong and powerful, she’d focus on other parts of her life. Like her job and on the track. There she would be encouraged to push herself to the limits. There she could shine.

      Angie rounded the bend and saw someone standing at the gate that led to the parking lot. Her steps faltered when she recognized the car parked next to hers. Her heart kicked against her ribs when she saw that it was Cole waiting for her.

      Why was this happening? Angie’s chest tightened at the sight of him. She hadn’t seen him for a year and thought he had moved out of Seattle. They had never crossed paths since he returned. Now she’d seen him twice in two days. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to deal with him again.