Carly Phillips

Secret Fantasy

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a problem. Doug had had plenty of experience charming women to get what he needed.

      “Where are you from?” Juliette asked.

      The warmth and depth in her tone took him by surprise. He’d expected her voice to be more cultured and aloof, less gentle and kind. He suspected her personality would be soft to match. None of which boded well for Doug. Keeping an emotional distance would have been easier if she’d been like the icy politician’s wives and the women in his past he’d grown used to dealing with.

      “I’m from Michigan,” he told her. Which he was, technically. Detroit born and raised until he was three months old. Then his father had split and his mother had moved them to Chicago.

      But he couldn’t place himself in Chicago because she might become wary and back off. Nor could he give her details like a last name in case she recognized him from his articles in the Tribune. So he’d skirt the outer boundaries of truth as best he could. The more honest he was, less chance of slipping up. The less of that damned guilt he hoped to feel.

      She nodded. “I’m a Chicago native myself.”

      They strode down a set of wooden stairs and found themselves on soft white sand, facing the ocean. “This is unreal.” She gestured toward the expanse of blue in front of them.

      He turned toward her, took in her revealing swimsuit, a navy two-piece number that exposed generous cleavage, a flat stomach and incredibly long legs. He would have swallowed but his mouth had grown dry. “Yes, it is.”

      A warm blush burned her cheeks and Doug realized he’d made a mistake. Too forward, too soon.

      He needed information, not sex. Well, hell. He shook his head. He was a man, wasn’t he? If he was honest with himself he needed sex, too. But no matter how tempting he found her, how appealing, sex wasn’t on his agenda. He was here to make her fantasy come true—to romance her and make her feel cherished while getting close enough for her to trust and confide in him about her ex-fiancé. Though her effect on him was powerful and strong, sex would be taking things between them too far, using her unfairly for selfish gains. He couldn’t go that route again.

      The notion surprised him. The Doug Houston he knew would go as far as he had to in order to get a story. Why should Juliette make things any different?

      Because she was different. He didn’t know why, but Juliette and her charming naïveté gave him a glimpse into himself and his less than stellar past. A past he’d be smart to learn from. Not only had he caused Erin immense pain by leading her on, but her vengeance was something he’d never forget. It was the reason he was on this damn island to begin with. But looking back, Doug couldn’t wholly blame Erin. She’d had no reason to suspect he didn’t want forever, if only because he’d never revealed himself. He’d slept with her because he’d been interested, stayed, he realized now, because she’d become convenient, both personally and professionally. But he hadn’t loved her.

      He glanced at his companion. Juliette Stanton was too beautiful, too much. Doug had a hunch if he got involved that way, he’d be the one on the receiving end of the kick in the stomach this time. Something he had no intention of experiencing.

      He helped Juliette set up a chair and laid a towel across the slatted plastic straps. “Can I get you a drink?”

      She shook her head. “I think I’ll just take in the beauty surrounding me.”

      His gaze dipped from her flushed cheeks to the cleavage pushed upward by the sexy bathing suit. White mounds of flesh rose enticingly above the navy material. “I’d love to do the same.” But he tamped down the urge to settle in beside her.

      He’d made an impression. Enough for her first day. Hell, enough for his.

      “Merrilee mentioned there’s a beach party tonight.”

      At the sound of Juliette’s excited voice, he turned. “Please don’t tell me you’re entering the wet T-shirt contest.” His heart couldn’t stand the strain.

      “I think that would have the men begging Merrilee for a refund.” A grin lifted the corners of her mouth but more than a hint of seriousness filled her gaze.

      He shook his head and refrained from glancing downward, to where her full breasts nearly spilled over the triangular covering of her bathing suit. “I think you’re underestimating your impact on the opposite sex.”

      “Oh, I think I’m pretty well aware of my impact on men.” Her eyelashes fluttered closed, blocking her feelings and locking them away where he couldn’t reach or see.

      Doug eased himself onto the edge of the chair and sat beside her. “I’m not sure you do.” He’d figured her run from the altar was painful, but her complete shutdown now gave him the distinct impression she’d seen or heard something from Stuart Barnes that left her doubting her allure.

      Something that would bring her to this island in quest of a fantasy. He remembered everything in her file, but one thing most of all. She wanted to feel desirable. And he wanted to make her feel that way. He wanted to erase the doubt and shadows from her eyes and, for the first time in his jaded life, his motives weren’t purely selfish.

      He splayed one hand over her thigh, covering her flesh with his palm. “Why do I think you’re being influenced by someone else’s views?”

      “Because you’ve been in the sun too long?” Wide, green eyes met his, genuine laughter in her voice.

      Her playful side was back but he wasn’t through with his mission. “I haven’t been in the sun long enough to be delirious. On the other hand, I’ve been around you long enough to know how you affect me.” His thumb brushed against her soft skin.

      She sucked in a deep breath. “It’s hot out here.”

      “Yeah, it is.” And if he didn’t move his hand, they’d both be getting hotter.

      “I, uh, think you made your point.” Her tongue darted out to coat her lips with moisture and he stifled a groan.

      “I’m glad. Because I don’t know you well but I can assure you, you’d affect any normal, living breathing guy.”

      She grinned. “That’s good to hear. And as for not knowing me, we can remedy that.” She shook her head, obviously embarrassed, causing long reddish-brown curls to cascade over one shoulder and settle above her breast.

      “Are you inviting me?” he asked.

      She blushed as she nodded. “I believe I am. To the beach party and to get to know me better.” She averted her gaze. “Unless I’m being presumptuous.”

      That telling comment cemented his earlier hunch. Her provocative overtures didn’t come easily. He realized how badly her pride and confidence had been battered. Although she’d walked out on the groom, she’d just reinforced his gut feeling that her hand had been forced and she’d taken an emotional beating in the process.

      Moving his hand from the warmth of her thigh, he lifted her hand and enclosed it in his. “Well, Juliette, I most certainly do want your company tonight and I gratefully accept your invitation.” He treated her to a slow, provocative grin meant to tease and tantalize. To draw her into the same vortex of interest and anticipation swirling inside him. To make her feel desired.

      “Thank you.” Her pink tongue darted across her lower lip once more, an intriguing combination of sensuality and innocence. Her forced daring was admirable, her hesitancy charming.

      “Should I pick you up or meet you there?”

      She curled her knees upward. “I have some things to take care of first. I’ll meet you there, okay?”

      He nodded. Walking away was more difficult than it should have been since he’d be seeing her again in a few hours. He’d never expected conservative Juliette Stanton to make the first move, especially after her initial withdrawal, but he couldn’t deny she’d put him a step closer to his goal.

      She’d given him entry